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We can't WAIT to get into it! :hurray:


DD's perusing the manual right now... I've been looking through it in bits and pieces as I've had a chance since the box arrived yesterday. Oh my goodness, this is so fantastic! Looks like she'll be writing a paper about every other week, with 6 weeks spent on preparing a 5-10 page research paper, but there's a large variety of types of papers throughout the year, concluding with a resume and employment letter for a summer job.


One of the papers will be on the subject of marriage and dating/courtship after having read Pride and Prejudice. That's not the only thing she does with P&P, but I thought it was pretty neat to see that particular topic addressed, and to have her write out her thoughts on it.


The research paper is 30% of her English grade, the rest of her papers are 60%, and 10% is daily work/discussion with parent.


She'll be reading through the New Testament and examining the four predominant views of the end times (no slant one direction or another that I can tell) as well as some of the many different religions out there and what they believe, going through the Experiencing God book, studying church history in-depth (one of the papers is a letter to the editor of the Wittenburg Times criticizing or defending Martin Luther), and reading about many different Christians of the time period... some of which I've never even heard of.


Prophecy charts are 10% of her Bible grade, memorizing the names of the NT books is 10%, completion of work/demonstration of high level thinking, service project, discussion with parent, etc. are 80%.


She'll start out the year in Week 1 studying Julius Caesar, reading and watching the play, reading in the book of Mark, and then math, science and foreign language or other electives. So for those of us who've done AHL, Week 1 in WHL subjects looks pretty light compared to Week 1 last year. Then she has her first writing assignment in Week 2.


The Timeline Book is 30% of her history grade! Review questions from EWH are 10%, and quizzes are 60%.


Oh, and there's a LOT more mapwork this year than last. If she completes all of it, she earns 1/4 credit in Geography. Then I believe she earns another 1/4 credit in either year 3 or 4, for a half credit on her transcript in addition to History.


There's an optional reading and video list in the back of the manual similar to "Book Basket" that we had in elementary. Of course the list isn't nearly as extensive as the elementary Book Basket lists, because this one is geared ONLY to high schoolers. AHL had some extra reading options listed near the front of the manual, but it wasn't a very long list and not set up Book Basket "style".


There's a Bible reading plan for the parent to follow (with check-off boxes) at the back so that we can stay on the same page as our student.


In Weeks 3-10 there's no specific literature assigned because those are the weeks the student is working on her research paper. However, there are notes in the Introduction suggesting that strong readers add literature during these weeks as well.


There are suggestions at the back for how to do Intro to Logic and Fine Arts if you don't already have a plan in place for these electives. I might post a question about Fine Arts on the MFW board, because most of what's suggested are things we already do! I can use the recordkeeping suggestions, though. They provide both a Listening Log and a Concert/Exhibition/Performance Log which will be helpful for me to keep it all in one place.


DD would love to be able to start this *today*, LOL, but I won't let her. She's got a few loose ends from 9th grade work to finish up first (been dragging her feet), so WHL is her motivation to get it done. She's *almost* there.... I gave her a deadline of April 1st. ;)

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Oh, and there's a LOT more mapwork this year than last. If she completes all of it, she earns 1/4 credit in Geography. Then I believe she earns another 1/4 credit in either year 3 or 4, for a half credit on her transcript in addition to History.


it's year 4. I looked at the display at the convention in memphis last weekend. and got my whl too :)


we're in the feet dragging thing too. still a few weeks left! plan to wrap up the whole year at end of April with end of ballet, archery and AHL, and student leader group.


fun fun fun!




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:hurray: THANK YOU for posting about this! DD was on track to finish the second week of May, but after being sick for 2 weeks, she'll probably have to go into the 3rd week before she finishes. At any rate, she'll be done in May, and we look forward to WHL! :001_smile:


I appreciate the details you mentioned in your post! Are those all in the info. you get with the package? DD already knows the New Testament books order pretty well, so when I told her that was 10% of her Bible grade, she started reciting them. Then she said, "Hey, I'm already working on next year's school work!: :D


Thanks again Donna!

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I appreciate the details you mentioned in your post! Are those all in the info. you get with the package? DD already knows the New Testament books order pretty well, so when I told her that was 10% of her Bible grade, she started reciting them. Then she said, "Hey, I'm already working on next year's school work!: :D



LOL, too cute! It almost seems like 10% of the grade for memorizing the NT books is too much, but I guess they view it as a pretty important piece of knowledge. Your dd and mine already know them, but I would venture to guess that a lot of high school kids (even Christian ones) don't. Just depends on their background, I guess.


Yes, everything I posted there is in the lesson plan manual and comes with the package. :001_smile: Well, a good bit of the English lessons are in the British Suppl Text, Teacher's Guide, and Writers INC, but some of the instructions are right there in the lesson plan manual, too. if we weren't doing the English part of WHL, then we wouldn't need those three resources. Everything else is in the lesson plan manual.


That DK History of the World (special MFW edition) is really nice! I'm going to sit down and compare it with my Kingfisher history encycl., and I think I might sell the Kingfisher. ;)

Edited by Donna A.
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LOL, too cute! It almost seems like 10% of the grade for memorizing the NT books is too much, but I guess they view it as a pretty important piece of knowledge. Your dd and mine already know them, but I would venture to guess that a lot of high school kids (even Christian ones) don't. Just depends on their background, I guess.


My son new the OT books from our years with MFW. But he really had to recite them "in order" and I remembered doing some SanctiFinder with my older dd (from the CalcuLadder folks) and wanted my son to think through a few more things about the OT books -- how they were grouped, where a particular book might be located, etc.


So I used the scheduled time to do my own thing with my ds. Was glad to have that time. I drive my kids crazy with my great ideas :tongue_smilie:


And then of course he still did well when I tested him at the end of the week :)


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My son new the OT books from our years with MFW. But he really had to recite them "in order" and I remembered doing some SanctiFinder with my older dd (from the CalcuLadder folks) and wanted my son to think through a few more things about the OT books -- how they were grouped, where a particular book might be located, etc.


So I used the scheduled time to do my own thing with my ds. Was glad to have that time. I drive my kids crazy with my great ideas :tongue_smilie:


And then of course he still did well when I tested him at the end of the week :)



Great ideas, Julie! As you recall, we did the "grouping" of books in MFW elementary... So for those of us who've done that either with MFW or somewhere else, high school serves as a good memory refresher. Plus we're putting it all in context now.


Looking back at the manual here, on the grading sheet it does say to "Modify as needed." In addition, as in AHL with OT books, we're actually reading the whole NT, not just memorizing the books and reading parts of the NT like we did in elementary.

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I think its funny how reading about next year's curriculum gets everyone's heart beating faster. I too am excited about getting my hands on WHL. I will be going to a curriculum fair in April just to get it so I'll have time to look through it before starting in August. We are relatively new to homeschooling. My daughter did her last semester of 7th grade with me and is doing Classical Conversations for this her 8th grade year. I decided not to re-enroll her with the CC program and will instead do 9, 10, 11 grade with MFW leaving the Senior Year for Community College work and independent interests. So we will be started our 9th grade year with WHL instead of the AHL. You guys gave me some great advice/opinions on skipping AHL and jumping straight to WHL. Hopefully it will be smooth. I can't wait to get started. Thanks for sharing Donna. What is with the "bee" titles? Why am I considered just a guest??

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Donna, we just got our box with WHL yesterday! I posted over on the MFW board, what the intial reactions were to the box contents! We are eager to get started, but we won't begin till September. DS is still in AHL right now and loving it.


Nice to see someone else on here will be doing WHL also.



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What is with the "bee" titles? Why am I considered just a guest??


We're all members of the "bee hive", and Susan Wise Bauer (board owner) is the "queen bee". ;) It's just a fun way to label the group.


I think you're considered a guest until you have.... what is it, 50 posts? At that point, you can post on the swap boards to buy and sell used curriculum here. :001_smile: And welcome aboard!

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Just curious, are there deals on MFW at the curriculum fair, or is it just a savings on shipping? I've never done MFW before, but am looking at it for next year, ECC then my oldest will be in high school, so I watch these kinds of threads. :D


No shipping. Even if they've run out of the item(s) you're buying, they'll ship it for free within a couple of days after convention if you ordered and paid for it at the booth.


MFW provides package discounts all the time, so they don't drop prices again at the booth because they don't want to pressure people into ordering on the spot. So free shipping is the only "deal" you get at the booth. But as an FYI, they just lowered prices on a few things at the website... WHL package being one of them. :thumbup1:

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No shipping. Even if they've run out of the item(s) you're buying, they'll ship it for free within a couple of days after convention if you ordered and paid for it at the booth.


MFW provides package discounts all the time, so they don't drop prices again at the booth because they don't want to pressure people into ordering on the spot. So free shipping is the only "deal" you get at the booth. But as an FYI, they just lowered prices on a few things at the website... WHL package being one of them. :thumbup1:


We would have to pay state taxes, right? I talked to MFW about this a few months ago, but have forgotten what they said already.:001_huh::glare:

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We would have to pay state taxes, right? I talked to MFW about this a few months ago, but have forgotten what they said already.:001_huh::glare:


If you purchase at a convention, you pay sales tax. For us it was cheaper to order online. Last year, we saw it at the conference on Friday, ordered it online from the hotel room at their suggestion..... the shipping was less than the tax!


I just ordered mine online again, and got it yesterday. I'm going to conference on April 8th, but it was cheaper once again just to order online.

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If you purchase at a convention, you pay sales tax. For us it was cheaper to order online. Last year, we saw it at the conference on Friday, ordered it online from the hotel room at their suggestion..... the shipping was less than the tax!


I just ordered mine online again, and got it yesterday. I'm going to conference on April 8th, but it was cheaper once again just to order online.


Hey, where do you go to conference? Ours is that weekend, too!


For me it's cheaper to buy at convention because we're in the same state as MFW, so I have to pay sales tax either way. But I needed to go ahead and order online this time because we school year round, and therefore start new curriculum at odd times. Unfortunately for us this year, that happens to be the first week of April... BEFORE convention weekend. :glare: There's a couple pieces I didn't order online, though, so I'll pick up those up at convention.

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If you are in the same state as MFW, we probably go to the same one! MPE at the KCI Expo center! We are right on the KS/MO state line. Literally, house on one side, mailbox on the other! It was a hoot when we moved here, the kids would go get the mail and joke about crossing the state line! Maybe we could meet in real life at the convention. That would be cool to actually place a face with another hive person.

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If you are in the same state as MFW, we probably go to the same one! MPE at the KCI Expo center! We are right on the KS/MO state line. Literally, house on one side, mailbox on the other! It was a hoot when we moved here, the kids would go get the mail and joke about crossing the state line! Maybe we could meet in real life at the convention. That would be cool to actually place a face with another hive person.


Yes!!! I'll be there! :thumbup:

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It's so fun to read these threads about MFW—we're finishing up Truthquest this year (8th) and both DD and I are really looking forward to starting 9th with AHL. I was planning to start at the end of August, but maybe I should order it sooner, in case we want to get started sooner!

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I think its funny how reading about next year's curriculum gets everyone's heart beating faster. I too am excited about getting my hands on WHL. I will be going to a curriculum fair in April just to get it so I'll have time to look through it before starting in August. We are relatively new to homeschooling. My daughter did her last semester of 7th grade with me and is doing Classical Conversations for this her 8th grade year. I decided not to re-enroll her with the CC program and will instead do 9, 10, 11 grade with MFW leaving the Senior Year for Community College work and independent interests. So we will be started our 9th grade year with WHL instead of the AHL. You guys gave me some great advice/opinions on skipping AHL and jumping straight to WHL. Hopefully it will be smooth. I can't wait to get started. Thanks for sharing Donna. What is with the "bee" titles? Why am I considered just a guest??
Welcome! Donna already answered your bee question, so I'm just saying hi, welcome, and what a smart choice you've made to go with MFW! :D
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Donna, we just got our box with WHL yesterday! I posted over on the MFW board, what the intial reactions were to the box contents! We are eager to get started, but we won't begin till September. DS is still in AHL right now and loving it.


Nice to see someone else on here will be doing WHL also.



Do you have a link to the MFW board?


I think there will be quite a few of us doing WHL next year! We'll have to keep in touch throughout the year and see how we all progress! :001_smile:

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It's so fun to read these threads about MFW—we're finishing up Truthquest this year (8th) and both DD and I are really looking forward to starting 9th with AHL. I was planning to start at the end of August, but maybe I should order it sooner, in case we want to get started sooner!
I hope you enjoy AHL next year as much as we have enjoyed it this year! :001_smile:
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I am considering History options for 11th grade and MFW is one I am serious about.


For 9th grade, DS did World History with Abeka and he was so bored, wanted to do American History, so we added Notgrass, their lit and other lit I had selected. He loved Notgrass and did very well with tests and retention. World History with Abeka was imo incomplete in comparison to some other curricula we have used.


This year (10th grade) we are working on Ancients with Omnibus with their assigned lit, SWB's History of the Ancient World and Spielvogel's History texts.


I really want to do another survey for World History as I don't think what he did was worthy of the full credit AND we are in this to learn :)


I have 11th and 12th grade History yet to plan out and would like to hear your views on MFW for both, or any other suggestions. We need to have a year of Government and I wonder if MFW uses the Notgrass texts for it. Thinking we could probably do that in 12th grade.



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I really want to do another survey for World History as I don't think what he did was worthy of the full credit AND we are in this to learn :)


I have 11th and 12th grade History yet to plan out and would like to hear your views on MFW for both, or any other suggestions. We need to have a year of Government and I wonder if MFW uses the Notgrass texts for it. Thinking we could probably do that in 12th grade.


I think WHL would be perfect for your world history, and it would include the entire New Testament and church history, as well as the literature. World history is such a huge topic to fit in one year; it's nice that your child will get two years on it.


As for the gov., MFW doesn't use Notgrass for that. It looks like they use a couple different resources:



I wonder if MFW could eventually separate out the gov. & econ. in years 3-4 for folks like you who just need that? Although it's probably harder to do with gov., since it blends so nicely with early American history and the development of our own government.


I would think if you do WHL next year, you would develop a sense of how MFW works for your child and what year to do next. I might wait on that decision. Or, a call to the MFW office might help give you some more ideas. And we'll see what Brindee & the others here think :)



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Thank so much for your response.


Is Notgrass used in Ancients and World? Book one for Ancients and Book 2 of Notgrass for World?


Does MFW incorporate Notgrass lit also?


AHL uses the first 9 units in the first book, up through Greece. Units 10-15 apply to WHL (as does the second book).


MFW literature choices sometimes coincide with Notgrass's (I'm thinking of Cat of Bubastes), but the literature program in AHL is based on an adaptation of the Smarr ancients program, plus guidance from Marie Hazell for at least one book (Iliad), and so it has more instruction than Notgrass. I don't have WHL yet so hopefully the other gals can answer any questions you have on that, but each year uses different literature study resources. For instance, year 3 literature materials include an adaptation of Stobaugh materials and a Progeny Press guide.



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Is Notgrass used in Ancients and World? Book one for Ancients and Book 2 of Notgrass for World?


Does MFW incorporate Notgrass lit also?


AHL uses the first 9 units in the first book, up through Greece. Units 10-15 apply to WHL (as does the second book).


MFW literature choices sometimes coincide with Notgrass's (I'm thinking of Cat of Bubastes), but the literature program in AHL is based on an adaptation of the Smarr ancients program, plus guidance from Marie Hazell for at least one book (Iliad), and so it has more instruction than Notgrass. I don't have WHL yet so hopefully the other gals can answer any questions you have on that, but each year uses different literature study resources. For instance, year 3 literature materials include an adaptation of Stobaugh materials and a Progeny Press guide.




Yes, several (not all) of Notgrass' lit choices are scheduled in MFW, most of which are in year 2 (WHL). MFW uses the *bulk* of Notgrass in year 2... from Unit 10 of the first volume, and then all of the second volume. MFW also adds in a British Lit study with year 2, as well as detailed writing *instruction* which Notgrass is missing.

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Could someone tell me more about what is in it that is NOT Bible? We're Orthodox and some of the stuff I've seen either doesn't apply to us, may not be things we would read (Experiencing God), or may not be from a POV that we would agree with.


Are you asking about AHL or WHL? Or just in general?


Honestly, I don't see a conflict between the Bible in MFW and Orthodoxy, aside from the Gospel itself. I don't know that much about Orthodoxy (if you mean Greek Orthodox? Or do you just mean "conservative orthodox church" vs. "liberal"?), so can't say for sure. It's hard to accurately answer your question since I'm not sure what specifically your denominational slant is.


But in AHL, you read through the entire Old Testament in chronological order, do a study of our beginnings from a Creation perspective and building an apologetic for the same, learn about both Old Testament/Jewish history and non-Jewish cultures, as well as Greek mythology. Some of the Old Testament is actually included in your English credit with some books of the OT books being studied as literature. Classic literature is studied in every year of MFW. Being unsure of your position on Creation vs. evolution, outside of that, I don't see where you should have a conflict. (We skipped the Rick Warren book, btw.)


In WHL you read through the entire New Testament and go in-depth into church history to see how some events literally changed the world. But aside from the basic tenets of Christianity, it remains pretty non-denominational across the board. You could skip the Experiencing God book without a problem. I did get it, and haven't read it yet but I suspect there will be some things in there that we don't completely agree with, either. ;)


MOST of what's in MFW should be acceptable to most anyone who calls themself Christian, aside from AHL possibly being a problem on the Creation topic. (I'm also not sure where Greek Orthodox comes in in church history, but maybe I'll find out this year! :tongue_smilie: ) The Bible lessons/extra-biblical books that are scheduled can be tweaked as needed. The history and English should be a non-issue. (Though I will say that one of MFW's strengths is building a strong biblical worldview... but there are folks from many different denominations happily using MFW and adding in their own doctrinal specifics where needed.) In fact, there are many places where you'll see in the teacher notes that you should "discuss this with your parents and/or pastor".


And you know what... when your kids go to college and get out into the real world, they're going to run into a LOT of stuff coming from a POV that you/we/any of us don't agree with. Just turn on the news! That's why we take the opportunity now to teach and talk about these things with our children... and doing so within the safety of our own home, while they're still here. High school is the last chance we have to solidify the foundation that we started building when they were little.


Only you know if the differences between your family's beliefs and what MFW teaches are significant enough to throw out the whole thing, but for me, I'd rather use the bulk of it and just tweak as needed. ;)

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Could someone tell me more about what is in it that is NOT Bible? We're Orthodox and some of the stuff I've seen either doesn't apply to us, may not be things we would read (Experiencing God), or may not be from a POV that we would agree with.


I'm assuming you mean WHL (where Experiencing God is used)? I haven't used WHL so I hesitated to answer. But I could just list things?


AHL non-Bible (the first two do have Biblical topics, as does Notgrass on occasion, and some of the other items may have options for writing a Biblical comparison essay but there are alternatives to that, too):

* The New Answers Book

* Unwrapping the Pharaohs

* Literature and Composition Supplement

* The Epic of Gilgamesh (condensed version by Robert W. Watson)

* The Cat of Bubastes

* Bulfinch's Greek and Roman Mythology

* The Iliad (translated by Robert Fagles)

* The Odyssey (translated by Robert Fagles)

* Eric Liddell (by Catherine Swift)

* Encyclopedia of the Ancient World

* Exploring World History (Notgrass)

* Exploring World History Quiz and Exam book

* Timeline Figures (Creation to Christ)

* Ancient History Timeline Book

* World History Map Activities

* Rand McNally Historical Atlas of the World


WHL (a few of the books do have Christians center-and-front but aren't necessarily teaching Bible, such as Hudson Taylor, More than a Carpenter, and Pilgrim's Progress):

* Julius Caesar

* Writers INC

* More Than a Carpenter

* Beowulf

* British Literature (Parallel Text)

* Teacher Guide for British Literature

* Pilgrim's Progress in Modern English

* A Tale of Two Cities (abridged edition)

* Silas Marner

* Pride and Prejudice

* Cry, the Beloved Country

* Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret

* The Hiding Place

* Animal Farm

* In His Steps

* Timeline Figures - Resurrection to Revolution; Napoleon to Now

* World History Timeline Book

* History of the World (My Father's World Edition)

Continued from AHL:

* Exploring World History (Notgrass)

* Exploring World History Quiz and Exam Book

* World History Map Activities

* Rand McNally Historical Atlas of the World

* Encyclopedia of the Ancient World

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Are you asking about AHL or WHL? Or just in general?


Honestly, I don't see a conflict between the Bible in MFW and Orthodoxy, aside from the Gospel itself. I don't know that much about Orthodoxy (if you mean Greek Orthodox? Or do you just mean "conservative orthodox church" vs. "liberal"?), so can't say for sure. It's hard to accurately answer your question since I'm not sure what specifically your denominational slant is.


But in AHL, you read through the entire Old Testament in chronological order, do a study of our beginnings from a Creation perspective and building an apologetic for the same, learn about both Old Testament/Jewish history and non-Jewish cultures, as well as Greek mythology. Some of the Old Testament is actually included in your English credit with some books of the OT books being studied as literature. Classic literature is studied in every year of MFW. Being unsure of your position on Creation vs. evolution, outside of that, I don't see where you should have a conflict. (We skipped the Rick Warren book, btw.)


In WHL you read through the entire New Testament and go in-depth into church history to see how some events literally changed the world. But aside from the basic tenets of Christianity, it remains pretty non-denominational across the board. You could skip the Experiencing God book without a problem. I did get it, and haven't read it yet but I suspect there will be some things in there that we don't completely agree with, either. ;)


MOST of what's in MFW should be acceptable to most anyone who calls themself Christian, aside from AHL possibly being a problem on the Creation topic. (I'm also not sure where Greek Orthodox comes in in church history, but maybe I'll find out this year! :tongue_smilie: ) The Bible lessons/extra-biblical books that are scheduled can be tweaked as needed. The history and English should be a non-issue. (Though I will say that one of MFW's strengths is building a strong biblical worldview... but there are folks from many different denominations happily using MFW and adding in their own doctrinal specifics where needed.) In fact, there are many places where you'll see in the teacher notes that you should "discuss this with your parents and/or pastor".


And you know what... when your kids go to college and get out into the real world, they're going to run into a LOT of stuff coming from a POV that you/we/any of us don't agree with. Just turn on the news! That's why we take the opportunity now to teach and talk about these things with our children... and doing so within the safety of our own home, while they're still here. High school is the last chance we have to solidify the foundation that we started building when they were little.


Only you know if the differences between your family's beliefs and what MFW teaches are significant enough to throw out the whole thing, but for me, I'd rather use the bulk of it and just tweak as needed. ;)


Oy. Okay, I'm VERY familiar with MFW before the highschool level (the highschool levels are new to me...though we've opted for private school at that level, that may or may not carry through with all the children). We simply ditch MFW Bible (btw, I mean Orthodox as in Eastern Orthodox). I'm asking about what is included in readings and other projects for other subjects. You don't have to convince me about the Bible as a subject (since it's neither here nor there; I would replace those with Orthodox sources) and you don't have to convince me of the Christian stance in the curricula (I'm very familiar with it). The OP went on about the Bible portion, so I was simply asking for more information on the rest of the subjects, since the Bible portion does not interest me. :)

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Oy. Okay, I'm VERY familiar with MFW before the highschool level (the highschool levels are new to me...though we've opted for private school at that level, that may or may not carry through with all the children). We simply ditch MFW Bible (btw, I mean Orthodox as in Eastern Orthodox). I'm asking about what is included in readings and other projects for other subjects. You don't have to convince me about the Bible as a subject (since it's neither here nor there; I would replace those with Orthodox sources) and you don't have to convince me of the Christian stance in the curricula (I'm very familiar with it). The OP went on about the Bible portion, so I was simply asking for more information on the rest of the subjects, since the Bible portion does not interest me. :)


Ah, okay. I thought I'd you were using, or have used MFW elementary, but just wasn't sure about the denomination. Thus, I was attempting to explain how even some aspects of the Bible part might still apply to you. I hope I didn't cause offense... that was not my intent. I was just trying to share some thoughts on it without knowing more about your specifics. :001_smile:

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Donna, you didn't cause offense. I'm just into blurting things out lately and I didn't know how to say it without sounding offensive myself. So, I just threw it out there. (keeps repeating to self...just a few more weeks, just a few more weeks...then I'll have my brain back)


Julie, thank you :)

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Donna, you didn't cause offense. I'm just into blurting things out lately and I didn't know how to say it without sounding offensive myself. So, I just threw it out there. (keeps repeating to self...just a few more weeks, just a few more weeks...then I'll have my brain back)



How many more weeks?

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I'm assuming you mean WHL (where Experiencing God is used)? I haven't used WHL so I hesitated to answer. But I could just list things?


AHL non-Bible (the first two do have Biblical topics, as does Notgrass on occasion, and some of the other items may have options for writing a Biblical comparison essay but there are alternatives to that, too):

* The New Answers Book

* Unwrapping the Pharaohs

* Literature and Composition Supplement

* The Epic of Gilgamesh (condensed version by Robert W. Watson)

* The Cat of Bubastes

* Bulfinch's Greek and Roman Mythology

* The Iliad (translated by Robert Fagles)

* The Odyssey (translated by Robert Fagles)

* Eric Liddell (by Catherine Swift)

* Encyclopedia of the Ancient World

* Exploring World History (Notgrass)

* Exploring World History Quiz and Exam book

* Timeline Figures (Creation to Christ)

* Ancient History Timeline Book

* World History Map Activities

* Rand McNally Historical Atlas of the World


WHL (a few of the books do have Christians center-and-front but aren't necessarily teaching Bible, such as Hudson Taylor, More than a Carpenter, and Pilgrim's Progress):

* Julius Caesar

* Writers INC

* More Than a Carpenter

* Beowulf

* British Literature (Parallel Text)

* Teacher Guide for British Literature

* Pilgrim's Progress in Modern English

* A Tale of Two Cities (abridged edition)

* Silas Marner

* Pride and Prejudice

* Cry, the Beloved Country

* Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret

* The Hiding Place

* Animal Farm

* In His Steps

* Timeline Figures - Resurrection to Revolution; Napoleon to Now

* World History Timeline Book

* History of the World (My Father's World Edition)

Continued from AHL:

* Exploring World History (Notgrass)

* Exploring World History Quiz and Exam Book

* World History Map Activities

* Rand McNally Historical Atlas of the World

* Encyclopedia of the Ancient World


This is very helpful. MFW has really been standing out as the program I want to use with my son in high school, but the original post had me wondering if it was going to be too religious for me. This really highlights some of the things that I wanted to see included and is reassuring to me.



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Do you have a link to the MFW board?


I think there will be quite a few of us doing WHL next year! We'll have to keep in touch throughout the year and see how we all progress! :001_smile:


Hey all, it's nice to hear that there are so many going to be going through WHL next year. We are coming back to MFW and will be using AHL w/ dd13, WHL w/ dd15 & Exploration - 1850 w/ the younger ones. I really miss MFW & am really excited about the highschool years!

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Hey all, it's nice to hear that there are so many going to be going through WHL next year. We are coming back to MFW and will be using AHL w/ dd13, WHL w/ dd15 & Exploration - 1850 w/ the younger ones. I really miss MFW & am really excited about the highschool years!
In case you haven't seen my gushing in most every MFW post, Dd (and therefore, I) loves AHL! I agree, it will be great to have so many doing WHL! Quite a few of us did the AHL this year, so I'm glad it's carrying over to next year as well! :001_smile:
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Hey all, it's nice to hear that there are so many going to be going through WHL next year. We are coming back to MFW and will be using AHL w/ dd13, WHL w/ dd15 & Exploration - 1850 w/ the younger ones. I really miss MFW & am really excited about the highschool years!


:hurray: :seeya:

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In case you haven't seen my gushing in most every MFW post, Dd (and therefore, I) loves AHL! I agree, it will be great to have so many doing WHL! Quite a few of us did the AHL this year, so I'm glad it's carrying over to next year as well! :001_smile:


Actually your posts are some of the ones that really made me take another look at MFW! Thank you! I wish I would have never left MFW several years ago, but we're back now to stay. I don't suppose that you are going to be selling your AHL package when you're finished are you? I am looking to buy it used if possible.:001_smile:

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Actually your posts are some of the ones that really made me take another look at MFW! Thank you! I wish I would have never left MFW several years ago, but we're back now to stay. I don't suppose that you are going to be selling your AHL package when you're finished are you? I am looking to buy it used if possible.:001_smile:

Yes I will be! Right now I haven't assessed what exactly we have, what we'll sell, and what we'll keep, but I'll be doing that within the next couple of weeks, I believe, and can figure out a price based on what I have.


If you want me to contact you later, send me a pm about AHL and that you may be interested in buying it. That way when I figure it all out I can remember to contact you. :001_smile:

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I know you weren't talking to me, but we're looking forward to AHL next year, too. It was mostly your and cbolin's posts about AHL that got me excited about it!
Oh good! Thank you! I know it can't be perfect for every child, but it's so close to that for my dd that I have to share! :D


I hope you all enjoy it as much as we have also! :001_smile:

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Thank you all so much for sharing your experiences! I have really been considering MFW for high school. We are doing SL Core 6 and will do Core 7 next year. But I'd like to make the switch when oldest dd starts 9th gr. I even called their office today to ask questions! :) So, not starting MFW until Fall 2012, but looking forward to it already! :)

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I just completed my order for MFW World History :) Yay!!!


Next...figuring out how I'm going to pay for the rest of 11th grade curriculum. LOL


This is so hilarious -- I've been selling off the old to purchase the new. I just calculated my sales and they equal my MFW purchase!

Edited by mom2paul
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I just completed my order for MFW World History :) Yay!!!


Next...figuring out how I'm going to pay for the rest of 11th grade curriculum. LOL


This is so hilarious -- I've been selling off the old to purchase the new. I just calculated my sales and they equal my MFW purchase!

:lol: That worked out well then, didn't it?!


That's how I afford each year...sell off the old to bring in the new! :001_smile: Glad that worked out so well for you!

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