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The New SL Catalog!


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It should be on the Dear Sonlight forum here. The Dear Sonlight is part of the public forum. Let me know if it doesn't work.


It is part of the public forums but you need to be registered to access that one. The real public one is the Choosing forum and one or two more I think (Teach support and I can't remember what else).

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Two main points:


1. We believe we must emphasize the value of our entire curriculum.


2. We believe we must strive to make our catalog easier to use.


And they have identified the customer they are trying to reach. People buying books only instead of whole Cores costing $800 or more -- are not it. Current customers and missionaries overseas are no longer it, either.


Book descriptions are going to be available online only, so those with limited availability or limited desire to be on the internet browsing books, are out of luck and they don't care.


Please know this is my paraphrased version of Tim's comments. He said, We know you are disappointed, and then something to imply to we'll get over it.


I'm not over it and feel kicked in the gut. again. Sigh. Ask me why I keep using Sonlight. It's the BOOKS. Not their marketing. They have missed the boat with that again this year and shot themselves in the foot.

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Not shady at all. All of the book titles, authors, descriptions will be available online April 4th.

I meant that "tongue and cheek" it was supposed to be a joke. I "know" all the title, descriptions etc..will be available, but who wants to spend hours doing all of that in front of a screen? I'd rather take my catalog to my daughters 3 hour gymnastics practice and kick back and actually read them in that type of setting

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Two main points:


1. We believe we must emphasize the value of our entire curriculum.


2. We believe we must strive to make our catalog easier to use.


I think it was more with the attitude they felt it conveyed. Heck, people are even posting in WTB to buy the old catalogs, that should say something.

Edited by melmichigan
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I still can't wait to get the new catalog. I did love pouring over the book titles, but I'll get over it. ;)


I am surprised that so many people are taking offense to the new changes. The change in titles was done because many people could not get over having a 7 year-old in a Core labeled "K." The new naming system is simply modeling something like MUS, so that potential customers don't get hung up on grade level.


I briefly reviewed the new catalog on-line. If you enjoyed the former layout the new was is probably irritating. However, if you are a newbie, or someone who gets intimidated or overloaded by TMI, the new layout is probably a blessing. You can figure out how to pick a Core for your child(ren) without inducing a panic attack.


IMO, the way the new catalog is structured is simply to make the process of ordering and selecting easier for those who have never used the curriculum before (or for those who were having a hard time understanding the selection process in the first place). Even though I loooved reading the book descriptions in the previous catalogs, I found the whole concept of ordering very convaluted and disorganized.


If I were Sonlight and my choice came down to making it convenient for cusotmers to piece together their own Cores by providing detailed bookilists and gaining potential Core cutomers by making the ordering process easier and less confusing, I would structure the catalog toward the latter.


I don't think this is manipulative, or underhanded. You can't please everyone and you are forced, as a business, to make choices based on opportunity cost.


Just my two-cents. ;)



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I still can't wait to get the new catalog. I did love pouring over the book titles, but I'll get over it. ;)


I am surprised that so many people are taking offense to the new changes. The change in titles was done because many people could not get over having a 7 year-old in a Core labeled "K." The new naming system is simply modeling something like MUS, so that potential customers don't get hung up on grade level.


I briefly reviewed the new catalog on-line. If you enjoyed the former layout the new was is probably irritating. However, if you are a newbie, or someone who gets intimidated or overloaded by TMI, the new layout is probably a blessing. You can figure out how to pick a Core for your child(ren) without inducing a panic attack.


IMO, the way the new catalog is structured is simply to make the process of ordering and selecting easier for those who have never used the curriculum before (or for those who were having a hard time understanding the selection process in the first place). Even though I loooved reading the book descriptions in the previous catalogs, I found the whole concept of ordering very convaluted and disorganized.


If I were Sonlight and my choice came down to making it convenient for cusotmers to piece together their own Cores by providing detailed bookilists and gaining potential Core cutomers by making the ordering process easier and less confusing, I would structure the catalog toward the latter.


I don't think this is manipulative, or underhanded. You can't please everyone and you are forced, as a business, to make choices based on opportunity cost.


Just my two-cents. ;)




I'm not thinking it's manipulative or underhanded and SL certainly has the right to do whatever they want. I do not find the new catalog easier to navigate, though. I really think they will lose a lot of new customers, because the catalog gives the impression that you can only buy a full core, which many people cannot afford to do, and the cores don't look very appealing now. I have my old catalogs on hand and will use those to help me make decisions.


If this was the first time I was seeing SL, there is no way I would buy from them because I would have no idea how wonderful the program is from that catalog. When I received mine in the mail yesterday, I looked at it for 5 minutes and then threw it in a pile. There's nothing in there for me to look at. At 42, I can hardly even read the book names because the booklists are printed so small and faint.


I will miss the format of the old catalog, but I am actually more upset because I don't know the financial health of the company and I'd hate to see them go out of business. I am really tempted to buy the remaining IG that I know I will use "just in case".



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I'm not thinking it's manipulative or underhanded and SL certainly has the right to do whatever they want. I do not find the new catalog easier to navigate, though. I really think they will lose a lot of new customers, because the catalog gives the impression that you can only buy a full core, which many people cannot afford to do, and the cores don't look very appealing now. I have my old catalogs on hand and will use those to help me make decisions.




The bolded part is the biggest issue I have with the new catalog.

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I think the main reason people are upset is because they have lost something they were used to. Tim is trying to tell people to be open minded and give the catalog a chance. Demands have been made to print another catalog with the descriptions or to allow people to get the 2010 catalog (forcing SL to print more older catalogs). It was at this point that Tim said they are not prepared to make any changes. People will read what they want to read.


We are currently using TOG. TOG does not issue catalogs and their books are found in their website online, yet you see people constantly taking the plunge and going with TOG. Why? Because it is not just about the books, it IS about the curriculum. SL seems to be going in that direction too and I think it is a very wise decision. They are making changes to the curriculum. The old motto, it's all about the books, doesn't create long time loyal customers anymore. And why should they be financing with their catalog people that only want it as a booklist anyway. How is TOG getting people to go with their curriculum regardless of the cost? By creating loyal customers that see the quality of the curriculum. We are TOG's best marketing tool. Our experiences and our willingness to share our experiences with others. I have seen people come on here asking questions about SL and what do you see? There are barely any posts, but then you get some changes in the catalog and people come out of the woodwork to scream. Where are SL's loyal customers? The books are great, yes, but when you develop a reputation that "it's all about the books" people will also tend to think "why do I need the curriculum anyway, I can just go and get the books from Amazon and do what SL does".


In closing, and I will walk away from this thread after this because I have no stake in this whole situation anyway, I think people need to remember that SL is a company and they need to make whatever changes they need to make in order to stay in business by seeing what is working for others. Even though I have moved on to TOG, I applaud them for what they are doing. People here and on the SL forums have been criticizing SL and how they used to listen to their customers but don't anymore. I have had differences with SL and have voiced them IN THEIR FORUMS many times. I have seen SL listen. I have seen SL lower their shipping overseas and now their shipping to Canada. I have seen them make changes on things that matter, our wallet. If people can't see these things then I have to wonder about their loyalty to SL in the first place.


And those are my last 2 cents on the matter, for whatever they are worth.

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I found my catalog from last year. :) I wasn't planning on any new purchases, I am happy with TOG, but I do find it sad. The book descriptions were what hooked me when we started with SL, without them I don't think I would have looked at SL and the curriculum was a wonderful stepping stone in our homeschool journey.

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Every year for the past 7 years I have bought something from SL. Some years my family has spent a lot at SL (like the year I bought VideoText Alg, the core5 IG, LA5, and a ton of books or the year my mom bought us the core100 IG, the Hakim books, and extras). Some years I have bought things from them that I could clearly have purchased elsewhere (like the year I bought Rosetta Stone Farsi). Some years I have only purchased something little (like last year when I only purchased the guide for Sound&Sense and the LA2 adv Readers Guide).

I like SL. I like the company. I like the products. I will not be ordering from them this year. I like to sit on my couch with a cup of coffee (or in the tub with a coke) and flip through the SL catalog looking at all the beautiful descriptions with prices and circling items that I may want to use. I can't do that with this catalog. :( I already have a full schedule with the little man doing CC and the middle man doing dual enrollment, so it would have just been a little something. I am not going to get online and search for what is basically a token purchase.

Next year I may repurchase the core 5 IG and buy the Eastern Hemisphere Explorer, but I won’t be searching through the site to read prices and descriptions to see if I want anything else.


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  • 3 months later...
Can someone explain this to me???


Can you write off school purchases on your taxes????


My guess is that she used her tax return money to buy her SL Cores. I'm not aware of any federal tax credits for homeschooling purchases.


Yes, this is what I meant. I used my tax return to buy the cores. Though MN does allow us to write off some of our educational expenses.

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