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Peela/Others ~ Quick Question

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Peela or anyone else who may know,


Dh is on an anti-candida diet ... poor thing. He's losing way too much weight and does not need to, at all.

Anyway, he has read to take 3 drops of Oil of Oregano 3 times a day. Would this be okay? Is this toxic? We've often taken Oregano at the first sign of a cold or flu. Apparently, this method can take up to 6 weeks. Is it okay to take 9 drops of Oregano for 6 weeks?

He's doing everything he can - garlic, very, very strict diet, etc.


Thank you. :)

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Hi Negin- I really dont know. After Jean's episode with taking tea tree, I would be careful- but many people do take essential oils internally- sometimes in much greater quantities than you are suggesting- oftne by putting the drops into gel caps first. I would suggest that if he feels burning/digestive upset from it, to stop it or back right off- I am sure he owuld know within a few days. Start with one drop and slwoly increase over time if there are no problems. I am a member with Young Essential Oils though and get a member's newsletters and many do take the oils internally for various things. Is he taking herbs like pau darco? For me personally I probably would go that way, but I like herbs. OK oregano is a herb too, but I think I would be concerned for my system with something that concentrated- but I might be just sensitive to my own system.

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FWIW, I have been on an anti-candida diet since last July. I did not take oil of oregano or anything like that. I started with a month of anti-fungal meds, and have been on the strict no-carb, no-sugar diet as well. I take some over the counter probiotics. The diet alone seems to work for me.


If you want a slightly less risky approach, he might consider taking apple cider vinegar rather than the oil of oregano.

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Thank you all so very much. :)


I would be careful- but many people do take essential oils internally- sometimes in much greater quantities than you are suggesting

I would suggest that if he feels burning/digestive upset from it, to stop it or back right off- I am sure he owuld know within a few days. Start with one drop and slwoly increase over time if there are no problems.

Is he taking herbs like pau darco? For me personally I probably would go that way.

Peela, again, we have both taken Oregano at the first sign of a cold or flu. No problems whatsoever. Just the horribly intense taste ... that makes you want to run a mile and get away from the situation :lol:.

I like your idea of starting slowly and listening to one's body.

I wish they had pau d'arco here. Maybe I could ask a herbalist. I'll see if he has it. I guess that you mean that it's effective for candida, correct?


FWIW, I have been on an anti-candida diet since last July. I did not take oil of oregano or anything like that. I started with a month of anti-fungal meds, and have been on the strict no-carb, no-sugar diet as well. I take some over the counter probiotics. The diet alone seems to work for me.

If you want a slightly less risky approach, he might consider taking apple cider vinegar rather than the oil of oregano.

Wow, since last July? That sounds very, very hard :grouphug:. My dh cannot lose any more weight. It's worrying me.

He takes probiotics and so many other things.

I was always under the impression that ACV would exacerbate candida. :confused:


I was taking oil of oregano in addition to the tea tree oil. Only the tea tree seemed to give me problems. I've stopped both now though until I can get the advice of my naturopathic doctor.

Jean, okay. That's good to know for our situation.

I'm thinking so much of you. Hope you can see your naturopath soon. :grouphug:


I'd try the apple cider before the Oil of Oregano. The oil is a "big hitter" and a powerful antibiotic.

Once again, I always thought that ACV is a no-no for candida? :confused:


Thanks again, everyone.

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I have used ACV to combat yeast.


When Katy was a baby I battled thrush. I didn't completely get rid of it until she was 10 months old!!!


I did an elimination diet of nothing but vegetables and chicken and brown rice. I lasted on this for 10 days and took Goldenseal, Pau D'arco and something else I can't remember. I took so much goldenseal one day that when I burped out came nasty foul bitter powder. (wasn't that a lovely image?) :001_huh:


At that same time as the 10 day elimination diet I had contracted Hand, Foot and Mouth disease so my mouth hurt so much that the diet was easier to stick to. At the end of ten days the thrush was gone as was the virus.


Thrush is hell and I've had it with all three kids. :glare:


I hope your dh is feeling better (and not needing the diet) soon!

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Thanks so much, Cyndi. :grouphug:


For now, he absolutely refuses to try ACV. He has GERD, so ACV bothers him.

Aloe and garlic seem to help. Plus, eating barely anything helps also. The candida diet is great for those who want to lose weight. But my dh is certainly not in that category. Candida sucks. :glare:

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Grapefruit Seed Extrace (GSE) is really effective as long as there's no citric acid allergies. 15 drops in a glass of water 3 times per day. It's very bitter but worked the best to end it all. Keep taking if as needed after it's gone to keep it away. You can find it at health food stores for about $5.


I've taken 1-2 drops 3 times per day of oil of oregano with no problems. I personally think 3 drops is a lot. It is very firey, but so anti-fungal/viral/bacterial. I liked balancing it out with cooling food like coconut oil.


Ghee or butter can help gain weight. Make soup! Ginger is recommended for vata candida in ayurveda. HTH!

Edited by Devotional Soul
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How much of the probiotics is he taking? I was able to eliminate candida by taking high doses of probiotics. I listened to my body carefully and over time as my body rebalanced itself I was able to reduce my dose. Currently, even if I'm on antibioitics I don't have any problems, although I do take normal doses of the probiotics.


Anyway, I take vitacost NSI brand 15-35, which has 35 billion IU, and would take up to 7-10 capsules daily. I had die-off symptoms for a while which wasn't pleasant and sometimes had to cut back to 4-7 per day but it did get better.


I hope you figure out something. This certainly isn't easy.

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Here's some good info on oil of oregano:




For candida, it says "Take 3 drops 3 times of diluted oil of oregano. If it is intolerable, causing too many reactions or die-off symptoms, start with 1 drop and gradually increase them."


But, when I searched on too much, I found:




"The liver must process the Oregano oil and will become overloaded if too large an amount is taken."

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Once again, thank you all. :grouphug:


Grapefruit Seed Extrace (GSE) is really effective as long as there's no citric acid allergies.

We have GSE. Only problem is that he has GERD issues, and citrus bothers him. He avoids it. But maybe he should give this a try.


I've taken 1-2 drops 3 times per day of oil of oregano with no problems. I personally think 3 drops is a lot. It is very firey, but so anti-fungal/viral/bacterial. I liked balancing it out with cooling food like coconut oil.

Thanks for that.


Ghee or butter can help gain weight. Make soup! Ginger is recommended for vata candida in ayurveda. HTH!

The ghee they sell here comes in cans. I'm not sure if it's good or not. I try very hard to avoid canned foods.

Ginger doesn't agree with him due to GERD issues. But maybe he should give that a try also.

Ayurveda fascinates me and I really wish I had time to read up on it more. I plan on doing so.


The directions on the bottle I have say the maximum dose is 5 drops, three times per day. It doesn't say what percentage is the essential oil and how much is olive oil though.


Thanks, Rosie.


How much of the probiotics is he taking? I was able to eliminate candida by taking high doses of probiotics. I listened to my body carefully and over time as my body rebalanced itself I was able to reduce my dose. Currently, even if I'm on antibioitics I don't have any problems, although I do take normal doses of the probiotics.

Anyway, I take vitacost NSI brand 15-35, which has 35 billion IU, and would take up to 7-10 capsules daily. I had die-off symptoms for a while which wasn't pleasant and sometimes had to cut back to 4-7 per day but it did get better.

I hope you figure out something. This certainly isn't easy.

Thanks. Right now, he's taking double the dosage of probiotics. It's a high potency one. I think I'll have him take even more.


Here's some good info on oil of oregano:




For candida, it says "Take 3 drops 3 times of diluted oil of oregano. If it is intolerable, causing too many reactions or die-off symptoms, start with 1 drop and gradually increase them."


But, when I searched on too much, I found:




"The liver must process the Oregano oil and will become overloaded if too large an amount is taken."

Thanks so much for those links. Will read up on them now.


Poor guy is weighing less than he ever has. Some days, it looks like the candida is going. Other days, not so good at all ... total pain in the neck.

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Negin, are you totally sure that he has candida? I ask this because I was so sure that I did but it turned out to be parasites for me. Some of the anti-candida stuff is also anti-parasitic but I didn't have to have such a strict diet.

Jean, a few years ago, when his symptoms first started, he took all sorts of tests for parasites, etc. Nothing.

Over the course of time, whenever I would read about candida, I suspected that he had it. But then again, so many do, and so I didn't put much stock into it.

Several months ago, he got very sick with a really bad cold/flu/whatever, and a stupid doctor put him on a very, very strong course of antibiotics. He swears he will never go on those again. That really did it, we think.

He takes the special candida spit test most mornings. He is getting better, much better. But he still has quite a way to go.

The candida diet is great for those who need or want to lose weight, but not so nice for those who really don't need to lose any weight at all. :confused:


Thank you so much everyone for caring and helping out. :grouphug:


Christina, he just started the GSE and feels that it's really effective. Thank you for that.

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I'm glad GSE is helping. GSE has been a miracle cure for us for any kind of yeast overgrowth. Just lesson the amount if it aggravates anything. Alkalinizing with lots of bitter and no sweet is what I've found to be the key to healing many health problems, and GSE makes it easy to get lots of bitter.


Other helpful foods for all of the conditions in consideration are aloe vera juice (before and after meals for gerd), okra, bitter melon, mint tea, unsweetened cranberry or pomegranate juice (aka grenada en espanol;)), and dark, leafy greens. Tahini is from sesame seeds, which are antifungal, and can make a raw foodist chubby. Dip veggies and make salad dressing with it for some weight gaining, antifungal food.


Most of the food that will help gain weight will also feed the candida or aggravate the gerd. When the gerd is minimized and stomach rebalanced (aloe vera juice?), than more healthy nuts and oils can be taken like coconut oil, ghee (not canned, here's a recipe to make it from unsalted butter), olive oil, and sesame oil. When the candida is rebalanced, more protein and carbs can help gain weight.


There is always a way to restore the balance...you've just got to find out how...and it's different for everyone! Best wishes for healing!

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Negin, are you totally sure that he has candida? I ask this because I was so sure that I did but it turned out to be parasites for me. Some of the anti-candida stuff is also anti-parasitic but I didn't have to have such a strict diet.


That's good news though, Jean- parasites are very treatable. Candida is such a vague sort of thing since we all have it anyway.

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Candida is such a vague sort of thing since we all have it anyway.

I hate, hate, hate the candida diet. I hate the whole concept. :cursing: It might be great for those who want to lose weight. I really want my dh to stop the diet. Oh well ... The diet is excessively high in protein. I don't think it's healthy at all. I wish that we'd never heard about candida. I curse the day that we did. :confused:

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I hate, hate, hate the candida diet. I hate the whole concept. :cursing: It might be great for those who want to lose weight. I really want my dh to stop the diet. Oh well ... The diet is excessively high in protein. I don't think it's healthy at all. I wish that we'd never heard about candida. I curse the day that we did. :confused:




I don't know if it's comforting or not, but I don't think all doctors believe in candida. Maybe you could look at some sites that say it's a hoax? Maybe for some people it's real and for others it's just not a big deal, and maybe your dh would fall into the second category?


I'll tell you, friend, that I could not follow that diet. I tried it for 8 days over ten years ago (the vegan version) and found it utterly depressing. You have all my sympathy.:grouphug:

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I hate, hate, hate the candida diet. I hate the whole concept. :cursing: It might be great for those who want to lose weight. I really want my dh to stop the diet. Oh well ... The diet is excessively high in protein. I don't think it's healthy at all. I wish that we'd never heard about candida. I curse the day that we did. :confused:


Well, Negin...if it doesnt feel right...maybe you should trust that too.

DOign a diet that is supposed to be healing something, but that is also hurting (because its so high in protein, restrictive, and causing him to lose weight), jsut doesn't sound right to me. On what information are you going, that he is on such a strict, restrictive diet?


I am studying Ayurveda again at the moment and what you are saying really makes me think that he might be a bit of a Vata constitution and the diet he is on for the candida is not helping his constitutional balance- not nourishing it properly. In the end- if the cost of the candida is balance and health in other areas- you are still not going to get health.

I am just getting a feeling that you might need to widen the scope and not focus so much on the candida as the "enemy". It definitely shouldn't be a long term diet for a skinny person, that's for sure.

The way I have tended to deal with candida with myself, and in recommendations to others, is just to cut out bread (yeast), white flour, too much fruit, and especially any sugar. FOr most people that is fairly doable and if their health is otherwise ok, their body will naturally come back into balance. I know mine does- for me, I used to be addicted to sugar. When I cut that out- only sugar- all those chronic candida symptoms dropped away too over time, although that wasnt my intention.


I dont want to undermine whatever authority you are using to treat your husband, but reading your post above just seemed like a red flag to me that something is not right with his treatment. The cure shouldn't be worse than the disease, IYKWIM.

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I'm glad GSE is helping. GSE has been a miracle cure for us for any kind of yeast overgrowth. Just lesson the amount if it aggravates anything. Alkalinizing with lots of bitter and no sweet is what I've found to be the key to healing many health problems, and GSE makes it easy to get lots of bitter.

Christina, thank you so much for all your very helpful tips.


I don't know if it's comforting or not, but I don't think all doctors believe in candida. Maybe you could look at some sites that say it's a hoax? Maybe for some people it's real and for others it's just not a big deal, and maybe your dh would fall into the second category?

Thank you :grouphug:. I agree and am beginning to believe that it may very well be a hoax. I researched it as well. I also read that osteopenia is a hoax as well.

Back to candida, dh believes that he has it. And that he's healing. His health feels up and down. Some days/moments, he feels very good. Other times, not good at all.

I don't support or believe in this diet. My attitude is "whatever floats your boat". :confused: Quite frankly, whoever invented the term candida, I want to clobber on the head and shout some choice words. :glare:


On what information are you going, that he is on such a strict, restrictive diet?

Thanks so much, Peela. :grouphug:

The info is all from online sources and some books. :confused:


I am just getting a feeling that you might need to widen the scope and not focus so much on the candida as the "enemy". It definitely shouldn't be a long term diet for a skinny person, that's for sure.

The way I have tended to deal with candida with myself, and in recommendations to others, is just to cut out bread (yeast), white flour, too much fruit, and especially any sugar. FOr most people that is fairly doable and if their health is otherwise ok, their body will naturally come back into balance. I know mine does- for me, I used to be addicted to sugar. When I cut that out- only sugar- all those chronic candida symptoms dropped away too over time, although that wasnt my intention.

So, would you say, that some fruit is okay? What about brown rice, etc.? What would you say he absolutely should not eat? - Bread, white flour, is whole wheat okay?, some fruit okay? He's fine with no sugar.

He's always been a sugar addict. But going on the candida diet has made absolutely zero difference in his sugar cravings. I'm shocked. I'd always read and continue to read how those who have candida see their sugar cravings disappear after going on the anti-candida diet. As far as I'm concerned, that's such rubbish, or, at least not true in my dh's case. Oftentimes, he says how he would gladly eat 10 Snickers bars. So there goes that theory right out the window. Sorry that I sound so angry and bitter. I'm just annoyed at the false promises and false sense of hope. I hate it when one tries something and gets no results. Especially when one sticks to it to a "t". Very frustrating to put it in all that effort and get nowhere much.

We will look into the Ayurveda. I'll try to convince him. He's quite open to suggestions, but is very attached to this stupid, stupid, stupid candida. Sorry to sound so opinionated :lol:.


I dont want to undermine whatever authority you are using to treat your husband, but reading your post above just seemed like a red flag to me that something is not right with his treatment. The cure shouldn't be worse than the disease, IYKWIM.

Thanks so much. No, you're not undermining anything. Trust me. I'm ready to clobber whoever came up with those whole thing. :glare:


Thanks in advance. No need to reply if you're busy. Thank you all. :grouphug:


Peela, is there a site that you would recommend for Ayurveda? It'll take forever for a book to arrive here. Thanks so much. I see some sites, but is there one that you prefer?

Edited by Negin in Grenada
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Back to candida, dh believes that he has it. And that he's healing. His health feels up and down. Some days/moments, he feels very good. Other times, not good at all.

I don't support or believe in this diet. My attitude is "whatever floats your boat". :confused: Quite frankly, whoever invented the term candida, I want to clobber on the head and shout some choice words. :glare:



Thanks so much, Peela. :grouphug:

The info is all from online sources and some books. :confused:



So, would you say, that some fruit is okay? What about brown rice, etc.? What would you say he absolutely should not eat? - Bread, white flour, is whole wheat okay?, some fruit okay? He's fine with no sugar.

He's always been a sugar addict. But going on the candida diet has made absolutely zero difference in his sugar cravings. I'm shocked. I'd always read and continue to read how those who have candida see their sugar cravings disappear after going on the anti-candida diet. As far as I'm concerned, that's such rubbish, or, at least not true in my dh's case. Oftentimes, he says how he would gladly eat 10 Snickers bars. So there goes that theory right out the window. Sorry that I sound so angry and bitter. I'm just annoyed at the false promises and false sense of hope. I hate it when one tries something and gets no results. Especially when one sticks to it to a "t". Very frustrating to put it in all that effort and get nowhere much.

We will look into the Ayurveda. I'll try to convince him. He's quite open to suggestions, but is very attached to this stupid, stupid, stupid candida. Sorry to sound so opinionated :lol:.



Thanks so much. No, you're not undermining anything. Trust me. I'm ready to clobber whoever came up with those whole thing. :glare:


Thanks in advance. No need to reply if you're busy. Thank you all. :grouphug:


Peela, is there a site that you would recommend for Ayurveda? It'll take forever for a book to arrive here. Thanks so much. I see some sites, but is there one that you prefer?


HI Negin- if he is feeling it is working, that is something at least.

Yes, generally low sugar fruit should be ok especially if he has been on the diet for a while- the super strict phase really should only be for a couple of weeks.

Also, grains should be ok, just not white, and not in yeasted bread.


Yoghurt in the form of a lassi should be good.

Coconut oil is anti bacterial and anti fungal- and ghee is also good- they would be very nourishing for him.


If he is still craving sugar so intensely though- I would say something is still out of balance in his system. He should be feeling stable blood sugar- unless his diet is too restrictive or too full of the bitter element. He should be feeling nourished and full but without an emphasis on the sweet taste- so it sounds like his diet is not right, to me. If it was my sugar lovin dh, as soon as he felt the candida was cured he would slowly resume to his old patterns of sugar excess, if he still felt those cravings. My dh is quite aware of candida and eats a lot of yoghurt to balance his sugar excess. It does seem to help.


I don't know of websites off hand - if you are not familiar with ayurveda at all, it would be a big learning curve for you to understand the concepts, but this article might give you a feel for their approach. The same article is here at his website, which you could explore.

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ghee is also good- they would be very nourishing for him.

Peela, thank you so much, as always. :grouphug:

Quick question for you or anyone else who can answer this: ghee here is quite expensive. What are its benefits versus having say, regular butter?

Thank you for the links. I need to read more. I do have some basic ideas of Ayurveda. In fact, I read the Deepak Chopra book many years ago. I wish I had kept it. I didn't put too much stock into it at the time. But now I'm ready to learn and read more. I remember thinking that I'm a mixture of 2 doshas. Not sure ...


an anti-parasite diet is exactly the same as an anti-candida diet.

Thanks so much, Jean.

I did a quick search and yes, you're right, the diets are quite similar. He has been taking so much garlic.


As of last night, he officially stopped the anti-candida diet without any pressure from me. He's had enough - enough of not feeling well, losing far too much weight, lower abdominal pain/cramping, etc. He would still love to get rid of the candida, but he just had enough. He stuck with it for a much longer time than I would have.

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As of last night, he officially stopped the anti-candida diet without any pressure from me. He's had enough - enough of not feeling well, losing far too much weight, lower abdominal pain/cramping, etc. He would still love to get rid of the candida, but he just had enough. He stuck with it for a much longer time than I would have.


Well, I hope he doesn't throw the baby out with the bathwater after all that hard work! What about adding in grains, dairy, fruit etc and just leaving out the sugar? I am sure he will do what he wants though, if he's anything like my dh :)


If butter is cheap- you can make your own ghee. If its expensive- just use butter :)

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Grapefruit Seed Extrace (GSE) is really effective as long as there's no citric acid allergies. 15 drops in a glass of water 3 times per day. It's very bitter but worked the best to end it all. Keep taking if as needed after it's gone to keep it away. You can find it at health food stores for about $5.


I have not read the whole thread, but I agree about grapefruit see extract. I had thrush for 4 months after DD2 was born, and this is what finally got rid of it. It took a week or two to notice a difference, and i continued to take it for awhile after the thrush was gone. Good luck!

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Peela, thank you so much, as always. :grouphug:

Quick question for you or anyone else who can answer this: ghee here is quite expensive. What are its benefits versus having say, regular butter?

Thank you for the links. I need to read more. I do have some basic ideas of Ayurveda. In fact, I read the Deepak Chopra book many years ago. I wish I had kept it. I didn't put too much stock into it at the time. But now I'm ready to learn and read more. I remember thinking that I'm a mixture of 2 doshas. Not sure ...



Thanks so much, Jean.

I did a quick search and yes, you're right, the diets are quite similar. He has been taking so much garlic.


As of last night, he officially stopped the anti-candida diet without any pressure from me. He's had enough - enough of not feeling well, losing far too much weight, lower abdominal pain/cramping, etc. He would still love to get rid of the candida, but he just had enough. He stuck with it for a much longer time than I would have.


Well, he can't get rid of it anyway, since we all have it. It's a balance you're looking for, just like with bacteria.

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Ghee is clarified and the impurities in butter are removed, which helps with the many diseases that come from too much toxins or undigested food stagnating in the body. Ghee has less fat than butter, although they’re both saturated fat and should not be overtaken for the well being of the heart. A little ghee is good for all body types.


Before electricity, ghee was made because it doesn’t need refrigeration and it was used as lamp oil. In the sense of it burning well, it aids digestive fire. It is good for high temperature cooking and doesn’t burn like butter does. In other words, ghee is cleaner than butter.

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Thanks again everyone.


Well, I hope he doesn't throw the baby out with the bathwater after all that hard work! What about adding in grains, dairy, fruit etc and just leaving out the sugar? I am sure he will do what he wants though, if he's anything like my dh

Peela, thank you. He has been continuing to eat healthy for the most part. Only had some sugar the other night. Other than that, he's happily back to including fruit. Off to do research on candida and ayurveda. He still wants to fight the candida eventually. I'm not saying anything :001_huh: :glare:. I despise the whole concept. He's happy that he's slowly regaining weight. He's gained 3 pounds in 3 days. :)


Negin, another approach is the Body Ecology diet by Donna Gates. bodyecology.com

It is all about healing from candida and has a lot of information.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Peela, you are the absolute best. :grouphug:


It doesn't contain the proteins. Maybe that's it? :confused:


Rosie, do you mean that butter does not have proteins, but ghee does? I don't think I'm the type to make my own ghee unless it's really and truly worth it. Otherwise, I am willing to pay more to buy it here. It comes in a green-coloured can, from Australia, I think. I often remember Deepak Chopra saying how we should eat ghee. At the time, I had no idea what it was. If it's very beneficial, I'll buy it.

The butter we get here is from New Zealand (Anchor brand). I'm happy that it's from there. I'm quite sure that the cows are grass-fed, unlike most animals in the U.S.


Well, he can't get rid of it anyway, since we all have it. It's a balance you're looking for, just like with bacteria.

:iagree: I reminded dh of that.


Ghee is clarified and the impurities in butter are removed, which helps with the many diseases that come from too much toxins or undigested food stagnating in the body. Ghee has less fat than butter, although they’re both saturated fat and should not be overtaken for the well being of the heart. A little ghee is good for all body types.

Before electricity, ghee was made because it doesn’t need refrigeration and it was used as lamp oil. In the sense of it burning well, it aids digestive fire. It is good for high temperature cooking and doesn’t burn like butter does. In other words, ghee is cleaner than butter.

Thank you so much. I love your knowledge and your helpful posts. :D What do you read, where do you get all your great info, if you don't mind my asking? :)

When you said that ghee "aids digestive fire", a light bulb went off in my head. His problems are all digestive. So I guess this is worth getting.

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Rosie, do you mean that butter does not have proteins, but ghee does?


Other way around, as Devotional Soul said. :)


I'm intending to start using ghee here. If there is no, or virtually no animal protein in it, there's no reason why we shouldn't use it. Dh in particular has digestive issues because of his meds, so if it helps with that, all the better!



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Other way around, as Devotional Soul said. :)

I'm intending to start using ghee here. If there is no, or virtually no animal protein in it, there's no reason why we shouldn't use it. Dh in particular has digestive issues because of his meds, so if it helps with that, all the better!


Rosie, now I'm going to sound really stupid ... please bear with me ... so ghee is good for those with digestive issues? If so, great, since my dh has them.

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Rosie, now I'm going to sound really stupid ... please bear with me ... so ghee is good for those with digestive issues? If so, great, since my dh has them.


I can't say from experience, since I only just bought some today, but that's what the Ayurvedic books were saying.

Edited by Rosie_0801
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I can't say from experience, since I only just bought some today, but that's what the Ayurvedic books were saying.

Thanks, Rosie. :)

I seriously need to find the time to read up more on Ayurveda. I wish I had kept my Deepak Chopra book from more than 15 years ago. At the time, I didn't pay much attention to it. Read it, but did not follow through.

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Peela and others, once again, here am I with all my questions.

You were right. Dh is vata (mixed with pitta). Been trying to get some reading done on all this. I'm in a bit of a hurry to order supplements (as well as help with dietary changes). I do plan on ordering some Ayurveda books (specifically the ones you recommended), but they'll take a while to get here. Meanwhile, the internet is a lifesaver. :)

My specific question is: does anyone know where I can order some good Ayuervedic supplements? Any advice or tips? Thank you. I have highlighted the things that are specific to his dosha.


Vata Candidiasis

1. Use hing, ginger, basil ajwan, and garlic to spice your food. (What is hing?) :confused:

2. Boil 1 teaspoon of brahmi and 1 teaspoon of bala down in 1⁄2 cup of water. Add a pinch of black pepper and boil to 1⁄2 cup. Drink this after straining, 3 times per day.

3. Oleation and Purgation.

a. Oleation: Take 2 teaspoons liquid ghee on the first morning, with hot water. On the second morning, take 4 teaspoons of ghee, and increase by 2 teaspoons every day until on the sixth day you have reached 6 teaspoons. Question: No liquid ghee here. Can I just give solid ghee or can I melt our solid ghee? :confused:

b. Purgation: On the evening of the fourth day, take 6 teaspoons of castor oil. This could produce a laxative effect. It there is none, repeat the castor dose the next night.

4. Start each meal with equal parts of ginger juice and honey, and a pinch of lemon juice, salt, and cumin powder.


Pitta Candidiasis

1. Mahasudarshan (a churna of triphala (Emblica offcinialis, Terminalia belerica, Terminalia chebula); gudduchi (Tinospora cordifolia); kutki (Picorrhiza kurroa); patrpat; nimb (lime), suddha surastraja, bamshalochan; kairat). Take 1⁄2 teaspoon with hot water after meals.

3. Neem tea (Azadirachta indica), 4 cups per day.

4. 1 teaspoon of the following mixture 3 times per day: ashwaganda (Withania somnifera), gudduchi (Tinosporia cordifolia), amalaki (Emblica officinalis), and brahmi (Centella asiatica).

5. Oleation and purgation as per vata:

a. Oleation: Take 2 teaspoons liquid ghee on the first morning, with hot water. On the second morning, take 4 teaspoons of ghee, and increase by 2 teaspoonsful every day until on the sixth day you have reached 6 teaspoonsful.

b. Purgation: On the evening of the fourth day, take six teaspoons of castor oil. This could produce a laxative effect. It there is none, repeat the castor dose the next night.


The following herbs, listed by Scott Gerson, M.D., have been effective in his treatment of systemic candidiasis:

Juniperus communis (Hapusa) powdered berries, 2-3 grams

b.i.d.Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi) leaf infusion, 2 oz

b.i.d.Carum copticum (Yamani) powdered seed, 2-4 grams with 2 oz. pomegranate juice

b.i.d.Caloptropis gigantea (Alarka) root bark decoction, 1⁄2-1 oz., t.i.d.


I would love to know a good and reliable source as to where to get these. I usually order our supplements from vitacost and amazon, but I know that most of these are not available from them.


Thank you. :)

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Lol, love your enthusiasm, Negin. I am not sure of sources for you but I have used Himalaya brand ayurvedic herbs before with success. They are well known and I have bought them online.

I would mainly treat him as a vata ...and I don't think you need to do everything below. I woudl definitely do the oleation/purgation. I did it recently- but I did do it along with a gentle cleansing diet- it is after all a cleanse. I feel it worked well. I got the cleanse from here:


but you know I am not sure how "literal" you are, Negin and if that will just overwhelm you. I tend to just use what I have on hand and am not so good at following all the details. In this case, I love kitchari so I ate that- I used lots of turmeric- but I didnt use the other herbs. But I did do the oleation.


I will respond in....pink? :)


Vata Candidiasis

1. Use hing, ginger, basil ajwan, and garlic to spice your food. (What is hing?) :confused:


Hing is asafoetida powder. Just use what you have- garlic, ginger etc


2. Boil 1 teaspoon of brahmi and 1 teaspoon of bala down in 1⁄2 cup of water. Add a pinch of black pepper and boil to 1⁄2 cup. Drink this after straining, 3 times per day.

I am familiar with brahmi, not bala. I am not sure how important they are.


3. Oleation and Purgation.

a. Oleation: Take 2 teaspoons liquid ghee on the first morning, with hot water. On the second morning, take 4 teaspoons of ghee, and increase by 2 teaspoons every day until on the sixth day you have reached 6 teaspoons. Question: No liquid ghee here. Can I just give solid ghee or can I melt our solid ghee? :confused:

b. Purgation: On the evening of the fourth day, take 6 teaspoons of castor oil. This could produce a laxative effect. It there is none, repeat the castor dose the next night.


That is straightforward- liquid ghee is just ghee that is melted. I put the container into hot water to melt enough to drink. I acutally like teh taste and have no problem drinking a fair bit straight off the spoon- and I dont get nauseious- but someone with a bit of a congested liver might feel quesy.

As I said above, I did mine as part of a cleanse, eating kitchari daily.

I also used triphala rather than castor oil on the last day.

4. Start each meal with equal parts of ginger juice and honey, and a pinch of lemon juice, salt, and cumin powder.


]Or you could just drink hot ginger tea. I mean, this could get complicated :)[/size]


Pitta Candidiasis

1. Mahasudarshan (a churna of triphala (Emblica offcinialis, Terminalia belerica, Terminalia chebula); gudduchi (Tinospora cordifolia); kutki (Picorrhiza kurroa); patrpat; nimb (lime), suddha surastraja, bamshalochan; kairat). Take 1⁄2 teaspoon with hot water after meals.


Or since you have triphala, maybe just use that?


3. Neem tea (Azadirachta indica), 4 cups per day.


Or Neem tablets. These are extremely anti fungal, anti parasitical.

But if you have any other anti parasite product, that would also do the same thing - the herbs are to kill off the candida. Neem tea would be foul tasting- it is extremely bitter. I couldnt do it myself.


4. 1 teaspoon of the following mixture 3 times per day: ashwaganda (Withania somnifera), gudduchi (Tinosporia cordifolia), amalaki (Emblica officinalis), and brahmi (Centella asiatica).


That seems like more of a tonic to me- not sure how it would relate to candida specifically. They are great herbs though.


5. Oleation and purgation as per vata:

a. Oleation: Take 2 teaspoons liquid ghee on the first morning, with hot water. On the second morning, take 4 teaspoons of ghee, and increase by 2 teaspoonsful every day until on the sixth day you have reached 6 teaspoonsful.

b. Purgation: On the evening of the fourth day, take six teaspoons of castor oil. This could produce a laxative effect. It there is none, repeat the castor dose the next night.


The following herbs, listed by Scott Gerson, M.D., have been effective in his treatment of systemic candidiasis:

Juniperus communis (Hapusa) powdered berries, 2-3 grams

b.i.d.Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi) leaf infusion, 2 oz

b.i.d.Carum copticum (Yamani) powdered seed, 2-4 grams with 2 oz. pomegranate juice

b.i.d.Caloptropis gigantea (Alarka) root bark decoction, 1⁄2-1 oz., t.i.d.


Yes, but you don't need ALL of them and some of them would taste disgusting! YOu are sort of wading around in the dark here. I do use Tulsi myself- you can probably find Tulsi tea fairly easily online as a tea, in bags. It tastes reasonably. Ihave several plants in my garden. Its a type of basil- great for colds and flus. Why dont you just go for that one? Rather than everything? I bet you can find Tulsi.



I would love to know a good and reliable source as to where to get these. I usually order our supplements from vitacost and amazon, but I know that most of these are not available from them.


Thank you. :)


I am just trying to simplify it for you since its a lot of information and strange sounding herbs. Also, your poor dh has already been through a very rigorous and tortuous anti candida program- he needs something less arduous! The oleation feels good- and to balance Vata its great to do daily abhyangha- use sesame or coconut oil massaged into the skin all over. I love it. It is very calming and soothing to vata especially. Here is a link but it makes it seem more complicated than it really is :) lifespa.com/article.aspx?art_id=54

You could also do it for him :)


I just want to emphasise that if he is using common sense with his diet, and if he does just some of the above- particularly after the program he has been on- he will probably keep healing. He doesn't need to take 15 different herbs etc


Not sure what else to add without overwhelming you with more info.

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Peela, you are so kind and so giving on these boards. You're always so incredibly helpful. :grouphug: Thank you, thank you, thank you.


I'm looking at the U.S. website for the Himalaya brand - at their single herbs as well as their herbal formulas. Looks very good. A bit overwhelming as to exactly what to order. But I'm trying. :)


When you did the oleation/purgation, did you also do the enema? If so, was that hard to do?


The links you gave for the cleanse as well as for the coconut oil/sesame massage did not work. Sorry to bother you again. I know you're busy.


I don't usually get overwhelmed with these sort of details. I just want to do it right and try our hardest.

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dh and ds take oil of oregano at the first sign of an upper respiratory infection. In doing this they've prevented antibiotics because it apparently kept the infection from turning into bronchitis or pneumonia. It's been two years of no antibiotics for dh, after having had to to take them for 6 years due to the above. They had no issues from it.


I have been on the anti candida diet and I've been taking the oil of oregano three times daily with no issues at all. I buy it in capsule form because I hear it burns going down. It looks like there are about 3 drops per capsule.

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Thanks so much, Cyndi. :grouphug:


For now, he absolutely refuses to try ACV. He has GERD, so ACV bothers him.

Aloe and garlic seem to help. Plus, eating barely anything helps also. The candida diet is great for those who want to lose weight. But my dh is certainly not in that category. Candida sucks. :glare:


now this really surprises me. My dd had a HORRIFIC case of GERD at 5 years of age. The doctors kept increasing her meds and they weren't helping her. The day she ate a blueberry muffin and screamed in pain was the day I decided to treat her naturally. Raw, organic ACV and natural papaya digest enzymes, coupled with the GERD friendly diet, cured her and she's been off of everything for 6 years now.

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Jean, a few years ago, when his symptoms first started, he took all sorts of tests for parasites, etc. Nothing.

Over the course of time, whenever I would read about candida, I suspected that he had it. But then again, so many do, and so I didn't put much stock into it.

Several months ago, he got very sick with a really bad cold/flu/whatever, and a stupid doctor put him on a very, very strong course of antibiotics. He swears he will never go on those again. That really did it, we think.

He takes the special candida spit test most mornings. He is getting better, much better. But he still has quite a way to go.

The candida diet is great for those who need or want to lose weight, but not so nice for those who really don't need to lose any weight at all. :confused:


Thank you so much everyone for caring and helping out. :grouphug:


Christina, he just started the GSE and feels that it's really effective. Thank you for that.


Negin, what is the candida spit test?


I lost 20 pounds fairly quickly on the anti candida diet, gained back 5, and have been steady at 15 pounds down. I'm not doing it for weightloss but would love to lose more weight.

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I don't know if it's comforting or not, but I don't think all doctors believe in candida. Maybe you could look at some sites that say it's a hoax? Maybe for some people it's real and for others it's just not a big deal, and maybe your dh would fall into the second category?


I'll tell you, friend, that I could not follow that diet. I tried it for 8 days over ten years ago (the vegan version) and found it utterly depressing. You have all my sympathy.:grouphug:


well I don't care what doctors think. After going to NUMEROUS doctors for unmentionable female symptoms and decades of chronic, debilitating constipation which caused spasms in my bowels, I did my own research, went on the candida diet, and was cured of my symptoms. It was a lot of work but I felt terrific when I was done. I just wish I didn't get myself back into the same situation where I'm having to do the diet again. I will be more careful next time.


I take grapefruit seed extract tablets. I used the GSE drops the first time around. I'm trying to be a little more kind to myself this time.

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Negin, another approach is the Body Ecology diet by Donna Gates. bodyecology.com

It is all about healing from candida and has a lot of information.


while it IS about healing candida, it's more about getting your entire body into balance. It heals many conditions, not just candida. I wish I could say more but I don't know where I misplaced (or left behind) my book. I haven't been able to find it for months now.


I did this the first time and it worked wonders on my body.

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Peela and others, once again, here am I with all my questions.

You were right. Dh is vata (mixed with pitta). Been trying to get some reading done on all this. I'm in a bit of a hurry to order supplements (as well as help with dietary changes). I do plan on ordering some Ayurveda books (specifically the ones you recommended), but they'll take a while to get here. Meanwhile, the internet is a lifesaver. :)

My specific question is: does anyone know where I can order some good Ayuervedic supplements? Any advice or tips? Thank you. I have highlighted the things that are specific to his dosha.


Vata Candidiasis

1. Use hing, ginger, basil ajwan, and garlic to spice your food. (What is hing?) :confused:

2. Boil 1 teaspoon of brahmi and 1 teaspoon of bala down in 1⁄2 cup of water. Add a pinch of black pepper and boil to 1⁄2 cup. Drink this after straining, 3 times per day.

3. Oleation and Purgation.

a. Oleation: Take 2 teaspoons liquid ghee on the first morning, with hot water. On the second morning, take 4 teaspoons of ghee, and increase by 2 teaspoons every day until on the sixth day you have reached 6 teaspoons. Question: No liquid ghee here. Can I just give solid ghee or can I melt our solid ghee? :confused:

b. Purgation: On the evening of the fourth day, take 6 teaspoons of castor oil. This could produce a laxative effect. It there is none, repeat the castor dose the next night.

4. Start each meal with equal parts of ginger juice and honey, and a pinch of lemon juice, salt, and cumin powder.


Pitta Candidiasis

1. Mahasudarshan (a churna of triphala (Emblica offcinialis, Terminalia belerica, Terminalia chebula); gudduchi (Tinospora cordifolia); kutki (Picorrhiza kurroa); patrpat; nimb (lime), suddha surastraja, bamshalochan; kairat). Take 1⁄2 teaspoon with hot water after meals.

3. Neem tea (Azadirachta indica), 4 cups per day.

4. 1 teaspoon of the following mixture 3 times per day: ashwaganda (Withania somnifera), gudduchi (Tinosporia cordifolia), amalaki (Emblica officinalis), and brahmi (Centella asiatica).

5. Oleation and purgation as per vata:

a. Oleation: Take 2 teaspoons liquid ghee on the first morning, with hot water. On the second morning, take 4 teaspoons of ghee, and increase by 2 teaspoonsful every day until on the sixth day you have reached 6 teaspoonsful.

b. Purgation: On the evening of the fourth day, take six teaspoons of castor oil. This could produce a laxative effect. It there is none, repeat the castor dose the next night.


The following herbs, listed by Scott Gerson, M.D., have been effective in his treatment of systemic candidiasis:

Juniperus communis (Hapusa) powdered berries, 2-3 grams

b.i.d.Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi) leaf infusion, 2 oz

b.i.d.Carum copticum (Yamani) powdered seed, 2-4 grams with 2 oz. pomegranate juice

b.i.d.Caloptropis gigantea (Alarka) root bark decoction, 1⁄2-1 oz., t.i.d.


I would love to know a good and reliable source as to where to get these. I usually order our supplements from vitacost and amazon, but I know that most of these are not available from them.


Thank you. :)


Lol, love your enthusiasm, Negin. I am not sure of sources for you but I have used Himalaya brand ayurvedic herbs before with success. They are well known and I have bought them online.

I would mainly treat him as a vata ...and I don't think you need to do everything below. I woudl definitely do the oleation/purgation. I did it recently- but I did do it along with a gentle cleansing diet- it is after all a cleanse. I feel it worked well. I got the cleanse from here:


but you know I am not sure how "literal" you are, Negin and if that will just overwhelm you. I tend to just use what I have on hand and am not so good at following all the details. In this case, I love kitchari so I ate that- I used lots of turmeric- but I didnt use the other herbs. But I did do the oleation.


I will respond in....pink? :)




I am just trying to simplify it for you since its a lot of information and strange sounding herbs. Also, your poor dh has already been through a very rigorous and tortuous anti candida program- he needs something less arduous! The oleation feels good- and to balance Vata its great to do daily abhyangha- use sesame or coconut oil massaged into the skin all over. I love it. It is very calming and soothing to vata especially. Here is a link but it makes it seem more complicated than it really is :) lifespa.com/article.aspx?art_id=54

You could also do it for him :)


I just want to emphasise that if he is using common sense with his diet, and if he does just some of the above- particularly after the program he has been on- he will probably keep healing. He doesn't need to take 15 different herbs etc


Not sure what else to add without overwhelming you with more info.




is it really as difficult as it looks and sounds? I'm so overwhelmed right now just looking at these two posts. I'm on RESEARCH BURNOUT and have been for at least a couple of years now. I *SO* don't want to have to have another thing to research. Is it going to be very time intensive and hard to understand?

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I'm looking at the U.S. website for the Himalaya brand - at their single herbs as well as their herbal formulas. Looks very good. A bit overwhelming as to exactly what to order. But I'm trying. :)


When you did the oleation/purgation, did you also do the enema? If so, was that hard to do?


The links you gave for the cleanse as well as for the coconut oil/sesame massage did not work. Sorry to bother you again. I know you're busy.


I don't usually get overwhelmed with these sort of details. I just want to do it right and try our hardest.


Short Home Cleanse


Self massage


No, I didn't use an enema but I didn't feel I needed to- I do have an enema contraption at home and have certainly used it before when I didn't feel things were moving properly. No, an enema is not hard to do- they would come with instructions. But it's probably not necessary with the oleation.


I am not sure what else to say- I am by no means an ayurveda expert- I have just read the most popular books on the subject- the more "westernised" ones- and practiced on myself. I have a book called Ayurvedic Home Remedies by Vasant Lad but it doest have Candida in it. It might not be a traditionally recognised disease, since it is more of a modern western diet invoked issue.


To me the beauty of ayurveda though is bringing the whole body back into balance- not so much attacking a condition in isolation although that can be part of any treatment. So its about daily and seasonal routines and attending to your individual constitution. It's a lifestyle. When the treatment is worse than the disease- which it sounded like your dh's candida treatment was- it seems too extreme to me- and a vata constitution needs a certain nourishment and nurturing, especially with oils.


But really- I am not an ayurvedic expert- nor am I trying treat your dh over the internet at all- I am just sharing information that might be useful. I am not familiar enough with the herbs- I am more familiar with western herbs.


ETA: Here is another website with basic information for westerners- the Maharishi Ayurveda people- and here is a short response to a question on candida:


Edited by Peela
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is it really as difficult as it looks and sounds? I'm so overwhelmed right now just looking at these two posts. I'm on RESEARCH BURNOUT and have been for at least a couple of years now. I *SO* don't want to have to have another thing to research. Is it going to be very time intensive and hard to understand?



Hi Denise- what diet/procedure did you follow before, that worked for you?

Yes, to me it looks overwhelming too, if you are not at least somewhat familiar with ayurveda in the first place. It's only one approach. I think it would be a lot of research if you weren't in a research type of mood. Sometimes its just easier to go to a practitioner and be told what to do, rather than work it out for yourself. Or do what worked for you before. Or find an approach that looks doable to you. Some of us are just research nuts :)

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dh and ds take oil of oregano at the first sign of an upper respiratory infection.

I have been on the anti candida diet and I've been taking the oil of oregano three times daily with no issues at all. I buy it in capsule form because I hear it burns going down. It looks like there are about 3 drops per capsule.

Us too. We've been taking it for a few years at the first stages of cold or flu. Not the dc, however.

Thanks for letting me know about the oregano capsules.


now this really surprises me.

Raw, organic ACV and natural papaya digest enzymes, coupled with the GERD friendly diet, cured her and she's been off of everything for 6 years now.

I wish it were that easy for my dh. Glad that it cured your dd.

Nope, no ACV for dh.

Papaya digest enzymes didn't help either.

Some said pineapple. That just made things worse.

Right now, almond milk at night is really helping him. :D

2 bananas at night helped him for a while also.

The local Rastafarian herbalist here helped him immensely. All about food combining, and when to have certain foods, etc. That guy is an absolute genius and has helped so many people. He's in his 60s and looks like he's in his late 20s. Unbelievable! He has a TV show here and drives all the doctors nuts. :lol: I still haven't seen his show, since I watch such little TV. We got a new TV and I don't even know how to turn it on.


Negin, what is the candida spit test?

I lost 20 pounds fairly quickly on the anti candida diet, gained back 5, and have been steady at 15 pounds down. I'm not doing it for weightloss but would love to lose more weight.

I hear you about the weight loss. Great job on your loss.

This is the candida spit test. I hate it. I loathe the whole concept of candida.

One self-test that naturopaths often recommend is the following.

Fill a clear glass with water and place it by your bed at night. When you wake in the morning, work up a bit of saliva and spit into the glass of water. It is important that nothing enters your mouth or touches your lips before you do this. Do not drink any water, do not brush your teeth and do not kiss your partner.

Immediately make note of how the saliva looks. Check again 2 or 3 minutes later. Check the glass every 15 minutes until you leave for the day.

Healthy saliva will be clear, it will float on top and it will slowly dissolve into the water without any cloudiness and without sinking. There are normally some bubbles or foam present.

Candida saliva will have one or more characteristics that point to a Candida albicans overgrowth:

* Strings traveling down to the bottom of the glass

* Cloudy saliva that sinks to the bottom of the glass

* Cloudy specks suspended in the water

The more strings and cloudiness there are, and the faster it develops, the greater the Candida albicans overgrowth.




After going to NUMEROUS doctors for unmentionable female symptoms and decades of chronic, debilitating constipation which caused spasms in my bowels, I did my own research, went on the candida diet, and was cured of my symptoms.

I think it's wonderful that you have been cured and got an answer to all your symptoms, etc.

It wasn't so great for my dh. Going on this diet just made things worse in many respects. Yes, he felt better in some ways. But he also lost far, far too much weight, and never needed to. He also got some other very, very bad health problem, which almost needed serious surgery (as a result of the candida diet) and which I am not going to go into here.

For most, it may work. For some, I think it's pure rubbish.


while it IS about healing candida, it's more about getting your entire body into balance. It heals many conditions, not just candida. I wish I could say more but I don't know where I misplaced (or left behind) my book. I haven't been able to find it for months now.

I did this the first time and it worked wonders on my body.

Will have to look more into this.

Too many books and too little time and $.


No, I didn't use an enema but I didn't feel I needed to

Peela, once again, thank you.


I am not sure what else to say- I am by no means an ayurveda expert

Peela, I know that you're not, but I really respect and appreciate your help. That's basically it in a nutshell. :D I don't consider you to be treating my dh over the internet. I agree that you are sharing very valuable info. That's what I love about these forums - the sheer amount of collective knowledge, experience, and wisdom. I look forward to getting those books.


To me the beauty of ayurveda though is bringing the whole body back into balance- not so much attacking a condition in isolation although that can be part of any treatment. So its about daily and seasonal routines and attending to your individual constitution. It's a lifestyle.



Thanks so much for all the links. Off to do more research and reading. :D


Some of us are just research nuts :)

:lol: Yep, yours truly.

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Ayurveda can be very detailed, but as beginners, we can keep it simple. Here's a nice basic ayurvedic perspective on candida treatment to check out:




The Ayurvedic treatment is similar to that of parasites, and includes the following components:-


Balance the Agni (digestive enzyme functioning) through the use of digestive spices according to constitution in conjunction with general nutritional guidelines.


Increase Ojas (immunity) with immunity increasing herbs (Rasayanas) supported by appropriate lifestyle and exercise regimes according to your constitution.


Eradicate the pathogen (in this case, the Candida). Special anti-fungal and anti-parasitical herbs are used along with an anti-Candida diet.


Attempting to remove the Candida by following a strict reducing diet, and perhaps taking some anti-fungal and anti-parasitical herbs is likely not to succeed since it fails to address the root of the problem, the digestive and immune weakness. Hence the above protocol emphasizes the regulation of the Agni (digestive fire) and the restoration of immunity.


Be sure to check out the recommended diet in that article. Shatavari is asparagus and is recommended.


Keep up the firey spices like ginger, black pepper, cayenne, oregano, turmeric, etc. Don't forget the aloe juice and coconut oil to cool it down if it's too firey for the gerd. Hing/asoefotida is really helpful for digestive fire, better than garlic, IMO. Check your health food store for it. It's in most Indian and Chinese food, so you've probably had it before.


I think it's important to consider that acid reflux is a pitta imbalance, although the constitution may be more vata, the firey pitta aspect needs help. Balancing the digestive fire is what seems to be needed most.


Candida is most common for people who are kapha, so that is why the diet and apple cider vinegar helped someone who is kapha. For kaphas, it's hard to loose weight. For vata, it's hard to gain weight. For pitta, it can go either way based on diet. Cures need to be specific because we all have different bodies and metabolisms.


Triphala is good for balancing all doshas, so that is an easy, can't go wrong ayurvedic formula that your health food store probably has.


As for neem, it is super bitter like GSE, and is a very potent herb that can kill most diseases. It's important to know that it is used for contraceptive purposes in India, and men take it daily for temporary sterility and women take it daily to avoid pregnancy. Fertility returns when neem is no longer taken. But do not take neem if you are trying to conceive or are pregnant!


Tulsi is also called blessed basil and is an amazing plant. Everything about it is good, IMO...it is the queen of plants! Health food stores usually have it in tea bags.


Restoring and maintaining balance is a full time job! Best wishes for healing and balance and peace. :)

Edited by Devotional Soul
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Thanks for all the imput, too! I like learning more about healing. We all need it!


The link works for me, so I'll cut and paste it all (I hope that's ok here).




Candida—An Ayurvedic Perspective




By Alex Duncan



Candida overgrowth is an infestation of the Candida albicans yeast. Everyone has a certain amount of Candida in their digestive tract, but if the Candida increases beyond a certain level, it cause problems. The main symptoms are chronic low energy, low-grade fevers, variable digestion, weak immune system and food allergies. These symptoms can be confused with other conditions, especially complaints relating to general digestive weakness and immunity disorders, so it is best to have a medical examination to verify whether Candida is present at significant levels.

Normally, Candida overgrowth starts in the digestive tract causing a variety of symptoms which will depend on constitution. If it is left untreated, it can enter the blood and lodge itself in various organs. Candida overgrowth is an Ama (Ama is a generic term in Ayurveda that means internal toxins produced by improper metabolic functioning) condition and while it can happen to any of the constitutions, Kapha (phlegmatic) types tend to suffer the most due to their inherent low metabolism and damp nature. These are the main causative factors:-

• Excess sugar consumption

• Excess use of stimulants and drugs

• Excess use of antibiotics

• Depressed immunity, frequent colds, flu’s of yeast infections

• Hypersensitivity

• Emotional factors such as worry and fear

• A generally toxic environment

The Ayurvedic treatment is similar to that of parasites, and includes the following components:-

Balance the Agni (digestive enzyme functioning) through the use of digestive spices according to constitution in conjunction with general nutritional guidelines.

Increase Ojas (immunity) with immunity increasing herbs (Rasayanas) supported by appropriate lifestyle and exercise regimes according to your constitution.

Eradicate the pathogen (in this case, the Candida). Special anti-fungal and anti-parasitical herbs are used along with an anti-Candida diet.

Attempting to remove the Candida by following a strict reducing diet, and perhaps taking some anti-fungal and anti-parasitical herbs is likely not to succeed since it fails to address the root of the problem, the digestive and immune weakness. Hence the above protocol emphasises the regulation of the Agni (digestive fire) and the restoration of immunity.

As with any chronic condition, and from considering the list of causes above, it is probable that in addition to following a remedial program, there will need to be some permanent lifestyle changes. Unfortunately, we are often not prepared to really take responsibility for our health, seeking only a quick fix for what is almost always the result of our own ‘failure of wisdom’.

If you suspect you have a chronic Candida infection, I would suggest you nip to your local book shop and browse over the available literature on the topic. Don’t be overwhelmed. It’s always good to be informed. If you still suspect you have an overgrowth, make an appointment with your doctor, equipped with your book, and ask them for a Candida test. If it turns out that you do have a Candida infection, it is good to determine whether it has remained limited to the G.I. tract or whether it has spread to any of the organs. It is quite common that the bladder and genitals are affected, where Candida is commonly known as ‘thrush’.

It is best to be as clear as you can before launching into an anti-Candida regime, which can be quite rigorous. The more systemic and long term the imbalance, the more I would urge you to work alongside a professional, such as an Ayurvedic educator, or a good naturopath or western herbalist.

Here are some simple recommendations based on the Ayurvedic approach. For this you need to know your dominant Dosha, your prakriti, and what constitutes a prakriti-balancing program in terms of diet, exercise and daily routine. Most introductory books on Ayurveda cover this in sufficient detail. My favourite is ‘Prakriti – Your Ayurvedic Constitution’ by Robert Svoboda.

Anti-Candida Diet

The more serious your Candida infection, the sooner you should follow an Ama-reducing (detoxifying) diet adjusted to your constitution. This needs to be designed specifically for you, and cannot be explained here. If you cannot seek professional guidance, then you can at least cut down on damp, heavy, mucus forming foods such as peanuts, dairy, bread, sugar, fruit, raw foods, cold and iced foods, fatty foods and fermented and yeast products, since these all increase Kapha and Ama. Your diet should be based on whole foods with the total elimination of refined and processed foods. Foods that are helpful are garlic (3-5 cloves a day, as it destroys the yeast and enkindles Agni), millet (a light, drying and heating grain), and hot and anti-parasitical spices like cayenne, asafoetida, prickly ash. Some people suggest that fresh fruits, and honey can be tolerated. My experience is that it depends on the individual. So I usually suggest that people first cut our concentrated sugars, including a sweeteners, but leave some fruit in the diet. When you do take ‘offending’ foods, especially dairy and sugars, take them with spices like cardamom and cinnamon, as they help to digest sugars and mucus forming foods.

Herbs to the rescue!

Use special anti-fungal and anti-parasitical herbs like valerian, wormwood, mugwort, saussurea, vidanga and pau d’arco. These need to be balanced with herbs that balance the Agni. While it is best to have a formula made up for your specific constitution and situation, the following classic formulas will help to balance you Agni and help digest the above anti-Candida herbs.

• Vata types can use the classic Ayurvedic Vata-balancing digestive ‘Asafoetida 8’ for balancing a Vata-type Agni (variable, weak, chronic constipation and wind)

• Pitta types can use the classic Ayurvedic formula ‘Avipattikar’ for balancing a Pitta-type Agni (hot, fast, tends towards diarrhoea and burning).

• Kapha types can use the classic Kapha-balancing digestive ‘Trikatu’ for balancing a Kapha-type Agni (low, sluggish, tends towards nausea, accumulation of mucus and excess weight).

Typical dosages would be ½ - 1 grams taken three times per day just before meals in a little warm water along with your specific anti-Candida herbs.

In addition, we need to consider taking herbs that promote immunity. There are a variety of ready made formulas that fulfil this goal, in particular, those that contain Ashwaganda or Shatavari. These can be obtained from suppliers like Pukka Herbs (UK) and taken with meals in a dose of about 1 gram taken over several months.

Finally, if you have constipation or a tongue coating, you should consider using the classic bowel regulator, colon cleanser and rejuvenator: ‘Triphala’. Take 1-4 grams of the powder at bedtime in a little warm water (capsules can be used if you cannot abide the bitter taste). Start with 1 gram. It is mildly laxative, especially to Pitta types, who may only need 1 gram. Continue to use triphala for as long as you have Candida and signs of Ama (tongue coating, tiredness, constipation, sinking stool). It can be safely taken or life on a daily basis in small amounts (1 gram), though modifications in its method of administration are advised.


The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies—Dr Vasant Lad

Ayurvedic Healing—Dr David Frawley

Atreya Smith: Ayurvedic Nutrition correspondence course

Alex Duncan, Ayurvedic Educator, lives in the South of France where he runs Gardoussel Retreat www.gardoussel.com offering Ayurvedic consultations and various Ayurveda & yoga workshops and retreats. Contact Alex on (France): +33 (0) 4 66 60 16 78.

© Copyright 2004 Alex Duncan

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