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Coffee Creamer that is non-dairy & non-soy

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Does anyone have any good, easy to find suggestions for me? I'm trying to avoid dairy because of sinus issues and blood work showed me to be allergic. All I've found are the non-dairy ones that contain dairy??? and soy.


I LOVE cream in my coffee, so I hope you all have some yummy suggestions!

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I like cocomut milk but I also love almond milk as a creamer. Especially now with the vanilla flavorings it tastes like a creamy nutty creamer. Yum! My brother has taken to adding chocolate almond milk to his coffee saying it is wonderful.

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Thanks for the ideas. I'm sort of feeling like...duh! I use almond milk but hadn't even thought to try it in my coffee. I tried coconut milk (not in coffee), but thought it had too much of a coconut flavor for most things I want milk with, but I'll try the creamer.

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Thanks for the ideas. I'm sort of feeling like...duh! I use almond milk but hadn't even thought to try it in my coffee. I tried coconut milk (not in coffee), but thought it had too much of a coconut flavor for most things I want milk with, but I'll try the creamer.


Did you try the coconut milk from a can or the refrigerated carton? The carton doesn't have a strong coconut flavor, like the kind in the can. It is also a bit thinner. It is more like the consistency of regular whole milk. The kind in the can is like canned milk (much thicker).

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Did you try the coconut milk from a can or the refrigerated carton? The carton doesn't have a strong coconut flavor, like the kind in the can. It is also a bit thinner. It is more like the consistency of regular whole milk. The kind in the can is like canned milk (much thicker).


It was from a carton, and I really like coconut, too. I didn't like it in cereals which is all I really want to use milk for, at least straight milk.

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A bit OT but...


When I moved to Canada, I found it interesting that they don't call "fake" coffee creamer (you know the powdered or liquid sort that uses chemicals to approximate cream) "non-dairy creamer". They call it "coffee whitener".


I am assuming this is to avoid any misconception that such a product has any relationship whatsoever to actual cream.


"Coffee whitener" isn't a very appetizing term, but I guess that's what it does, and if we thought about what the stuff actually is, we wouldn't find it very appetizing anyway.


I agree, go with coconut, rice or almond milk. They're non-dairy, and they're real food!

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The "International Delight" creamers that I have say lactose-free on them. They come in lots of yummy flavours. :D


I do love those, but they have a milk derivative in them and the partially hydrogenated oils, even though it's a small amount. Those type creamers are what I use, but I thought maybe I should try something totally dairy free.

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