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How are all the No S Dieters doing?

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How are all of the No S Dieters doing? Last week was the first week that I can honestly say that I stuck to it 100% and I am down 6.2 lbs (I don't expect that kind of loss every week, but it sure would be nice)!!! I was so thrilled this morning that I even wrote about it on my blog :D


I am interested to see how the rest of you are doing!!!

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Hey, I must have missed that there are other No-S'ers around here. Is there a support thread somewhere? Are newbies allowed to join? :blush:


6.2 lbs, that's fantastic! Even if it's not sustainable on a weekly basis, seeing those pounds gone sure is nice. Way to go!


Trying, for the thousandth time, for 100% compliance this week. :glare: Thanks for sharing your success story, it's really motivating!

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Hey, I must have missed that there are other No-S'ers around here. Is there a support thread somewhere? Are newbies allowed to join? :blush:


No support thread that I know of, but we can bump this or start a new one each week if anyone is interested!


I'm going to start this right now. I already had a pop-tart for breakfast :tongue_smilie:, but I'm starting as of now. I need to do something...


Good for you! Good luck today, and for the rest of the week!


My dh is sort of following this diet. He was at 270 and is down to 243.


Wow - that's amazing! Good for him!

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No support thread that I know of, but we can bump this or start a new one each week if anyone is interested!


I would like that!


I do have my habit calendars going over there, though, so I could pop in to visit the boards there but I'd really rather just stay where I already am.



On the op, I've always kept in the back of my mind the whole sledge hammer thing he has going. That was never something I got into. A bit ago, though, we had a tree in our lawn cut down. I got out our axe, sharpened it, and started chopping. I now chop at least 30 minutes everyday and get a goodly amount of firewood added to the wood pile. Oddly, I'm really enjoying it! It has something that trad working out just doesn't: purpose. Working out is just working out. It's purpose is to try to stay fit but otherwise, isn't particularly purposeful. Chopping that wood, though, has so much to offer. I'm removing a pile of chopped tree, making a large pile of firewood, provisioning for my family, and exercising . . . hard! I've been after my husband to find me another tree.


I wish I could add more purposeful walking to my life. My husband and I have started walking together in the mornings but that isn't the same. I would love to bike or walk more as a logical component in my life, not an added activity the only purpose for which is the walking itself.


Well, that was all long and drawn out but in the end, yes, I'd love a weekly No S update on here.

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I am loving it but am not losing weight because I am in the category of people who probably wouldn't- female, close to my goal weight etc But I really am doing it so that I don't put on the 5kgms I lost at the end of last year and so far, so good. I am quite happy with my weight- yes, it would be nice to lose a bit more but I would have to do something more than No S- and I already eat very healthy on it. I like No S as a lifestyle very much and am happy to just keep going with it even without weight loss.

For me it really brings back the joy of food without obsession with it. I am finding I am more willing to eat what my family is eating and enjoy it, rather than make myself separate meals. I can eat out and not feel guilty. It is very freeing.

I was looking at the different stages and I think I need to consider myself still in Stage 1 and keep going with establishing this habit even though I am pretty much doing it anyway and have done for quite a few weeks now. Last week I actually fell off the wagon on my N days because of a few different social occasions and I really didnt feel so good...I love the structure and like to be strict about it for now.

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I now chop at least 30 minutes everyday and get a goodly amount of firewood added to the wood pile. Oddly, I'm really enjoying it! It has something that trad working out just doesn't: purpose. Working out is just working out. It's purpose is to try to stay fit but otherwise, isn't particularly purposeful. Chopping that wood, though, has so much to offer. I'm removing a pile of chopped tree, making a large pile of firewood, provisioning for my family, and exercising . . . hard!


You may have hit upon the reason sticking to an exercise plan is so hard to do long term. It feels just like what it is; expending energy for nothing. (Training for an athletic endeavor aside...)

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No support thread that I know of, but we can bump this or start a new one each week if anyone is interested!


Yes! I'm a big fan of accountability. ;)


On the op, I've always kept in the back of my mind the whole sledge hammer thing he has going. That was never something I got into. A bit ago, though, we had a tree in our lawn cut down. I got out our axe, sharpened it, and started chopping. I now chop at least 30 minutes everyday and get a goodly amount of firewood added to the wood pile. Oddly, I'm really enjoying it! It has something that trad working out just doesn't: purpose. Working out is just working out. It's purpose is to try to stay fit but otherwise, isn't particularly purposeful. Chopping that wood, though, has so much to offer. I'm removing a pile of chopped tree, making a large pile of firewood, provisioning for my family, and exercising . . . hard! I've been after my husband to find me another tree.


I wish I could add more purposeful walking to my life. My husband and I have started walking together in the mornings but that isn't the same. I would love to bike or walk more as a logical component in my life, not an added activity the only purpose for which is the walking itself.


That is so very cool. I love all the real benefits, as well as the psychological benefits. You probably feel very strong and capable!


I like his ideas as well but kinda freak out at swinging a sledgehammer around my living room, heh. But - you're doing something! This is why it irritates me to take neighborhood walks; we are not GOING anywhere. I know I need to exercise and sometimes I can just make myself do it, for the greater good of getting in shape blah blah blah, but mostly it's just easier to stay in bed than go to the gym in the wee hours of the morning.

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This is why it irritates me to take neighborhood walks; we are not GOING anywhere. I know I need to exercise and sometimes I can just make myself do it, for the greater good of getting in shape blah blah blah, but mostly it's just easier to stay in bed than go to the gym in the wee hours of the morning.


I can relate. I cant stand the gym, and I don't want to get in a car, drive, use gas, to get my exercise!


I walk in nature for my exercise mostly. Or I do things like yoga and tai chi. That way I am getting the benefit of relaxation and soothing and nourishing of my soul on other levels, rather than just "exercising". For me a walk in nature is not a chore to get out of the way, most of the time- if I am feelign yucky I will often go just to get out of the house. But I am lucky where i live is near a nature reserve on the river, even though we are in the city.

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i'm currently doing weightwatchers on my own, but am not sure I'll be able to maintain for the long haul with it, and the no-s diet seems more 'normal' for lack of a better word...more livable. i'm interested in hearing how you all with it.

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I love the No S Diet! I lost over 20 pounds on it last year and am maintaining at a range that is good for me. :) My current challenge is being strict with the habit during the week. My family seems to think that I should be able to have treats on N Days :001_rolleyes:at this point but that becomes too much of a slippery slope for me. I do best when I just I stick to plain ol vanilla No S.



My dh seems to be stuck at a weight between 247 and 243. He has been stuck between those two weights for over a month. He needs something to push him past this point. Any ideas?



You said that your DH is *mostly* following the No S diet. I think the first place I'd tweak is to cut out any grey areas (i.e. any snacks, sweets or seconds on N Days.) Depending on his current habits that might be enough to push him past the plateau. If that doesn't work, he could try eating a little less or upping his exercise or looking at the quality of food that he is eating. The general consensus is that it best to make very small tweaks and only to adopt one at a time. :)

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I love the No S Diet! I lost over 20 pounds on it last year and am maintaining at a range that is good for me. :) My current challenge is being strict with the habit during the week. My family seems to think that I should be able to have treats on N Days :001_rolleyes:at this point but that becomes too much of a slippery slope for me. I do best when I just I stick to plain ol vanilla No S.


You said that your DH is *mostly* following the No S diet. I think the first place I'd tweak is to cut out any grey areas (i.e. any snacks, sweets or seconds on N Days.) Depending on his current habits that might be enough to push him past the plateau. If that doesn't work, he could try eating a little less or upping his exercise or looking at the quality of food that he is eating. The general consensus is that it best to make very small tweaks and only to adopt one at a time. :)


Argggghhhh! That slippery slope!


When I started NoS-ing, oh, long enough ago that I couldn't remember my user name at first, I started just plain, old vanilla No S.


I lost great for a while. But then plateaued.


Then I realized that eating a very wide variety of healthy foods at one meal was WAY more satisfying than one thing. For example, if I had one plate of spaghetti or one bowl of soup it wasn't nearly as satisfying as having a smaller serving of soup, with ww bread, a small wedge of fancy cheese, and a handful of those amazing bright green olives from the WF olive bar. The variety was weirdly satisfying. As a result I stopped needing/wanting those caloric drinks b/t meals.


I lost more and I was getting close. But then plateaued again.


I started eating on a 9-inch plate rather than a regular-sized plate. There was a lot of talk at that time on the No S boards about the growth in plate sizes over the years. I remember we talked about one study someone did comparing plate sizes in various artwork depicting the Last Supper. Plate size had increased by an enormous percent but I don't remember it now. Anyway, I then started using the 9 inch plate.


With using a regular size plate (;) it's all about attitude), putting the best food (good cooking and good for me food), incorporating lots of variety, and really sticking with it, I lost great! As you mention, I did incorporate each one of those tweaks one at a time over time.


But then . . . I was really getting happy with where I was but I guess I got complacent. There was strength in sticking with S days and N days but then I got lazy and sometimes just wanted a Smonday and then, well, I was doing so well that when I should have had an S event I had an S day instead and shoot, might as well make it an S week and . . .


Well, that slippery slope.


So, now I humbly begin again!

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One thing that we have done for the last 5 years, and two houses is, we always live 3Km away from my husbands work. He has to bike to work most days, even in winter - or walk. If it wasn't for this I'm sure he would have ended up over 270pounds. It isn't much exercise, just 2.5K bike ride, but it's something he HAS to do.


That's exercise with a purpose!


I wish I could do that, but we are about 7 miles from the nearest town and 40+ miles from dh's work.


Also, being rural, the roads are not at all set up for pedestrian traffic. I can count on one hand the times I've walked beside the highway nearest my house. It was absolutely nerve-wracking.


I could totally go outside and build something though. Our porch needs work, the garden could use a fence and a rabbit shed would be nice.

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I've been NoSing for almost 2.5 years and STILL loving it. I've lost 40 pounds in spite of being over 50, short, and having thyroid issues.


I credit NoS for maintaining my loss on our recent 3 month furlough (think 3-month working *vacation* with lots of visiting, meals out, holidays, etc). Because of all my good habits in place (especially 3 meals, no snacking, no seconds), I was able to enjoy every company meal where we were the guests (including a *small* piece of dessert) regardless of the day of the week. On every other furlough, I have gained at least 10 pounds.....


Now that we are back home, I am entering a new phase of losing weight :lol: Incorporating NoS habits (along with regular use of a pedometer) has been one of the BEST things I've ever done in my life....

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I just started yesterday -- after my morning pop-tart :-) -- and was able to finish out the day on track. I was able to eat what I made my family last night instead of making my own thing. I had a big, healthy breakfast this morning and am good to go until lunch. I think I might be able to follow this! I do have signs posted in the kitchen, on the pantry door and on the fridge as a reminder. My boys know that can call me out if they see me eating anything other than a piece of fruit or yogurt for a snack (although I'm trying not to snack at all).


I want to lose at least 15 lbs by summer and 30 lbs total by Nov (hopefully well before that, but no later than that).


OP, thanks for posting this yesterday. It was just what I needed!

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I just started yesterday, sort of. :glare: I kind of blew it with the 3 Bliss chocolates after dinner. So, trying again today.


I love the sound of No S and hope it works. DH makes dinner every night so I really didn't want to do a diet where I had to eat specific foods. I just have to resist the sweets. I have about 40 pounds that I really, really want to lose.


Exercise is hard since I always have the two little ones with me and it's still cold here. Once it gets warmer I want to start walking when dh gets home from work. Walking alone so I can actually get my pulse up. Walks with the kids are a stop, walk fast, stop, walk slow, walk fast, stop... I doubt they really end up being good exercise. I've tried the Walk Away the Weight videos but the kids think it's a game to run in front of or behind me while I'm kicking. Very distracting (not to mention someone could get hurt). Same kind of thing when I try yoga, Tai Chi or stretching. Our house is real small so there's no where I can go to do it without the "help".

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Way to go, Jenn!


I lost about a pound, which is okay by me.


I still need to find a way to keep No-S in the forefront of my consciousness all. the. time. It's all about mindfulness (both when eating, and when NOT eating), and that's a skill that I am sorely lacking.


For the first time in my life, I am facing some health issues that will probably largely resolve themselves if I finally, permanently lose weight. I can no longer afford to live with overweight. I HAVE to make this work.

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For the first time in my life, I am facing some health issues that will probably largely resolve themselves if I finally, permanently lose weight. I can no longer afford to live with overweight. I HAVE to make this work.


Best of luck!:)

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I was finding this fairly easy but this last week my cycle has gone crazy and i have craved chocolate- and virtually anything else full of fat and sugar- like no other time. I am not normally one to crave sugar. Turns out my cycle is only 18 days long this time, so something is whacky with my hormones.

It is taking much more discipline than usual to not snack, so I am feeling for others who find it hard.

I am off to make an early dinner full of whatever I feel like eating (mm, i have the ingredients for nachos here) and maybe a raw chocolate nutmilk smoothie on the side.

But even with this challenge, it is so nice to be able to go and eat a meal of what I want and not worry about it too much- just wait till meal time to eat it. It feels so freeing.

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What is the NoS diet???


tiffanieh, here is a link to the website. It's basically a common sense approach: No Sweets, No Snacks and No Seconds, except on days that begin with "S" (Saturday, Sunday, Special days, i.e. birthdays). So, three small sensible meals a day. Less attention is paid to carbs, calories, fat grams etc - the thinking being that by eating this way you are naturally lowering and regulating those factors. It's very freeing.


More details are on the website, of course. HTH!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just checking in to see how everyone is doing.

I've lost another 2 lbs. for a total of 4. :D


The first week was hard, but now I'm really glad I started this. One thing I really like about it is that you don't have to obsess over food - no counting points or calories, etc. I'm actually thinking about food LESS overall.

It's also so simple and very freeing. I eat at mealtimes, I stop when I'm full (no seconds of course) and I don't have to think about what I'm eating (other than no sweets).

I had McDonald's last week (w/diet soda) and it didn't matter. It didn't mess up my day's points or anything else. It just was a meal and I enjoyed it. ;)

I had pizza and candy on the weekend, but I still lost weight. And I'm not depriving myself during meals. I have reasonable, well balanced meals that fill me up and taste great (butter on my french bread and so on and it doesn't matter). When I want a snack, I just have a light lemonade (5 cal) or water and find that often I was really just thirsty anyway.



I really like this!

Edited by jenn&charles
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