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Hay, all, can I get some input? Pretty please?

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I'm having a challenging time.


I'm frustrated with multiple issues... ex... finances... blended family issues... and overall just wishing that life could be easier.


And I wonder... do others have "easier" lives?? C'mon now... so many things that I have dreamed of and wanted have been shattered along life's path.


It's not that I'm having such a pity party... maybe I just don't "know" that other folks who seem to have everything always work out so wonderfully are hurting, too... at least sometimes?


And it's not that I want others to not have it great... just wondering...


I've been in an "Eeyore" funk and that isn't like me. I'm just not happy.


There. I said it.


So, if you check on my blog, you will not read that. My blog is for rejoicing in life and reflecting on lessons learned and, most importantly, sharing photos with family.


Anyway... I am just trying to guage where I am at... wondering how long I should go being unhappy before checking with the Dr. I had a full physical and am completely healthy.


I feel effects of stress on me, though. And now this depressed feeling that just isn't shaking off.


I'd rather NOT take something for my mood... does anyone have a supplement recommendation that I can find at a GNC or similar store that would help me with my mood?


Thanks for letting me be real...


**PS I want to share that many WTM families are hurting with job loss, health and difficulties. Please forgive me if my moodiness offends you. I DO realize that others are hurting. When I take a look at several posts here, I realize life isn't horrible, just not what I want and I have a lot to be thankful for.




And, if you ever want to see the most adorable baby boy, just stop on in at my blog!! That's the one thing that is my happy spot to hold on to! (Next blog update will have the cutest faces this baby makes!)

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I think it is normal not to be happy all the time, and to be sad or unhappy for periods of time.

But how about some St John's Wort, a good multivitamin, and some fish oils, to help with your moods? And maybe check your Vitamin D levels too?

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In addition to Peela's recommendations, are you exercising regularly? I'm a much happier woman when I'm walking regularly - even if life is kinda the pits....





:iagree: Exercize every day, get as much sleep as possible, and do something nice for someone else everyday. Makes a big difference for me.


It's hard to keep a positive attitude in many circumstances but I try to make it a goal. I just had hip replacement surgery and I had been dreading it for weeks. I had the worst attitude just days before. I was totally down in the dumps and crying daily. Finally, the day before I went to the hospital I made a conscious decision to be as nice, kind and encouraging as I possibly could to every person I met in the hospital no matter what was happening. It was really the only thing I could control since I would be at the mercy of the medical personel for even my own life. So in spite of what I was going through, I set my mind on the other person. I smiled at, chatted with and complimented everyone with out fail. No lie, as I was awakening from general anesthesia, I could hear a voice but my eyes were not yet opening and I started right then to think about what nice thing I could say to the person who owned the voice. Do you know what? When I was leaving the hospital 2 days later, I actually had this spontaneous thought, "That was.....fun." And as crazy as it sounds, I had fun in the hospital because it made me feel so good to be kind and encouraging to others. I'm not telling this story to brag by any means but just to illustrate that helping others actually does something to lift our own spirit. It does for me anyway. God Bless.

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I am taking Rhodiola, I get it at Good Earth.


Also, I find the words to this hymn very comforting and helpful when I'm depressed. Maybe keeping a gratitude journal? There's always something to be thankful for and looking at the glass as half full seems to help.



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BMW- stress is hard, and difficult, and depressing. Whether it's from job loss, sickness, issues w/ our kids, etc, etc. You have been dealing w/ a lot lately, and have every right to feel down, and blah, and have a pity party if you want to. Heck, I'll bring the chocolate cake if you'll let me come too. I will second the suggestions of vit D and forced excercise (you must force yourself to do it) and I will throw in a little chocolate. (Always helps a little). :D



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I try to remember what my mom used to say: everyone has their blessings and their crosses. Some people's lives look perfect from the outside until you get to know them or they decide to confide in you, then you often find they have more problems than you do. I feel like if my blessings outweigh my crosses, I'm doing okay. :) Hope things look up for you soon.

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It's perfectly normal and healthy to be sad when things go badly, and sitting around blaming yourself for not being happy can only make it worse. So for the moment, let yourself have a pity party, and don't feel bad about it. If you let yourself really feel your emotions, you'll know when it's time to pick yourself up and get on with things.

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I try to remember what my mom used to say: everyone has their blessings and their crosses. Some people's lives look perfect from the outside until you get to know them or they decide to confide in you, then you often find they have more problems than you do. I feel like if my blessings outweigh my crosses, I'm doing okay. :) Hope things look up for you soon.


:iagree: It's funny how some people focus on how hard my life is with chronic pain and others focus on how easy it is because I don't have their particular difficulties. What they don't know is that the most apparent difficulties (my health problems) often are not the difficulties that weigh on me the most (those are the interpersonal ones which I often cannot and do not share).

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Thanks, everyone.


Oh, Unicorn, that just makes me laugh. I'll take that chocolate... in fact, dh is at the store shopping and just called to ask what I'd like... I think I'll call him back and ask for some chocolate!!


I love hymns, meggie! I grew up on them.


And, although it's not a hymn, I read these responses and immediately my soul sang out, "Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends"! Thanks, again!


PS I put up some pics on my blog... they make me feel instantly happier... Blogging is therapy. I just need a little extra than that right now...

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:iagree: Exercize every day, get as much sleep as possible, and do something nice for someone else everyday. Makes a big difference for me.


It's hard to keep a positive attitude in many circumstances but I try to make it a goal. I just had hip replacement surgery and I had been dreading it for weeks. I had the worst attitude just days before. I was totally down in the dumps and crying daily. Finally, the day before I went to the hospital I made a conscious decision to be as nice, kind and encouraging as I possibly could to every person I met in the hospital no matter what was happening. It was really the only thing I could control since I would be at the mercy of the medical personel for even my own life. So in spite of what I was going through, I set my mind on the other person. I smiled at, chatted with and complimented everyone with out fail. No lie, as I was awakening from general anesthesia, I could hear a voice but my eyes were not yet opening and I started right then to think about what nice thing I could say to the person who owned the voice. Do you know what? When I was leaving the hospital 2 days later, I actually had this spontaneous thought, "That was.....fun." And as crazy as it sounds, I had fun in the hospital because it made me feel so good to be kind and encouraging to others. I'm not telling this story to brag by any means but just to illustrate that helping others actually does something to lift our own spirit. It does for me anyway. God Bless.


Thanks for sharing that. Very sweet. I needed to hear it.

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