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Having a hard time shelling out the money for $TOG$!

Honey Bee

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I have a half-sized zipper binder (5 1/2 X 8) that contains printed booklists from Ambleside, 1000 Good Books, 100 Great Books, and All Through the Ages (updated ebook version for $19.95.) I also include pages with my own additions. I used my brother duplex printer set to booklet format.







All Through the Ages lists books in chronological order from Beautiful Feet, Robinson Curriculum, Landmark History, Lamplighter, Sonlight, Veritas, Etc. I have loved this book to the point of memorization. Christine Miller, the author of All Through the Ages, also compiled the 1000 Good Books and 100 Great Books: classics arranged age appropriately.


I carry one colored pencil per child in the binder. I mark a little dot, in the child's particular color, next to each book he or she has read. I also mark the read alouds we have completed.


This system is designed to go with me wherever...library books sales are the best.



Edited by LivingHope
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It's probably unnecessary to point out but obviously I:001_wub: TOG. I found TOG before I found TWTM and it "had me at hello". I do sometimes feel leary of moms with littles using TOG. TOG is geared for older kids. I've already done this but take a peak through Year 1 and think about how many weeks there is NO literature or NO history scheduled. Why? Because it is geared to the Rhetoric student. Is it only for olders? Of course not, but let's not be misleading here. Many moms will not be happy with TOG with only youngers. I think that is very disappointing when I look at the richness that is to come and what they may miss out on.


Also, I have a sad story to tell. I just asked my dc about last year's history. Considering the time, money, and planning that was spent they remember very little.:tongue_smilie:I don't mind, we had fun. I am just not sure that most moms "wouldn't mind". So Katrina, others, don't be afraid to voice why you don't choose to use TOG even though (obviously) you haven't seen it if you made that choice. We need all points of view on this board or what is the point?


Tracy, I don't think anyone here said that opinions should not be voiced by either side. However, especially when we are new homeschoolers (myself included) we need to remember that we are posting our opinion based on our family situation and dynamics. Making recommendations from this small point of reference in my opinion is risky business. I would not want to have someone that decided to go with a program simply because of my words or recommendations on my conscience. If it does not work for them because their family situation is different than mine, they will very likely put down the program. So at the end of the day the program is being bad mouthed simply because I decided to tell people that this should or shouldn't work for them. Not something I am prepared to take on :).


As for TOG in Year 1, yes there are weeks where there is no history or literature scheduled. Those are the weeks focused on Bible readings. Don't we read to our kids Bible stories from very young? While the TOG authors offer a Bible recommendation they repeat over and over to use the Bible of your choice. The focus in the early years is on the people of the Bible and that is what my focus has been on. Will Adrian remember everything he has learned? Most certainly not, but one of the things that Sonlight says that I am a firm believer of is that at this age we are setting a foundation. When the child comes around to all this at a later age, he may not remember everything that was taught but he may for example remember the names of the people involved. Just one or two things that may be familiar will spark more interest in research and finding out why he/ she does remember this name. So for me, TOG is ideal for the young age student, just not everyone's ;).

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I have a half-sized zipper binder (5 1/2 X 8) that contains printed booklists from Ambleside, 1000 Good Books, 100 Great Books, and All Through the Ages (updated ebook version for $19.95.) I also include pages with my own additions. I used my brother duplex printer set to booklet format.







All Through the Ages lists books in chronological order from Beautiful Feet, Robinson Curriculum, Landmark History, Lamplighter, Sonlight, Veritas, Etc. I have loved this book to the point of memorization. Christine Miller, the author of All Through the Ages, also compiled the 1000 Good Books and 100 Great Books: classics arranged age appropriately.


I carry one colored pencil per child in the binder. I mark a little dot, in the child's particular color, next to each book he or she has read. I also mark the read alouds we have completed.


This system is designed to go with me wherever...library books sales are the best.





What a GREAT idea!!! Thanks for sharing that.

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Hi Melissa,


Your plan sounds GREAT! Keep the joy going. :001_smile:


(I have to dash out and I just saw this thread so I can't take the time to write much.)


I just wanted to chime in and say that you have TONS of time to read the "great books." TONS! I didn't start until my oldest was MUCH older than yours, and it's all worked out very well.


Don't stress. Follow peace. You have chosen good, solid programs. SOLID! I doubt you will miss a thing next year. And you won't have the financial stress - that counts for a LOT!





Enjoy your little people

Enjoy your journey


P.S. If you start to second guess your decision, may I make a suggestion? Instead of researching MORE curriculum, just go to the library, chose a great book from among the stacks, and start reading it. If you find yourself scratching your head just google the title with the words "study guide." You can learn a TON for free these days. A TON! If it really makes NO sense, just go get another one. All for free. The key to self-education is to get away from curriculum planning and start reading. Just do it! :001_smile:


Psst. It's much more satisfying than hunting down the "perfect" curriculum - an elusive monster. ;)

Edited by Janice in NJ
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It's probably unnecessary to point out but obviously I:001_wub: TOG. I found TOG before I found TWTM and it "had me at hello". I do sometimes feel leary of moms with littles using TOG. TOG is geared for older kids. I've already done this but take a peak through Year 1 and think about how many weeks there is NO literature or NO history scheduled for lower grammar. Why? Because it is geared to the Rhetoric student. Is it only for olders? Of course not, but let's not be misleading here. Many moms will not be happy with TOG with only youngers. I think that is very disappointing when I look at the richness that is to come and what they may miss out on.


Also, I have a sad story to tell. I just asked my dc about last year's history. Considering the time, money, and planning that was spent they remember very little.:tongue_smilie:I don't mind, we had fun. I am just not sure that most moms "wouldn't mind". So Katrina, others, don't be afraid to voice why you don't choose to use TOG even though (obviously) you haven't seen it if you made that choice. We need all points of view on this board or what is the point?


From TOG's website, I couldn't get the bold out, so the emphasis is Not mine,however the extra large size is."An award-winning homeschool curriculum: a plan of study that helps parents provide a Christian, classical education using a guided unit study approach, with the history of the world as the core organizational theme. From Grades K–12, all students cycle through world history every four years, with all ages studying the same slice of history each week, each at their own learning level. Detailed lesson plans and discussion outlines enable parents to be their children’s primary teachers and mentors and shape their students’ biblical worldviews." I couldn't get the bold out, so the bolded emphasis is Not mine, however the extra large size is.


K-12 means TOG is geared for K-12, not older kids. TOG was designed b/c of Marcia Somerville's need for high school materials AND her need to keep her family on the same page. She started from the top and worked her way back.


Year 1 is Ancient history and uses the Bible extensively as literature. 4Canucks answered you well. It is not missing anything. Additionally, there is a year 1 revision coming along, I'll have to ask if they are putting in more lit. for the weeks the focus listed is bible.


I used SOTW, then SOTW+MOH+some AO books for our first round and guess what...most 7 year olds will remember very little of their 1st year of history. That's how the cookie crumbles no matter what you use. That's why one is taught by the trivium to keep facts in there and move along in the younger years. You'll see that as your dc get older.


The point is, there is a distinct difference in an opinion and experience. As an arbitrary example,I can say, HOD looks great, but *I* couldn't handle running so many guides with my family size and I prefer to keep my family all in one time period or topic of study; but I cannot say more than that. It's my opinion that HOD looks great. I already know I can't do more than history cycle b/c I tried for a summer with AO and it was a bust for us. I felt too willie nille.


I can, however, discuss SOTW, MOH, AO(limitedly) b/c I used them for more than a few months, in fact, a few years. So I can honestly, in my best estimation, compare them to TOG (which I have used for 5 years). Having done so, I can say with certainty that using either SOTW or MOH will work (and have said so many, many times); I can even say we enjoyed them, but my family enjoys the book selections in TOG more, retains more from them, and b/c I have a large family, using TOG makes my life a whole lot easier. Even when I only had 4 in school, the switch to TOG made my life easier. I can also say, we have enjoyed history, done more hands on activities, and read more interesting books (in our opinion) using TOG with lower grammar students than we did with the other programs.


Guess why I can say these things without malice, because I've used them. So, I'm not being misleading anymore than the publishers of TOG are when they say TOG is a K-12(Mom) program. It IS for lower grammar and it does a wonderful job! What is misleading is when others say that it is really for older grades. That is simply Not True.


Anyone who questions the legitimacy of TOG for LG should read my blog. Look at the Week in Review posts. Tell me if that isn't enough for history. If you don't think so, then WOWZA! I know I'm a monster about school and that we get a ton done, using TOG, a program that IS for grammar stages. I'm not being misleading, I'm voicing experience.

Edited by johnandtinagilbert
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Tina, I do not want to argue about a program I love so much. I appreciate the Sommervilles so much. But I know there has been a change in marketing strategy because I have watched it. Like I said, I found TOG before I found TWTM and I spent a lot of time at the TOG site/forums. I understand exactly where the program originated and the idea was to give her 9th grader a solid high school education and fold in the younger kids. They have done this BEAUTIFULLY. I do not know any program that manages to do this so wonderfully. But it has to be GEARED for someone. Otherwise they could not keep everyone together. So the Rhetoric thread of history takes priority and the youngers follow along. This means that some weeks are very light at LG level. This means that sometimes books are read out of order to stay with the Rhetoric thread. I think it is BRILLIANT! I LOVE IT! Like you said she started from the top and worked back. That is all I was trying to say.


You are a great voice of experience but I am trying to be realistic. When your oldest is 7 and you spend the majority of your day chasing toddlers and way too much of your night nursing a baby TOG could be a burden. I am afraid that somehow there is an impression that your dc will miss out and TOG is really so easy - just do it now. I feel like I would be misleading people that as someone with all littles I agreed. I'm sorry if you took the word personally - I should have worded it better. But as someone with all littles I cannot agree.


My point about little kids not remembering was just this. If you don't do TOG don't feel bad. If you don't do SOTW don't feel bad. I am using TOG in my own unique way and I will continue to use TOG because I feel SO SURE it is right for us long term. If someone is not that sure I do not think it is the right program for them.(yet) I am NOT trying to bash TOG in any way and I hope it does not come off that way. I just understand that time and money is tight for some people. TOG is not the only or the best way. You say it is easy to plan - well, it can be as easy or as hard as you make it but it is not inherently easy. Not as easy as say opening up CHOW, reading a chapter and asking for a narration. If your goal is to pull together all that TOG does on your own for five kids, then yes, TOG is easy. If the OP had an 8th, 6th, 4th, 3rd and 1st grader my thoughts would be COMPLETELY different. I'm talking about TOG with only littles.


This is how I look at it and you are free to disagree. My bf IRL (w/ all littles) is ready to pick a history program. I tried to talk her out of TOG but she feels such a strong pull that it is right for her family that she cannot be talked out of it.:D I am so excited for her to start and I almost guarantee she will be a happy TOG customer. I feel like TOG is a program that CALLS to you. I can't explain it any other way. I have told her the good, the bad and the ugly but she still feels CALLED to it.


I hope I haven't offended, I just am looking from my own perspective. No, my perspective doesn't have the years of experience that yours does but it is how I honestly see it. I am only trying to be helpful and share my thoughts in hopes that others make the right decision for their family. I know that will not always be TOG and that is okay. For those who hear this and still choose TOG. HURRAY!:001_smile:

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I just want to say that I agree with TracyP and Marie. I caught the TOG fever, and when I saw a TOG bundle for sale at a great price I jumped on it (birthday present to myself, lol!). While I truly love TOG and I have high hopes that it will work for us in the long run (I'm not going to day I know for SURE that it will, because I have changed my mind so many times already. :D) I can definitely see now having it in my possession why people say it's unnecessary for the LG stage. You could, quite honestly, just read the book list on your own (and add in your favorites from HOD, AO, Sonlight, etc.) and do just fine. I plan on utilizing some of the Rhetoric level such as the teacher's notes and several of the books since I already OWN the program, but for someone who does not, you could definitely wait until 5th grade and not have a problem with jumping right in. I think it would be harder to jump in at the D stage, because I do believe there is a learning curve with TOG, and you will want some time to get acquainted with the program, etc., but starting in UG should give you plenty of time for this.


So while I own TOG, plan to use TOG with a 1st grader next year and will hopefully continue to use TOG in the future, I can honestly say that for those on a strict budget, it's really not a necessity at the LG level.


Just my 2 cents. :001_smile:

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Tina, I do not want to argue about a program I love so much. I appreciate the Sommervilles so much. But I know there has been a change in marketing strategy because I have watched it. Like I said, I found TOG before I found TWTM and I spent a lot of time at the TOG site/forums. I understand exactly where the program originated and the idea was to give her 9th grader a solid high school education and fold in the younger kids. They have done this BEAUTIFULLY. I do not know any program that manages to do this so wonderfully. But it has to be GEARED for someone. Otherwise they could not keep everyone together. So the Rhetoric thread of history takes priority and the youngers follow along. This means that some weeks are very light at LG level. This means that sometimes books are read out of order to stay with the Rhetoric thread. I think it is BRILLIANT! I LOVE IT! Like you said she started from the top and worked back. That is all I was trying to say.


You are a great voice of experience but I am trying to be realistic. When your oldest is 7 and you spend the majority of your day chasing toddlers and way too much of your night nursing a baby TOG could be a burden. I am afraid that somehow there is an impression that your dc will miss out and TOG is really so easy - just do it now. I feel like I would be misleading people that as someone with all littles I agreed. I'm sorry if you took the word personally - I should have worded it better. But as someone with all littles I cannot agree.


My point about little kids not remembering was just this. If you don't do TOG don't feel bad. If you don't do SOTW don't feel bad. I am using TOG in my own unique way and I will continue to use TOG because I feel SO SURE it is right for us long term. If someone is not that sure I do not think it is the right program for them.(yet) I am NOT trying to bash TOG in any way and I hope it does not come off that way. I just understand that time and money is tight for some people. TOG is not the only or the best way. You say it is easy to plan - well, it can be as easy or as hard as you make it but it is not inherently easy. Not as easy as say opening up CHOW, reading a chapter and asking for a narration. If your goal is to pull together all that TOG does on your own for five kids, then yes, TOG is easy. If the OP had an 8th, 6th, 4th, 3rd and 1st grader my thoughts would be COMPLETELY different. I'm talking about TOG with only littles.


This is how I look at it and you are free to disagree. My bf IRL (w/ all littles) is ready to pick a history program. I tried to talk her out of TOG but she feels such a strong pull that it is right for her family that she cannot be talked out of it.:D I am so excited for her to start and I almost guarantee she will be a happy TOG customer. I feel like TOG is a program that CALLS to you. I can't explain it any other way. I have told her the good, the bad and the ugly but she still feels CALLED to it.


I hope I haven't offended, I just am looking from my own perspective. No, my perspective doesn't have the years of experience that yours does but it is how I honestly see it. I am only trying to be helpful and share my thoughts in hopes that others make the right decision for their family. I know that will not always be TOG and that is okay. For those who hear this and still choose TOG. HURRAY!:001_smile:


:iagree:I have been contemplating a response on this topic, and TracyP has managed to articulate my thoughts perfectly! I, too, love TOG, but as I am teaching my oldest of 6 years, it is quite clear that the LG level was written to tag along with the older kids. I am okay with that, because there is so much more that TOG has to offer. But I do think that someone whose oldest is LG needs to understand this aspect before committing to TOG.


I also agree that TOG is the kind of program that calls you. I had a lot of people try to talk me out of it, especially since we are LDS. But after a ton of research, I concluded that what we would gain with another program was less than what we would lose by giving up TOG.

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Tina, I do not want to argue about a program I love so much. I appreciate the Sommervilles so much. But I know there has been a change in marketing strategy because I have watched it. Like I said, I found TOG before I found TWTM and I spent a lot of time at the TOG site/forums. I understand exactly where the program originated and the idea was to give her 9th grader a solid high school education and fold in the younger kids. They have done this BEAUTIFULLY. I do not know any program that manages to do this so wonderfully. But it has to be GEARED for someone. Otherwise they could not keep everyone together. So the Rhetoric thread of history takes priority and the youngers follow along. This means that some weeks are very light at LG level. This means that sometimes books are read out of order to stay with the Rhetoric thread. I think it is BRILLIANT! I LOVE IT! Like you said she started from the top and worked back. That is all I was trying to say. Thanks for the clarification. Since the program offers the whole of every level, I see it as geared for multi-levels.


You are a great voice of experience but I am trying to be realistic. When your oldest is 7 and you spend the majority of your day chasing toddlers and way too much of your night nursing a baby TOG could be a burden. I am afraid that somehow there is an impression that your dc will miss out and TOG is really so easy - just do it now. I feel like I would be misleading people that as someone with all littles I agreed. I'm sorry if you took the word personally - I should have worded it better. But as someone with all littles I cannot agree. My house includes Lots of Children...littles and more. I've had 11 dc all week, including a bomb dropping 2 year old w/ viral diarrhea and 3 sick kids who were up throughout the night. While I'm no longer nursing (I spend 9.5 years preggers and or nursing :D) I do spend many, many hours doing the things older children do (sports, clubs, church, etc), so my days are also full, just a different kind of full. Not any of those issues stops me from picking up the books, etc. I have already set aside from TOG and using it fully. It's not hard. It's plenty great for school. I will say other sources are less intimidating in their own right b/c it's one book alone and go. I get that is nice for some moms. That isn't my issue. My issue is the repetition that TOG is really not for LG. I disagree.


My point about little kids not remembering was just this. If you don't do TOG don't feel bad. If you don't do SOTW don't feel bad. I am using TOG in my own unique way and I will continue to use TOG because I feel SO SURE it is right for us long term. If someone is not that sure I do not think it is the right program for them.(yet) I am NOT trying to bash TOG in any way and I hope it does not come off that way. I just understand that time and money is tight for some people. TOG is not the only or the best way. You say it is easy to plan - well, it can be as easy or as hard as you make it but it is not inherently easy. Not as easy as say opening up CHOW, reading a chapter and asking for a narration. If your goal is to pull together all that TOG does on your own for five kids, then yes, TOG is easy. If the OP had an 8th, 6th, 4th, 3rd and 1st grader my thoughts would be COMPLETELY different. I'm talking about TOG with only littles. We agree here. :D


This is how I look at it and you are free to disagree. My bf IRL (w/ all littles) is ready to pick a history program. I tried to talk her out of TOG but she feels such a strong pull that it is right for her family that she cannot be talked out of it.:D I am so excited for her to start and I almost guarantee she will be a happy TOG customer. I feel like TOG is a program that CALLS to you. I can't explain it any other way. I have told her the good, the bad and the ugly but she still feels CALLED to it. I agree. TOG does call to me :) :D


I hope I haven't offended, I just am looking from my own perspective. No, my perspective doesn't have the years of experience that yours does but it is how I honestly see it. I am only trying to be helpful and share my thoughts in hopes that others make the right decision for their family. I know that will not always be TOG and that is okay. For those who hear this and still choose TOG. HURRAY!:001_smile:

You have not offended me at all. Your clarifications make sense. My point continues to be that TOG is Wonderful for LG. I really don't find it any more difficult to facilitate than CHOW + narration (it's actually very much like this in our house). I get your point that having one pick to pick up ever is easier than using many books in TOG, and I agree, but if a person wants a living book/lit based program, than I find TOG just as simple as SOTW + AG + Lit. suggestions. I really.honestly.do.


I see that people may see spending so much on LG years is crazy. I get it. I thought so, too, but then time went by and I realize that TOG or PR or RightStart Math are pricey and worth every penny. I understand it's a lot for LG, I really do...I just think forward. I honestly see it as saving money later if a person already thinks they'll use it by 5th grade. Beyond the self-education (made easy), I see it as an investment.


My point is the constant, "TOG is not for the younger years" is simply untrue. It was designed to start at the top, but it is surely wonderful for the bottom. I'm just tired of hearing "it's not for LG" which is different than saying, "It's fine for LG, but there are other paths that are just as fine." With that statement, I can surely agree. :D


I appreciate our conversation :) I am glad to finally get this off my chest (it's been brewing). I'm always happy to chat TOG.

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I feel like TOG is a program that CALLS to you. I can't explain it any other way. I have told her the good, the bad and the ugly but she still feels CALLED to it.


Tracy, this is beautiful :). This is exactly how I felt about TOG, you described it perfectly. I have read people describe this feeling about SL. I loved SL when we used it but how I felt about SL was nothing like how I felt the moment I started reading through the TOG sample. It was like Wow! I had to read parts to my hubby and show him what we get by buying TOG. I went through the sample and figured out how the coding works. I went through the list of books and was excited to see that they stick with picture books longer and offer many many activities, perfect for my tactile/ visual learner. I researched it every night for several hours over a week and by the end of the week I was convinced that it was the way I wanted to go for our family. I spent a lot of time in their website and read as much as I could. I also had a couple of people that had switched from SL to TOG that helped with my questions. One was Heather (aka Siloam).


I ordered three of the four Year plans in DE all at once as soon as DE came out and did not think twice about it. Since then, I am still awed with all the resources and information I keep discovering, in the Year plan and through the TOG website. I think this feeling for any curriculum, whether that be TOG, SL, MFW or whatever is the most important thing. I think that if you feel like this about a curriculum you will do what it takes to stick with it. I don't think there was anyone that could have convinced me not to go with TOG once my mind was set. I can definitely understand how your friend feels :).

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Originally Posted by TracyP viewpost.gif

Tina, I do not want to argue about a program I love so much. I appreciate the Sommervilles so much. But I know there has been a change in marketing strategy because I have watched it. Like I said, I found TOG before I found TWTM and I spent a lot of time at the TOG site/forums. I understand exactly where the program originated and the idea was to give her 9th grader a solid high school education and fold in the younger kids. They have done this BEAUTIFULLY. I do not know any program that manages to do this so wonderfully. But it has to be GEARED for someone. Otherwise they could not keep everyone together. So the Rhetoric thread of history takes priority and the youngers follow along. This means that some weeks are very light at LG level. This means that sometimes books are read out of order to stay with the Rhetoric thread. I think it is BRILLIANT! I LOVE IT! Like you said she started from the top and worked back. That is all I was trying to say. Thanks for the clarification. Since the program offers the whole of every level, I see it as geared for multi-levels.


You are a great voice of experience but I am trying to be realistic. When your oldest is 7 and you spend the majority of your day chasing toddlers and way too much of your night nursing a baby TOG could be a burden. I am afraid that somehow there is an impression that your dc will miss out and TOG is really so easy - just do it now. I feel like I would be misleading people that as someone with all littles I agreed. I'm sorry if you took the word personally - I should have worded it better. But as someone with all littles I cannot agree. My house includes Lots of Children...littles and more. I've had 11 dc all week, including a bomb dropping 2 year old w/ viral diarrhea and 3 sick kids who were up throughout the night. While I'm no longer nursing (I spend 9.5 years preggers and or nursing) I do spend many, many hours doing the things older children do (sports, clubs, church, etc), so my days are also full, just a different kind of full. Not any of those issues stops me from picking up the books, etc. I have already set aside from TOG and using it fully. It's not hard. It's plenty great for school. I will say other sources are less intimidating in their own right b/c it's one book alone and go. I get that is nice for some moms. That isn't my issue. My issue is the repetition that TOG is really not for LG. I disagree.


My point about little kids not remembering was just this. If you don't do TOG don't feel bad. If you don't do SOTW don't feel bad. I am using TOG in my own unique way and I will continue to use TOG because I feel SO SURE it is right for us long term. If someone is not that sure I do not think it is the right program for them.(yet) I am NOT trying to bash TOG in any way and I hope it does not come off that way. I just understand that time and money is tight for some people. TOG is not the only or the best way. You say it is easy to plan - well, it can be as easy or as hard as you make it but it is not inherently easy. Not as easy as say opening up CHOW, reading a chapter and asking for a narration. If your goal is to pull together all that TOG does on your own for five kids, then yes, TOG is easy. If the OP had an 8th, 6th, 4th, 3rd and 1st grader my thoughts would be COMPLETELY different. I'm talking about TOG with only littles. We agree here.[/Quote]

Tracy, I see where you are coming from but I do have to agree with Tina on this one. Marcia wanted all her kids to have a well rounded education. She wanted to be able to keep up with all of them and keep them all at home, yet still provide them with the best education. As a History major coming from an Ivy League school she did pour all her knowledge into TOG, but she also poured her heart and soul in it and I feel most of us that use and love TOG can see it.




We all come to this with different levels of experience. You and I are new homeschoolers still trying to figure things out (your job is even more difficult than mine since I only have two young ones) and Tina has many more years of experience and has reached a level where she can balance homeschooling her large troop while also tutoring other kids. TOG is not going to look the same in each one of our homes and our needs and goals are going to differ greatly. When I was trying to do too much it was Tina's voice that brought me down to earth. Keep it simple. It's true! If we take time to observe our kids we all know where our kids are at and what they are ready for. We also know how much time and effort we want and are able to put into it. TOG can be as simple as Tina says. It all depends on how we choose to approach it. Taking a few minutes to go over the threads and weekly overview (if that is all one has time for) can give you valuable input on what you need to focus on for the week. You can then add in whatever else you wish, vocabulary, writing... and depending on the level of the child and his/ her abilities. It can be as simple as that but like I said before, you have to be able to look at all the information and resources provided and just pick and choose what you want to use. Does one have to use TOG to get the best education? No. Is TOG one of the best programs out there? I think their record speaks for itself. This is why I tell people to research it on their own. If it IS what they are looking for and what meets their needs and goals, I am sure they will see it.

You have not offended me at all. Your clarifications make sense. My point continues to be that TOG is Wonderful for LG. I really don't find it any more difficult to facilitate than CHOW + narration (it's actually very much like this in our house). I get your point that having one pick to pick up ever is easier than using many books in TOG, and I agree, but if a person wants a living book/lit based program, than I find TOG just as simple as SOTW + AG + Lit. suggestions. I really.honestly.do.


I see that people may see spending so much on LG years is crazy. I get it. I thought so, too, but then time went by and I realize that TOG or PR or RightStart Math are pricey and worth every penny. I understand it's a lot for LG, I really do...I just think forward. I honestly see it as saving money later if a person already thinks they'll use it by 5th grade. Beyond the self-education (made easy), I see it as an investment.


My point is the constant, "TOG is not for the younger years" is simply untrue. It was designed to start at the top, but it is surely wonderful for the bottom. I'm just tired of hearing "it's not for LG" which is different than saying, "It's fine for LG, but there are other paths that are just as fine." With that statement, I can surely agree.


I appreciate our conversation I am glad to finally get this off my chest (it's been brewing). I'm always happy to chat TOG.


:iagree::iagree::iagree: I don't think I could agree more with Tina here. For those that are interested, just check out the list of books. There are about 40 age appropriate books in the Year 1 Primary list for the LG level. Year 2 has 81 age appropriate books to choose from. This does not even include the alternate resource list.




The work here is in picking the books that will work for you. SL for example does the picking for you and for those that prefer that it's great. Personally, I prefer being able to pick and choose my books. The TOG notes can work even if you substitute (except for the literature selections). I loved SL's selections for the most part but there were some that just didn't work for us. Some I have saved for later to add into the appropriate time period. With TOG I can pick those titles for myself. Also, with SL I was tweaking. I am one of those people that cannot handle too much hand holding or not adding my personal touch to cater to my family's unique needs, likes and goals. It's just me. With TOG I can make it what I want. With TOG I am not tweaking, just picking from the wealth of resources and information, what will meet my goals and my kids' needs.


So the way I see it, it's not that TOG is not suited for the LG level students. I think perhaps it is just not suited for the teacher parent, and that's ok. This is why it is so great having so many programs to choose from. There are those that work better and feel more confident having the hand holding that SL provides for example. There are others that prefer the simplicity of one book like CHOW and SOTW. The best program is whatever works for our family but TOG IS AGE APPROPRIATE FOR LG :D. I really get where Tina is coming from because I have been getting a little tired of hearing that it is not too.


Note: My apologies ladies (Tracy and Tina). I had to delete your smilies because you had already used the max per post and I wanted to include mine :D.

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I see that people may see spending so much on LG years is crazy. I get it. I thought so, too, but then time went by and I realize that TOG or PR or RightStart Math are pricey and worth every penny. I understand it's a lot for LG, I really do...I just think forward. I honestly see it as saving money later if a person already thinks they'll use it by 5th grade. Beyond the self-education (made easy), I see it as an investment.


:iagree::iagree::iagree:I most certainly agree here too. TOG is costly but a worth while investment where I am concerned. While I will be picking and choosing from the books because I don't for example think I need 81 books to teach Year 2 LG, the Year plans now and for the future are definitely a worthwhile investment in our home. I was sure of that when I hit the order button spending about $800 at the time for 3 Year Plans, the Year 1 supplements and some of the books I could not find elsewhere. I am still sure of that today. The fact that I get any updates on the program via DE is well worth its weight in gold also. With other programs you have to sometimes spend more money in the future to update your instructor's guide. This all costs money. With TOG DE I get the most current resources and notes for life. TOG is not more expensive than some of the other programs out there like MFW, SL etc. What is costly is the initial investment but after you have cycled through once, just remembering that all you need to spend money on after that point is for books is a wonderful feeling. Knowing that you can buy one Year plan and use it for all your kids for the year also saves you money. Being able to keep all your kids in the same time period while only reading one Instructor's guide? Priceless :D!

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Well, I know I had pretty much decided on history, but after all the comments and talking to my husband, I decided to go ahead and buy a unit of TOG, to settle this once an for all with myself. I bought Y1U1 because I really wanted to see how she handled creation because we had covered that with VP and I could easily compare.


I am coming away from spending the week reading through all the information from the Loom and Intro notes. I have come away feeling relieved that it is going to work out for us. I really wish I had tried this sooner. I know its not perfect, but it is really going to be worth it. It is so rich!


Now I understand all the comments about it being a top down approach, etc. But, I think it is spot on for LG and UG too. It really gives you so much flexability with all the levels and really allows you to customize your child's education.


What I like most, is that the books are planned for you. I don't know my books, and their are some real gems out there, trying to pull together history based on curriculum book lists has been very stressful for me. I was really afraid that TOG would become an expensive book list for me, but now I know its not and I am extremely relieved about that.


I feel like I could spill out tons of reasons why TOG is going to work for us, even with little ones. I think it boiled down to *me* needing to wrestle and grow with a body of knowledge, and TOG is going to give *me* that and make me a better teacher too.


Want to say thanks to all who chimed in and help me decide and take the plunge for my children sake. Love the forum!

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Well, I know I had pretty much decided on history, but after all the comments and talking to my husband, I decided to go ahead and buy a unit of TOG, to settle this once an for all with myself. I bought Y1U1 because I really wanted to see how she handled creation because we had covered that with VP and I could easily compare.


I am coming away from spending the week reading through all the information from the Loom and Intro notes. I have come away feeling relieved that it is going to work out for us. I really wish I had tried this sooner. I know its not perfect, but it is really going to be worth it. It is :party:so rich!


Now I understand all the comments about it being a top down approach, etc. But, I think it is spot on for LG and UG too. It really gives you so much flexability with all the levels and really allows you to customize your child's education.


What I like most, is that the books are planned for you. I don't know my books, and their are some real gems out there, trying to pull together history based on curriculum book lists has been very stressful for me. I was really afraid that TOG would become an expensive book list for me, but now I know its not and I am extremely relieved about that.


I feel like I could spill out tons of reasons why TOG is going to work for us, even with little ones. I think it boiled down to *me* needing to wrestle and grow with a body of knowledge, and TOG is going to give *me* that and make me a better teacher too.


Want to say thanks to all who chimed in and help me decide and take the plunge for my children sake. Love the forum!

:party: So excited for you..... can't wait to compare notes and hear more of your reasons why TOG is going to work for you! You must share :001_smile:

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Well, I know I had pretty much decided on history, but after all the comments and talking to my husband, I decided to go ahead and buy a unit of TOG, to settle this once an for all with myself. I bought Y1U1 because I really wanted to see how she handled creation because we had covered that with VP and I could easily compare.


I am coming away from spending the week reading through all the information from the Loom and Intro notes. I have come away feeling relieved that it is going to work out for us. I really wish I had tried this sooner. I know its not perfect, but it is really going to be worth it. It is so rich!


Now I understand all the comments about it being a top down approach, etc. But, I think it is spot on for LG and UG too. It really gives you so much flexability with all the levels and really allows you to customize your child's education.


What I like most, is that the books are planned for you. I don't know my books, and their are some real gems out there, trying to pull together history based on curriculum book lists has been very stressful for me. I was really afraid that TOG would become an expensive book list for me, but now I know its not and I am extremely relieved about that.


I feel like I could spill out tons of reasons why TOG is going to work for us, even with little ones. I think it boiled down to *me* needing to wrestle and grow with a body of knowledge, and TOG is going to give *me* that and make me a better teacher too.


Want to say thanks to all who chimed in and help me decide and take the plunge for my children sake. Love the forum!


Hi Melissa :),


Thank you for coming back to this thread for an update. I am glad that you are happy with what you have seen so far from TOG and I truly hope that it works well for you and your family. Good to see another voice for TOG :D.

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Well, I know I had pretty much decided on history, but after all the comments and talking to my husband, I decided to go ahead and buy a unit of TOG, to settle this once an for all with myself. I bought Y1U1 because I really wanted to see how she handled creation because we had covered that with VP and I could easily compare.


I am coming away from spending the week reading through all the information from the Loom and Intro notes. I have come away feeling relieved that it is going to work out for us. I really wish I had tried this sooner. I know its not perfect, but it is really going to be worth it. It is so rich!


Now I understand all the comments about it being a top down approach, etc. But, I think it is spot on for LG and UG too. It really gives you so much flexability with all the levels and really allows you to customize your child's education.


What I like most, is that the books are planned for you. I don't know my books, and their are some real gems out there, trying to pull together history based on curriculum book lists has been very stressful for me. I was really afraid that TOG would become an expensive book list for me, but now I know its not and I am extremely relieved about that.


I feel like I could spill out tons of reasons why TOG is going to work for us, even with little ones. I think it boiled down to *me* needing to wrestle and grow with a body of knowledge, and TOG is going to give *me* that and make me a better teacher too.


Want to say thanks to all who chimed in and help me decide and take the plunge for my children sake. Love the forum!

So glad you found a good fit for you and your family! :)

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Well, I know I had pretty much decided on history, but after all the comments and talking to my husband, I decided to go ahead and buy a unit of TOG, to settle this once an for all with myself. I bought Y1U1 because I really wanted to see how she handled creation because we had covered that with VP and I could easily compare.


I am coming away from spending the week reading through all the information from the Loom and Intro notes. I have come away feeling relieved that it is going to work out for us. I really wish I had tried this sooner. I know its not perfect, but it is really going to be worth it. It is so rich!


Now I understand all the comments about it being a top down approach, etc. But, I think it is spot on for LG and UG too. It really gives you so much flexability with all the levels and really allows you to customize your child's education.


What I like most, is that the books are planned for you. I don't know my books, and their are some real gems out there, trying to pull together history based on curriculum book lists has been very stressful for me. I was really afraid that TOG would become an expensive book list for me, but now I know its not and I am extremely relieved about that.


I feel like I could spill out tons of reasons why TOG is going to work for us, even with little ones. I think it boiled down to *me* needing to wrestle and grow with a body of knowledge, and TOG is going to give *me* that and make me a better teacher too.


Want to say thanks to all who chimed in and help me decide and take the plunge for my children sake. Love the forum!


I'm so happy you like it. :001_smile:


I'm planning for my 9th (in the fall) grader with TOG and I fell in love with it all over again. I really don't think I could teach High School without it. Because of the layout it's easy for me to use Dialectic in one area and Rhetoric in another and Upper Grammar in still another.

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Way to go! I have Y1U1 in my hands to do very advanced planning for NEXT next year :). It's definitely the way to give it a REAL spin!


:hurray: Hey you, you did it! Now we will have another Canadian voice for TOG too :D.


ETA: Hey pssst... anther 200 posts to go ;). Queen Bee is on the way too.

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:hurray: Hey you, you did it! Now we will have another Canadian voice for TOG too :D.


ETA: Hey pssst... anther 200 posts to go ;). Queen Bee is on the way too.


I love DE! I totally printed it ALL out at home though :O! With that old inkjet with the screwy colors! Cheap though ;). You really have to love all the work that TOG does to make sure folks have updates available to them!


Bzzzz...... :lol:


I actually have a TOG question I'm going to plop into a new thread about LG vs UG soon to help with my pre-pre-planning as I try to figure out how to make TOG lesson plans for myself :).

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We are newbies to TOG, just finished week 2. I bought year 4 DE for my ds12 and we are both loving it. I'm not finding the planning to be difficult or time consuming. I only print the weekly overview, reading assignments, & threads page. I did order the SAPs from Tapestry so I didn't have to print them.



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I've found this thread to be very interesting. When I first started using TOG I heard many of the same comments; it's too expensive, not made for youngers, etc. While I agree with most of what Marie and Tina have said, I would like to add a comment based on my personal experience.


TOG is a wonderful program even if you "only" have one child. Yep, it's expensive. But if you have an only child there is rarely going to be ANY curriculum that you're going to get same mileage out of like you can TOG.


My DD was 7th/8th grade when I bought my first year plan. Classic was the only choice and wasn't even called Classic back then. *lol* I ended up purchasing all four years and it's one of the few curriculum purchases that I ever actually used.


When my DD was 14yrs old, we were blessed to have another child, my DS. DD is now 21 and DS is 6yrs old. Basically, I have two only children. :tongue_smilie: Almost from the moment he was born I knew I was going to continue using TOG in our homeschool. Only now, I'm purchasing the Redesigned DE and print version. Still pricey, but still just as great for my LG student as it was for my Dialected DD when I first dipped my toes in the TOG pool.


In my experience, TOG has been a great choice for only children, as well as littles.

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I love DE! I totally printed it ALL out at home though :O! With that old inkjet with the screwy colors! Cheap though ;). You really have to love all the work that TOG does to make sure folks have updates available to them!


Bzzzz...... :lol:


I actually have a TOG question I'm going to plop into a new thread about LG vs UG soon to help with my pre-pre-planning as I try to figure out how to make TOG lesson plans for myself :).


I started printing off the SAP's and Teacher's notes and now I actually print very little. Usually only the literature activities. I just use the computer directly and it has worked well. I make notebook pages for the writing and vocabulary etc. which I make in advance, so I don't usually even need to open the notes when we are doing a lesson.


Checking to see if you started the thread :auto:. I will be working on a gentle transition from LG to UG in literature next year. I have about five titles I think, the rest will remain LG. With History we are already using SOTW along with many of the books so I will be flipping back and forth between UG and LG but will stay primarily LG for next year.

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Clover11 and Jen, great seeing new voices for TOG. We are becoming a pretty big group now :D.


I've found this thread to be very interesting. When I first started using TOG I heard many of the same comments; it's too expensive, not made for youngers, etc. While I agree with most of what Marie and Tina have said, I would like to add a comment based on my personal experience.


TOG is a wonderful program even if you "only" have one child. Yep, it's expensive. But if you have an only child there is rarely going to be ANY curriculum that you're going to get same mileage out of like you can TOG.


My DD was 7th/8th grade when I bought my first year plan. Classic was the only choice and wasn't even called Classic back then. *lol* I ended up purchasing all four years and it's one of the few curriculum purchases that I ever actually used.


When my DD was 14yrs old, we were blessed to have another child, my DS. DD is now 21 and DS is 6yrs old. Basically, I have two only children. :tongue_smilie: Almost from the moment he was born I knew I was going to continue using TOG in our homeschool. Only now, I'm purchasing the Redesigned DE and print version. Still pricey, but still just as great for my LG student as it was for my Dialected DD when I first dipped my toes in the TOG pool.


In my experience, TOG has been a great choice for only children, as well as littles.


Jen, :iagree: with you. I would have purchased TOG even with one child but I do see how others may be reluctant. The option of buying 1 unit is a great option for those that want to check out the curriculum before they invest in an entire Year plan.

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If one purchases one Unit of DE do I also have to purchase the print version. Also how do the writting AIds and everything else works...


Nope, we have only purchased DE. You do not have to buy a printed copy. What specifically do you want to know about the supplements? How they work in the DE format or what they are used for?

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Well, I know I had pretty much decided on history, but after all the comments and talking to my husband, I decided to go ahead and buy a unit of TOG, to settle this once an for all with myself. I bought Y1U1 because I really wanted to see how she handled creation because we had covered that with VP and I could easily compare.


I am coming away from spending the week reading through all the information from the Loom and Intro notes. I have come away feeling relieved that it is going to work out for us. I really wish I had tried this sooner. I know its not perfect, but it is really going to be worth it. It is so rich!


Now I understand all the comments about it being a top down approach, etc. But, I think it is spot on for LG and UG too. It really gives you so much flexability with all the levels and really allows you to customize your child's education.


What I like most, is that the books are planned for you. I don't know my books, and their are some real gems out there, trying to pull together history based on curriculum book lists has been very stressful for me. I was really afraid that TOG would become an expensive book list for me, but now I know its not and I am extremely relieved about that.


I feel like I could spill out tons of reasons why TOG is going to work for us, even with little ones. I think it boiled down to *me* needing to wrestle and grow with a body of knowledge, and TOG is going to give *me* that and make me a better teacher too.


Want to say thanks to all who chimed in and help me decide and take the plunge for my children sake. Love the forum!

I could have written this post! This was exactly me pre-TOG! Can't wait to hear how the unit works out!

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Clover11 and Jen, great seeing new voices for TOG. We are becoming a pretty big group now :D.







If one purchases one Unit of DE do I also have to purchase the print version. Also how do the writting AIds and everything else works...


You only need the DE version, you can just print out what you want. As far as Writing Aids, you could just hold off on buying and give the unit you purchased a try first. Or you can buy a copy (new for $50, or about $30 used if you can find one); they resell pretty fast if you decide you don't like it.

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I have a 3rd grader (dislexic reading at early 2nd grade level) and a 5th Grader. Would I need the writting aids, what else besise the DE Version and the books would I need? Thanks in advance...


Hello again :). I noticed you live overseas. I was overseas when we purchased TOG and only got the DE at the time. I did it to save on shipping but then realized that I did not need a printed copy anyway.


Keep in mind that WA (Writing Aids) has a book besides the DE portion. So when you buy Writing Aids you will have to pay shipping on the binder. For me it was a worthwhile expense but only you can decide that for yourself. If you have downloaded the DE sample, you can click on the side where it says Writing Aids to see some samples of what to expect. Since you will only be paying for shipping on Writing Aids, you can wait and decide later on it.


One supplement you might want to get is Map Aids. You can get the DE format, which will not have any kind of shipping costs but will activate the link that says Map Aids in the DE Unit you purchase. Other than that and since you are just trying to decide if TOG is for you at this point, I would just stick with these two items (the DE Unit and Map Aids) and check it out first. HTH :)

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I love DE! I totally printed it ALL out at home though :O! With that old inkjet with the screwy colors! Cheap though ;). You really have to love all the work that TOG does to make sure folks have updates available to them!





I'm so glad I went with DE too! I'm not afraid to write on my stuff either! :D

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I have what may be a silly question.


If I purchase the DE versions, is there a way to read the teacher notes, or any other notes, on an ipad or other ereader while still having the download on my computer? :bigear:


No. But it's not a silly question. :)


We've asked on the TOG boards about it before. I think it's an issue with LockLizard (who makes the locked PDF's). LockLizard doesn't plan to make it Ipad/Ereader compatible according to TOG but that might change since they are becoming so popular.


I would LOVE that option. As it is I put a lot of the books on the Kindle for my oldest to read. He liked having STOW Vol 1 on our Kindle.

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I have what may be a silly question.


If I purchase the DE versions, is there a way to read the teacher notes, or any other notes, on an ipad or other ereader while still having the download on my computer? :bigear:


Not sure if anyone has done this or knows the answer but if you don't get a reply just contact Tech Support here:




I know you can have it on other computers in your home but not sure about an ereader.

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No. But it's not a silly question. :)


We've asked on the TOG boards about it before. I think it's an issue with LockLizard (who makes the locked PDF's). LockLizard doesn't plan to make it Ipad/Ereader compatible according to TOG but that might change since they are becoming so popular.


I would LOVE that option. As it is I put a lot of the books on the Kindle for my oldest to read. He liked having STOW Vol 1 on our Kindle.


Oh ok, it would help if I read all the posts :lol:.

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