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Why do people shower every morning?

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I shower in the mornings because it helps me wake up. If I don't, I stay sluggish for a little too long. And I think I NEED a shower every morning--especially in the summertime when I get sweaty working around the house and outside. (Sometimes twice a day on really busy days.)


However, my husband really is one of those people who doesn't need to shower every day. He never smells bad. Even when he's working outside and getting sweaty, he might smell *sweaty* but he never has B.O. During the wintertime, he only showers every other day, unless he's been working outside. My oldest daughter bathes or showers every other day; my youngest has to take a shower every day or she smells bad. (Except when they're on their periods--then they both shower a couple of times a day.)


It depends on the person. Some people have different skin types and body types and if they don't shower every day, they smell awful. Others don't. It's that simple. And it's only gross if you're dirty, your hair's greasy, and/or you stink. :D

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For the people who shower 2X a day...aren't you concerned about wasting water? How long are you staying in the shower?


Well, on a day when I have to take 2 showers, I don't spend that much time on the second shower. Shower #1, I have to wash my hair, shave my legs, etc. Shower #2 is a quick, soapy rinse and I'm right back out. So maybe 10 minutes the first time and 2-3 minutes the second.

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Wow. Lots of passion over people's showering habits. Why care so much about what other people do? I thought of a couple other things since I read this entire thread.


I workout almost daily, and I cannot feel clean or nice without showering. I also think my oily skin is to blame for much of my yucky feeling. I live in a humid area, and my face alone needs to be blotted several times a day. I never need lotion. My mom, though, has dry skin, doesn't have to shower often and never sweats. I have hyperhidrosis, so I sweat a lot.


My husband mows lawns and showers every day he works, at least. My boys only take a couple of showers a week unless they've gotten dirty outside.

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I don't shower in the morning....mainly because I can't stand to be cold! To leave my nice warm bed and climb into the shower ... I don't like it one bit!



Have you tried using hot water? :D


I would climb out of a warm bed to a cold room and cold clothes. I find a nice hot shower (the word nice just goes along with hot shower) keeps me warm while I towel off and hop into clothes. The only "cold" I feel is the minute it takes to get to the shower, get it turned on, and empty my bladder while the water gets up to snuff. Since the boys get up much later, our thermostat is not programmed to warm up until I've been gone over an hour. Saves on heating bills.

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I take a hot/warm shower to remove toxins because I have a lot of health problems. Sometimes I will take 2 per day. The rubbing with the wash cloth is good too. I am also very stiff in the morning and if I don't take a shower I will sit around all day not wanting to move.


My hair is easier to fix if I at least wet it. When I wear it curly, I need it wet to start with, when I need it straight I need to blow dry it that way, so I need it wet either way.

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Not to hijack, but speaking of shoes that was always my issue with Flylady. Closed shoes? We don't wear closed shoes hear unless we're going hiking!


I just ignore the Flylady shoes thing. She says I can have clean shoes to wear indoors, but slippers feel right to me.



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For the people who shower 2X a day...aren't you concerned about wasting water? How long are you staying in the shower?


That seems...kind of excessive. Do you do that when there is a drought? Have you tried to reduce your showers or at least the amount of time in the shower? Maybe you could get some sort of timer?



Industry uses (and wastes) soooooo much more water than domestic in my city. Yes, we live in a city and its on the edge of a desert and we are supposed to be somewhat water conscious. I honestly feel my showers do not make much difference and we are not in a dire water problem issue at the moment. I probably waste more watering my vegie patch which is rather unproductive at the moment.

I have lived with water tanks and adjusted my shower time accordingly- I can save water very well if I need to- I just don't reallly need to.

I have some short showers (1-2 minutes) and some long showers (10 minutes) and sometimes a bath. Other days we have a spa and I don't shower at all.

What is wastage anyway? Wastage would be if I just left the water running and didn't use it. If I am using the water and appreciating it and it gives me great joy- how is that different from the thousands of other ways people use resources for recreation?

I consider dh to be wasting electricity when he puts the air conditioner on all day every day in summer even though our house is well designed and I don't feel the need for it many days, or at least mornings. But to him, thats not wastage and he is prepared to pay the (exhorbitant) electricity bill because being cool in hot weather is very important to him.

Wastage is a very subjective concept. I would consider plastic wrapping a waste of resources, but we all use them. Water- I consider a natural element essential to life.

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I don't really understand the wasting thing either. One could say using electricity to have this discussion is a waste. Where do you draw the line? Are cookies a waste of money? Is having more than one pair of shoes? What about makeup? Or a mixer?



Industry uses (and wastes) soooooo much more water than domestic in my city. Yes, we live in a city and its on the edge of a desert and we are supposed to be somewhat water conscious. I honestly feel my showers do not make much difference and we are not in a dire water problem issue at the moment. I probably waste more watering my vegie patch which is rather unproductive at the moment.

I have lived with water tanks and adjusted my shower time accordingly- I can save water very well if I need to- I just don't reallly need to.

I have some short showers (1-2 minutes) and some long showers (10 minutes) and sometimes a bath. Other days we have a spa and I don't shower at all.

What is wastage anyway? Wastage would be if I just left the water running and didn't use it. If I am using the water and appreciating it and it gives me great joy- how is that different from the thousands of other ways people use resources for recreation?

I consider dh to be wasting electricity when he puts the air conditioner on all day every day in summer even though our house is well designed and I don't feel the need for it many days, or at least mornings. But to him, thats not wastage and he is prepared to pay the (exhorbitant) electricity bill because being cool in hot weather is very important to him.

Wastage is a very subjective concept. I would consider plastic wrapping a waste of resources, but we all use them. Water- I consider a natural element essential to life.

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I shower every morning to feel fresh and start my day but wasn't there a time in history when people only showered once a year? Can you imagine? Now that must have generated some undebatable body odor!


I imagine they were so accustomed to the odor that nobody noticed.


But it makes me itchy to think of it.

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