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Going for a walk - what time?

Walking - before or after luch  

  1. 1. Walking - before or after luch

    • before lunch
    • after lunch

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If I walk, it has to be first thing in the morning. It's just how my brain works. If I don't do it then, it won't happen.


If I had to choose between right before lunch and right after, I'd go right after. It's a good way to work off the after-lunch wooly brain that seems to hit us all. :D Right now, though, we usually have something going on or Schmooey needs a nap.

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I voted after. I read in a health magazine once that exercise in the morning appears to do nothing to improve metabolism with the theory being that the body is waking up anyway and already starting to burn. Studies showed that exercise later in the day appeared to keep the metabolism burning as it worked better for those wanting to lose weight.


It was a review of a study, and I haven't seen any follow ups to know if the theory has been reproduced or not. I just remember the important points... ;)


One other important point was to eat breakfast daily. Those that didn't had a harder time losing weight too.

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