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HELP ME! I have no idea where to begin!

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I used to homeschool. And then my kids went back to public/private school for the last two years. They are all home again. 6th/7th grade, 5th grade, 3rd grade and prek.


It was easier to homeschool before. We did math, some grammar, lots of reading and playing outside.


Now-OMG! This is the real deal. These kids need to know how to write. Math is harder, and demands real attention EVERY DAY. The almost 5 yo wants to learn to read, but also needs lots of physical activity and outside time.


I have the curricula-we are closely following what is outlined in TWTM. The house is (sort of) under control.


I just am overwhelmed and we haven't even started yet. Lesson plans-do I write out what we are doing for grammar for the next six weeks or just figure it out each morning? How do I keep all these kids working when they all need me, RIGHT NOW!? Nobody wants to work together (science or history) but they all want ME with them.


They have been home for two weeks and I can't keep using the "deschooling" excuse much longer. We have to get started. I just can't. There's so much. I have got this stack of books and all these children running around. It's like herding cats. I get two to the table to do some math and the third is wandering around complaining she can't get started without me and the little one is off doing I don't know what.


I am about to cry (ok, I am crying)


Completely, utterly overwhelmed and defeated.


Please come hold my hand and tell me EXACTLY what I need to do. Step by step, please, with small words.



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Sit them at the table.


Hand out books.


Get them started. The older kids should be able to move along pretty well without you, once you get them going. At that point, start working with the little one.


They aren't cats, they're puppies and you need to be firm ;)



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I would be doing some partnering up as well! 7th with the 5th, 6th with the 3rd, 3rd with the Pre-K.


If you are working with someone, they have an alternate go to! I'm with you thoough and bit nervous for next year myself. Even though we've been doing it for awhile, I get intimidated as they get older!!!



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Only home for two weeks? Girl, sometimes it takes *months* of deschooling before dc are ready to get to work. Really. Two weeks is nothing.


But since you're stressing, here are some thoughts (and you haven't given me much to work with, Missy, so my thoughts may not apply, at all):


Start next Monday. This week is goof-off time.


Next Monday, you get everyone up at the same time. You all get dressed and make beds, then you all have breakfast together. No time schedule on this, BTW, although you should remind everyone over the weekend that you're starting this on Monday).


Do something together at the breakfast table: talk about what the plans are, read aloud from a good book, give oldest dc assignments they can do independently, work with middle two dc while the little one plays, no longer than 15 or 20 minutes. Spend some time with little dc while middles do an assignment. Let middles play with little while you check in with olders. Have lunch with everyone. Read aloud from a good book to everyone.


Everyone spend some time doing chores.


How're we doing so far? :001_smile:

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Get the older ones up and going before worrying too much about your little one. If you feel history and science can be taught to the group do it. Don't ask. They just need to get used to your routine. It will take a while for that age/ grade thing to drop in importance. I would plan ahead as much as you can. It will make it easier. I'm not a great planner but at least see what needs to get done for the week. If it gets written out then they can check it off. I also have the kids grade their math with me. Then we stop and fix the problems before moving on. Would a 4 day week work for you? Longer days but a day to play, field trip, catch your breath. Don't panic. Really they are still young. :)

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I would use homeschool tracker. I personally sit down every night, after the kids are asleep, and put in the lessons for the next day. It's easier for me than changing things if I plan too far in advance. Honestly, for grammar we just do the next lesson, whatever it is. So my lesson plan just says "grammar" and the name of the book. he knows to do the next lesson. Same with SOTW, etc. Print out each child's list and have it on the talbe for them in the morning. The older ones can work on it independently. I find having it printed out makes the schedule the bad guy, not me. My son loves crossing off the items as he finishes, and likes that I let him do it in any order. He does the independent work when I am busy with the baby, and when he sees she is playing on her own he asks me to do the things he needs help with.

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I agree with Ellie. You have taken on alot all at once, and of course you are overwhelmed. :grouphug: Let them mess around for awhile. Maybe do a project a day, some fun learning project. In the meantime, when you have some downtime, come up with a plan for the next month, or three months or six months. Remember why you have brought them home, and have goals that reflect that. Little by little you will come up with a good plan that will work for your family. But, for now, give everyone, including yourself, sometime to de-school and reacclimate.:grouphug:

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Guest Dulcimeramy

:iagree: with everyone. :grouphug:


I suggest starting slow and ramping up.


Starting today: Half an hour of silent reading for all. Have a snack and then read to them all together for half an hour. That's enough.


Starting Monday: Silent reading, read aloud, and math. That's enough.


Plan a super-fun outing for next Saturday to celebrate your first successful week!


The next week, add another element. Just one more.


Keep coming here to talk about it! We've got your back. You can definitely do this. Rome wasn't built in a day. You have time.

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Take a deep breath. Dry your eyes. And relax. It's actually okay to be a fairly relaxed homeschooler, you know. It works great for me! Sure we write. Sure we do math. But we don't spend hours and hours on it every day, I don't stress over it much (with my 5th grader), I definitely don't cry over it lol. I try to do things hands on and in a fun way as much as possible, because above all, I want us to enjoy homeschooling- and each other!


It's okay to deschool longer.


It's okay to do things on YOUR schedule and in a way that works for YOUR family.


It's okay to call things "learning" even when they don't consist of sitting down and doing formal worksheets or textbooks.


It's okay to let them work independently on those things they can, to help them with those things you can, and to call it a day if it starts feeling like too much, or to move on to doing something fun if the opportunity comes along.


You may or may not find this helpful/inspirational:




(It's something I wrote -pics included!- that shows what homeschooling looks like when I summarize how much we did in a month, instead of looking at what we did on one given day or hour or week or whatever- there really is SO much learning that goes on, in SO many different kinds of ways- it's all good!)



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