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Let's have a competition - "How bad can things get in a week or so"

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In the last week or so:


My brakes went bad.


My CV boots went bad.


Toyota, who just charged me a few months ago for putting on brand new CV boots apparently didn't actually do the work, which is why mine just failed. They refuse to honor their warranty. We are now talking to their lawyer.


I found 7 puppies on the side of the road. I then tried to gather them up and rescue them without gloves. (a genius I am... heh)


I am now getting the rabies series.


I also got rabies immunoglobulin.


I also got a tetanus shot.


I went to 3 Mexican hospitals looking for treatment before my insurance company insisted I must return to the states to get treatment because time was ticking away while I searched here in Mexico and rabies is a time sensitive thing.


I get to go back and forth from the states now every time I need a new shot. I get them on day 0, 3, 7, and 14. That's a 6-8 hour round trip for me right now each time.


The only shelter here won't take the puppies. I had to let them go. I cried. Someone here told me the shelter only takes healthy dogs they can sell. Apparently, shelter here doesn't mean what I thought it did.


I have a UTI. Thank goodness I was in an ER anyway getting shots when I realized this. Now I'm on antibiotics.


I had surgery yesterday. It was minor but resulted in 11 stitches total. I opted to have it in Mexico. I got to watch ants crawl around on the floor as I laid there being cut on. And dust bunnies. At least he sterilized my back before cutting, right?


The medication the surgeon prescribed wasn't at any pharmacy we tried. One said they could have it at 7am this morning. I had a friend go to pick it up this morning. It wasn't there. She eventually did find it somewhere.


I now have to sleep on my stomach for a week or so. I also can't move my arms much. My back hurts and all I have is tylenol and it isn't working.


Two of the three toilets in my house are clogged. The cheap plunger isn't working. I can't get to the store to buy a new plunger because I just had surgery. The house smells now.



So tell me how bad things are where you are and make me feel better. Or tell me about the worst week you ever had. Or something. I need cheering up. Seriously.

Edited by Sputterduck
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:grouphug: What a terrible week you've had!


My most terrible week included:




Hit head-on by a drunk driver

Drunk driver wasn't tested for alcohol at scene

Hospital doesn't have to release drunk driver's alcohol level

Drunk driver didn't have car insurance

Police didn't note on the police report that drunk driver didn't have insurance (or that she was drunk)

Now have to file an "uninsured motorist" report myself if I want to turn her in


Aunt-in-Law telling my dh that my dad called him a "Momma's Boy" while we were at the hospital (being checked for injuries from head-on accident, and also sick Grandfather in same hospital.)

Sister said Aunt-in-Law is actually the person who called my dh "Momma's Boy"; dh still mad at my dad, and doesn't believe my sister.


Grandfather passed away

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My car won't start today and dh is out of town. :lol: I have no chocolate in the house, but I do have wine.


My worst week?


I typed it all out and I don't want to go there. Suffice to say it was horrid and there were a lot of tears.


I'm sorry about your week. :grouphug:

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So tell me how bad things are where you are and make me feel better. Or tell me about the worst week you ever had. Or something. I need cheering up. Seriously.


February 26, 2001.


Our daughter died and our van started on fire (flames, smoke, the whole deal) leaving us on the roadside 1/2 way between Barstow CA and Ft. Irwin literally in the middle of the Mojave Desert on our way home from the hospital while our other two children were staying with people who were barely more than strangers.


DH was an E-3, utterly broke, and we were thousands of miles from friends and family only a few months after being stationed there.


Yes, I win.


(In the end, the van fire thing was a HUGE blessing in disguise as because of it we were picked up the woman who ran the military group to help out military families. Because we weren't aware of ANY help the military might offer, this was a huge blessing. In the end they paid for us to fly home, bury our daughter, AND fix the van. It was a God thing.)

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Our snowblower broke and we just had almost a record level of snow arrive on Monday. We have a very long driveway that we had to shovel by hand. Luckily we have 3 older children who were a big help. But because of wind, the snowdrifts were quite high!


Our oil delivery was delayed because of the snow. We were basically heating on fumes by the time they arrived. Because oil prices are rising, we could only afford 2/3 of our regular delivery.


We had a water pipe burst that we had to call a plumber in twice to repair. We really can not afford it and I don't know how we are going to pay them. But we will. Part of the wall is now torn down and I don't know when we will be able to fix it. But at least water has stopped leaking inside.


Our septic is failing.


I'm developing psoriais and it's spreading.


I think the transmission in our van is dying. Well I know it is actually. I just haven't been able to get in to be fixed because every single time we have any extra money, something happens and it's gone toward some crisis!


DS just had ortho surgery that cost $500 out of pocket that I had planned on going towards property taxes. Now we are late on that as well.


It could go on and on....I know this isn't just a weeks worth but there's so much going wrong, all the time, that it has reminded me to start praying about it. Everytime I have asked God for help, help has arrived.

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