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Vitamin D levels?

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I saw my GI doctor this morning, and found out that my vitamin D levels are low. They're at 26, and while normal range is listed as 30-100, I was told that in women they like to see them at 100 and to call my primary care doctor.


So I've got a call in to my primary care doctor. I recently resumed (not reflected in this bloodwork) taking my vitamin D w/calcium supplements. Can I get my levels up to normal with OTC supplements? How much should I take? Should I expect my primary care doctor to prescribe something?

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Last year, my level was 8. :001_huh: I have been on a prescription since then (50,000 IUs/week) and I have spent as much possible in whatever sun is available without sunblock. I also added in 2 glasses of milk a day. I am now up to 17.... ::sigh:: It can be incredibly challenging to get those levels up.

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Include me in the "still trying to get my levels up" list.

2 years ago I was at 17 and I am now at 36. I have gradually increased my dosage per Dr.s instructions and am now taking 8 - 10,000 units daily.

I buy the capsules ( be sure you buy capsules and not tablets) at Costco fairly cheaply.

Side note: I do believe that I feel better and have had less SAD symptoms these past two winters even tho my numbers are still low.

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Mine were in the teens. I got them to the low 30s by taking 1,000iu per 25lbs of bodyweight each day. (I like the flavorless drops you can just add to a glass of water -- a lot easier than taking a handful of pills.) My rheumatologist's office says they consider 50 acceptable -- but I know with certain medical concerns, they want the levels even higher.


I wanted to say, while I've not been as sick as you have in the last year, I've had a history of lupus-like symptoms and high positive ANA results. Since working to get my D levels higher, several of those symptoms have gotten much better or even gone away. I don't know if they're gone forever, but they've definitely gotten worlds better. (And my D levels may be higher now -- I'm due to be rechecked.) In addition to taking my D, I do try to make sure I get sun during those May-Sept months when we can make D for ourselves. I limit the sun on my face but keep my arms, legs, shoulders, etc out in the sun as much as is feasible. (Another interesting point, people with optimal D levels don't burn as easily as people with low levels -- and, of course, that just perpetuates the cycle, since people who burn easily avoid the sun.)

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I have better luck with raising my Vit D level with OTC supplements than I have with the prescription Vit D. The prescription is D2 which isn't absorbed as well as D3 which is what you find in the OTC supplements.


While pregnant with my last baby I was down around 14, 3 rounds of the prescription pills only got me up into the upper 20s/low 30's. After taking the OTC (4000 IU daily) for about a month I was in the 40's. I have now been taking the OTC supplements for 6 months and am due for another test this month. Hopefully it will be a lot higher.

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Hi Judomom,


First all that disclaimer stuff, I am not a medical professional, so all of this is just my personal experience from a life of health issues, etc, etc,etc :001_smile:


When my vitamin D was tested in Oct my level was 29.8 (so right under the 30 cut-off). I started taking 5000 IU of D3 daily that I got at a health food store and when I was last tested in January it was up to 50ish. As you can see mine has gone up very easily once starting the D3. Because I have RA, Fibro and CFS I am hoping to get it a little higher so am continuing at 5000 IUs daily.


I live in Alaska so many people up here have low vitamin D levels from the lack of sun. Hopefully I can cut back during the summer (for all of one month :lol:) but will start back up in September.


Good luck!



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I saw my GI doctor this morning, and found out that my vitamin D levels are low. They're at 26, and while normal range is listed as 30-100, I was told that in women they like to see them at 100 and to call my primary care doctor.


So I've got a call in to my primary care doctor. I recently resumed (not reflected in this bloodwork) taking my vitamin D w/calcium supplements. Can I get my levels up to normal with OTC supplements? How much should I take? Should I expect my primary care doctor to prescribe something?


I prefer to take what I take in the most natural form so that my body will absorb it though I am not entirely sure how "natural" this is. :D




From this site about this product:


Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is the same form of vitamin D that the body manufactures when skin is exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. Vitamin D3 may be more than three times as effective in raising concentrations of vitamin D in the bloodstream and maintaining those levels for a longer time.


If I can avoid a prescription for something, I will do so. This has been a great product for us.

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On my recent bloodwork my D3 was 62. I attributed this to the fact that I take about 4500 i.u. a day of the Whole Foods Market brand. I increased my intake at the end of summer, because I have been reading in so many different places about how researchers have been identifying new ways in which D is important for our bodies. I also have the kids take a good amount as well.

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  • 2 months later...

I just had a PE and my vitamin D level checked out at 21. My doctor told me to take 2,000 units a day, but I happen to have pills that are 5,000 u. I will be checked again in 3 months, so I hope this will help me to start feeling better. I have had anxiety/depression issues plus terrible pains in my feet plus it has been extremely difficult to lose weight, and I haven't even wanted to move around at all.


Here's hoping this will help!



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I just had a PE and my vitamin D level checked out at 21. My doctor told me to take 2,000 units a day, but I happen to have pills that are 5,000 u. I will be checked again in 3 months, so I hope this will help me to start feeling better. I have had anxiety/depression issues plus terrible pains in my feet plus it has been extremely difficult to lose weight, and I haven't even wanted to move around at all.


Here's hoping this will help!




I hope it helps too.:001_smile:

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My level is 12. <blah> I am taking the prescription my dr ordered, but I am also (now) taking a liquid from Costco recommended by a friend. I am supposed to get checked in 8 weeks. I have been on a diet for a couple of weeks now and have lost exactly - nothing. <sigh> But I trudge on because it has to change eventually, right?


Omma, I hope you will post an update if your levels are going up and you're able to start moving again and lose weight. :)

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My level is 12. <blah> I am taking the prescription my dr ordered, but I am also (now) taking a liquid from Costco recommended by a friend. I am supposed to get checked in 8 weeks. I have been on a diet for a couple of weeks now and have lost exactly - nothing. <sigh> But I trudge on because it has to change eventually, right?


Omma, I hope you will post an update if your levels are going up and you're able to start moving again and lose weight. :)


Will do, cindergretta. Please update us with what happens to you, too. I am wondering why you went from 8 up to 17 and then back down to 12. :confused: That does not sound good. What did you do or not do that affected that decline? I hope that liquid you got at Costco helps you.


I am wondering if I should start taking calcium, too. The problem with calcium is that I have not been able to absorb it well and I think it may have just added to my problem with forming bone spurs (not sure... did not discuss this with any Dr.)



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One thing to do is weight bearing exercise to build up bone strength.


Son and I have low vitamin D levels (our rare liver disease -- we cannot eat protein or dairy. As a result of our low protein diet, he has osteoporosis and I have osteopenia. Son and I also deal with HbC trait that has us with Chronic Hemolytic Anemia. We do not absorb vit D naturally, I guess.) We had to have a DEXA scan this past January. And take 50,000 IU of vit D in pill form once a week.

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I wanted to say, while I've not been as sick as you have in the last year, I've had a history of lupus-like symptoms and high positive ANA results. Since working to get my D levels higher, several of those symptoms have gotten much better or even gone away. I don't know if they're gone forever, but they've definitely gotten worlds better.


DD has Crohn's Disease and has low Vitamin D (25 on a DEXA scan). We give her Vitamin D pills (perscription) but also give her cod liver oil (in capsules). (It helps A LOT with feminine problems, too, btw.) I have wondered if giving her more cod liver oil would help her. Your post makes me think we should give it a try. Her doc is all for us giving her fish oil. :001_smile:


If someone does decide to try cod liver oil (so tempting, right? :lol:), there are not a lot of good brands out there these days. The only one I know of now is Blue Ice fermented cod liver oil. I get capsules because I tried the oil and nearly lost the contents of my stomach.

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I live in WA state. I went from 8 to 17 over the summer. Then fall hit and the sun disappeared. The dr had taken me off the prescription in favor of a daily OTC. She has since put me back on the prescription b/c up here, low D is common and hard to correct. Since I have no issues with dairy, I am trying to drink milk daily so the calcium can help me absorb the D and I can get that extra D from the fortified milk. :001_smile:

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My Dr has recommended taking 2000 IU of D3 daily. FWIW, I tested at 84 in March, and I've been supplementing at 2000 IU for almost a year and a half now. I don't have a baseline test to compare with before I started supplementing. I use Swanson Vitamins for my stuff (they have a fish oil capsule that's decent.)

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