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Is it a calling?

Is homeschooling a calling, or for everyone?  

  1. 1. Is homeschooling a calling, or for everyone?

    • It is the best choice for almost everyone.
    • It is a calling, and only some should homeschool.
    • Other. Please explain.

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I do think it is a calling for some, for others it is the best option they have for a certain time / at a certian time.


If it a calling on a family, then i feel they need to , ought (ie moral obligation) to do so.


If it is simply, logially, the best option at a certain point or time -- then it is potentially the best choice -- for that time -- but there is no moral necessaity.


I do not think Homeschooling is best for everyone, at all times.

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In the present day reality, I do not think most parents could or should homeschool. It would be nice if there weren't so much ignorance or prejudice about it though so that those who would want to do it, could easily do so.The more who do it, the more resources we develop, and the more governments need to take us into account.


In an ideal world- I don't think education would look much like homeschooling or school, but something much more integrated, wide, more like apprenticeships and mentorships and community based learning. Communities would be healthier and more cohesive so organised education would be more community based rather than government directed. It would be for the benefit of each individual more than the "system". And whoever really wanted to work with kids, could share their skills.


I think homeschooling is a sort of response to the school system. It's not really ideal either, I don't think, in terms of community. Look at us, all at home, on the internet, trying to get a sense of how to do this, trying to get a sense of community. It's not ideal- it's just better than school for those who choose it. I would have loved to have sent my kids down the road to an expert in this or that- to the neighbour for cooking classes, a few weeks on a boat at sea for nautical skills, that sort of thing. I also think schools have positives in terms of collaborative projects, or pooled resources, that can be challenging for homeschoolers to achieve.


One parent teaching their kids at home for the whole of the child's childhood? Even using some outside resources? No, I don't think that is an ideal situation overall. It is too much for one person to take on, for too long. Its really hard work. But its the best choice for many of us for a time- better than the affordable alternatives.

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My oldest son feels like he was born to be an accountant. He has told me he cannot envision himself doing anything else.


I just have to pause to note how awesome this is. Great kid :001_smile:


I voted other. It works for us, right now. I have no opinion as to what everyone else should do.

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I voted "other." I know that I want to school my own kids and I cringe when I hear other parents complain that their kids aren't doing well in public school and yet seem to have no idea what's going on in the classes. I agree with the pp who said that it's the parents' responsibility to see to the education of a child, whever it happens. Delegation doesn't absolve them of that responsibility.


However, I just today had an interesting conversation. Dh and I were visiting some friends who are refugees from Burundi. We mentioned that dd7 is schooled at home and were met with, "Really? When will she go to school?" The concept was obviously foreign to them. On the way home, I thought about it and realized again what a privileged place I'm in. When we lived in East Africa, we were friends with a typical family who sent two children to school. They had to pay school fees, buy/make uniforms for the kids, as well as buy school supplies and books, if I understood correctly. This was a definite hardship. As in making choices between grocery money and school fees. Here, this Burundian family is able to send their kids to school for "free" all the way through 12th grade - How incredible is that?!? Why are we so misguided as to refuse to take advantage of it?


So, why wouldn't homeschooling be good for everyone? Well, in some countries education is seen as the pathway to success. Parents will do whatever they can to make sure their kids get to school so that the next generation hopefully won't have to live the same hand-to-mouth existence day after day. Yet these same parents may have had a 3rd grade education or no formal education at all - they would never see themselves as capable of filling such a specialized role as teacher. Some of the biggest reasons I'm schooling - for individuality and independence, etc. - also may not be even on the radar in some cultures.


I, on the other hand, am so blessed as to have the time (as a SAHM), the interest (I've discovered I love to teach even if the discipline issues and multi-tasking aren't my favorite), and the education to school my own children. I need to remember how privileged I am as we beat our way through the rest of this school year! :D


Mama Anna

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Voted other. It is absolutely dependent upon the needs of the child first, and the circumstances/committment of the parent second. I don't believe that every child would be better off homeschooled.


For my child yes she needs it, AND I have the circumstances/committment to do so. If either of those were not true, it would not be in her best interests to homeschool.

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I voted other. I believe its the best educational choice for most people. Some people should not be parents, let alone homeschool and I do think that the public school system can be a great resource for some kids who would otherwise have nothing but poverty, addiction, and dysfunction.

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I don't believe in a calling - in a religious sense. We're free to choose what we want to do.


I really don't believe that homeschooling is for everyone.


I think every family's situation is unique and you should do what works for your family.

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I think there are plenty of parents who are not cut out for homeschooling so no I can't agree that it is the best option for all.


Nor do I think it is a calling, per se. There are plenty of people who kind of tumble into homeschooling. There are many more who are homeschooling one day or one year at a time.

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I don't think most people should homeschool. I have known too many people who did it badly and put their kids back into ps far behind age/grade level.


I voted other because I have a problem with the word calling. I think we are in God's will as we homeschool and that He equipped me for the task. However, I know lots of secular homeschoolers who are great at it. They may want better academics or a more flexible schedule. I don't think any of them would define homeschooling as a calling, but they definitely have the skill set to make it work.

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I don't think anyone can really decide whether homeschooling is a "calling" for *another person* ... I mean, how do YOU know what God has asked of that individual? So I'd never say that it isn't a calling, period. For some, it may very well be. For others, it may not.


As for the 'who can homeschool' that's running along in this thread - I think that pretty much anyone who has the heart for can make it work. :)

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I don't like home education being labelled a "calling." I certainly wasn't "called" to homeschool by any stretch of the imagination. It simply works for us and is something I needed to do for the wellbeing of my son. It may be something I do for my daughter eventually; it may not. She may be happier not being at home. Either way, homeschooling doesn't work for every child, every parent, or every family. :)

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I believe it's probably the best *school* choice (meaning academic and social) for the majority of children. That doesn't necessarily mean it's the best *lifestyle* choice for most families. There are plenty of things that may need to come ahead of that for many people.


well said. :iagree:

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Do you think that some are called to be doctors? Wouldn't it be the same for educating your children?


I can't tell if you're agreeing with the word 'calling' or not, so my answer might not be the right one.


FWIW, I've heard many times that people feel "called" to do various things. I remember hearing about a lady who felt a "calling" to do a liquid diet for one month. She was distraught but knew it was something God expected, so she did it. So why wouldn't someone feel called to do a specific job?

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