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I finished Insanity!!!!!!

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60 days later. I've lost 5.5 inches off chest, waist, hips. I lost 1 1/2 sizes. Weight stayed the same (may be a couple pounds higher even).


For others who have done Insanity - my fit test results:


Switch kicks: 55/70

Power Jacks: 43/53

Power Knees: 93/150

Power Jumps: 28/62

Globe Jumps: 6/11

Suicide Jumps: 13/18

Push-up Jacks: 13/32

Low Plank Oblique: 31/49


I was really happy!!! Now, I'm taking a week off where I'll be running 3 − 4 miles/day and then doing a Jillian Michaels ab video. Then, I'll start up Insanity again and add in Brazilian Butt Lift workouts in the evening. Good plan???

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60 days later. I've lost 5.5 inches off chest, waist, hips. I lost 1 1/2 sizes. Weight stayed the same (may be a couple pounds higher even).


For others who have done Insanity - my fit test results:


Switch kicks: 55/70

Power Jacks: 43/53

Power Knees: 93/150

Power Jumps: 28/62

Globe Jumps: 6/11

Suicide Jumps: 13/18

Push-up Jacks: 13/32

Low Plank Oblique: 31/49


I was really happy!!! Now, I'm taking a week off where I'll be running 3 − 4 miles/day and then doing a Jillian Michaels ab video. Then, I'll start up Insanity again and add in Brazilian Butt Lift workouts in the evening. Good plan???


The bb site has a body fat calculator. All you do is put in your waist measurement, height, age and it comes up with an estimate. It would be interesting to see how lean you probably are.


BTW, 62 power jumps is INCREDIBLE. You must have looked like a frog. Can I congratulate you on wall?


I will post my results on Wednesday or Thursday along with a picture. My results so far are minute changes (good ones) in my thighs and behind. My quads look carved and you know what higher and rounder. I would have to be nude to show and I just do not do @ss shots.

Edited by LG Gone Wild
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I'm still working my way through Power90--about 1 month into it, but I'm also doing lots of other stuff. I covet your ability to do Insanity! I'm trying to decide whether to do Insanity or P90 after this. Ordered both at the library, but I'm one 4 out of 6 for the former and 15 out of 17 for the latter! Not sure if my elderly knees can take INsanity.


Again, way to go!



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I'm still working my way through Power90--about 1 month into it, but I'm also doing lots of other stuff. I covet your ability to do Insanity! I'm trying to decide whether to do Insanity or P90 after this. Ordered both at the library, but I'm one 4 out of 6 for the former and 15 out of 17 for the latter! Not sure if my elderly knees can take INsanity.


Again, way to go!




If you are worried about your knees, how about Turbo Fire? My neighbor, who I would not describe as athletic, did Turbo Jam and got incredible results. Anyway, there are lower impact moves in that DVD (TF) series. Do a search on Youtube. Loads of people have uploaded themselves doing the workouts.

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Whohoo! Way to go!




When I grow up, can I be you? :D


After I have this baby (which isn't until October), I'm going to have to start doing something. I've had to quit exercising due to this morning sickness.


You rock though!!


LOL You made me blush!! Seriously - my face is bright red right now!


I was SO excited when I saw you were having another baby!!! I don't think I've congratulated you yet - so CONGRATs!!




I'm gearing up to start Turbo Jam next week. I have a bit of weight to lose before I attempt P90X or Insanity. :)


It's been motivating for me to read about your, and other, experiences with the Beachbody programs.


They are GREAT programs. I hear great things about Turbo Jam! Good luck! Keep us updated on your progress. AND, take before and after pictures. I wish I had. I'd love to see the difference!


The bb site has a body fat calculator. All you do is put in your waist measurement, height, age and it comes up with an estimate. It would be interesting to see how lean you probably are.


BTW, 62 power jumps is INCREDIBLE. You must have looked like a frog. Can I congratulate you on wall?


I will post my results on Wednesday or Thursday along with a picture. My results so far are minute changes (good ones) in my thighs and behind. My quads look carved and you know what higher and rounder. I would have to be nude to show and I just do not do @ss shots.


Thanks!!! I'll have to find that calculator. I still have some baby fat on my tummy that seems to be stubborn. I'm determined to take it off though.


Thanks on the 62!! Honestly, I tried a different technique - I did 10 FAST and then rested for a couple seconds. Repeat. It worked!!!


I can't wait to see your results! Do you think the differences in your behind are because of Insanity or BBL? My quads are VERY defined now! And, my calves!! WOW! I run, so they were pretty well developed before. But, now even more so!!!


I'm still working my way through Power90--about 1 month into it, but I'm also doing lots of other stuff. I covet your ability to do Insanity! I'm trying to decide whether to do Insanity or P90 after this. Ordered both at the library, but I'm one 4 out of 6 for the former and 15 out of 17 for the latter! Not sure if my elderly knees can take INsanity.


Again, way to go!




Way to go!!! Keep it up. I agree with LG - look the workouts up on Youtube. It'll give you a good idea as to how hard the workouts are.

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WOW!!! go on with yer bad self!!!! good job :thumbup1:


I've just been getting back to running -- I've lost over 20 pounds, and I'm up to running 3 miles at a time -- and my speed is finally improving too! Not sure if you remember, but I'm the resident penguin :001_cool:


I like the sound of your plan!! Can you link the JM video you'll be using?


ETA: What the heck are Brazilian Butt Lift workouts??? 'splain Lucy!

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WOW!!! go on with yer bad self!!!! good job :thumbup1:


I've just been getting back to running -- I've lost over 20 pounds, and I'm up to running 3 miles at a time -- and my speed is finally improving too! Not sure if you remember, but I'm the resident penguin :001_cool:


I like the sound of your plan!! Can you link the JM video you'll be using?


ETA: What the heck are Brazilian Butt Lift workouts??? 'splain Lucy!


I am impressed. And I am probably slower than you.

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WTG! That is great. You worked very hard and got good results. I wonder how it will translate to your running? I bet your speed improves.


Thanks!! Yes! I usually run/walk a 10 minute mile. The few times I ran during the Insanity workouts, I got faster! Today I did a 3 mile run in 26 min!! So, yes - Insanity has improved my speed for sure!






Awesome! I hadn't heard of Insanity, but it sounds like quite an accomplishment!


Maybe I should look into it for when my ankle heals. Running alone was getting really boring.




Take a look. Watch the video! That'll give you an idea. Definitely look into it. When I was running, I was unable to lose the last of the baby fat. And, you know, I ran half and full marathons. This program totally mixed it up for me. I really think I NEED that intense exercise in order to change my body. AND, I'm able to eat a LOT! I've been really, really hungry and I refuse to be hungry, so I eat.


I'm so sorry you broke your ankle!!! I hope you heal fast!!!


Yay!!! I'm totally excited for you!!!




WOW!!! go on with yer bad self!!!! good job :thumbup1:


I've just been getting back to running -- I've lost over 20 pounds, and I'm up to running 3 miles at a time -- and my speed is finally improving too! Not sure if you remember, but I'm the resident penguin :001_cool:


I like the sound of your plan!! Can you link the JM video you'll be using?


ETA: What the heck are Brazilian Butt Lift workouts??? 'splain Lucy!


Awesome!!! Great job on the weight loss and running!!!


I'm not sure which JM video I'll use. I checked out what we have On Demand and fast forwarded through a few. There was one that was an ab workout - I forget the name of it. It was around 40 minutes, I think. Does that help?


Brazilian Butt Lift: http://www.beachbody.com/product/fitness_programs/brazil_butt_lift.do?gclid=CKuIq9678qcCFUUUKgodtV0qfg&code=SEMB_GOOGLE_BBL&extcmp=5967915739&ef_id=tbVNQ294AwAAgjE:20110328235926:s


I have really liked all the Beachbody products I've used. This one looks great too.

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Wow, that is awesome! Way to push towards & accomplish such incredible change/growth. :) Accomplishing physical goals is such a high for me...and I'd imagine you too, given how much you've accomplished- LOL I've been looking closely at insanity as my next option...I like new challenges, and love to hear positive results. Thanks for sharing. :)


I also love that you're running faster too.... hmmm :bigear: Once I get thru this transition/move I can't wait to try some new things w/ all my extra free time!

Edited by LarlaB
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Congratulations what an accomplishment


I just don't have it in me. My DH does the P90X and has tried to talk me into using it.


I am currently doing Turbo Jam. I love love love it. I lost a inch of my thighs in the first 10 days just doing the workout and not changing my diet.


I am still on the first rotation then I plan on the Turbo Elite (got the video) with a hybrid of Charlean Extreme.


I am just loving the result. I do the high impact routine but they show a lower impact. The music is great and keeps me motivated. The Turbo Jams use 80's and 90's dance mix music so it fits my 41yo music taste:D

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