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Weeeelllll....we got a snake

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We really just went to look at snakes. Really. But we ended up spending two hours there, and we bought one. He is very very cute!! He is a year old California King snake. After speaking with the breeder for a long time, I felt like that was the best breed for us.


Meet Murphy:










ETA: I have no idea why the pics of the girls are horizontal. Sorry about that.





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I do have to say that I love the fact that you have a house full of girls and now a pet snake.


My mother was/is very squirmish and passed on many phobias to my sister and I. I remember the time we were house sitting the neighbor's cat and he brought us a...um...gift (one like you plan to feed your pet). My mother ran, locked herself in her bedroom, and refused to open the door until my brother came home and got rid of the little bugger and the cat. My sister and I stood banging on her door begging for what seemed like hours but she would not let us in. She laughs about it now. I don't.


Good for you. Now your girls will be brave women and mamas. Girl power!

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I do have to say that I love the fact that you have a house full of girls and now a pet snake.


My mother was/is very squirmish and passed on many phobias to my sister and I. I remember the time we were house sitting the neighbor's cat and he brought us a...um...gift (one like you plan to feed your pet). My mother ran, locked herself in her bedroom, and refused to open the door until my brother came home and got rid of the little bugger and the cat. My sister and I stood banging on her door begging for what seemed like hours but she would not let us in. She laughs about it now. I don't.


Good for you. Now your girls will be brave women and mamas. Girl power!



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Murphy is a great name for a snake!


I also think it's wonderful that you got your girls a snake! Although I never brought them in the house, I used to play with garter snakes in our yard all the time as a kid... and frogs, grasshoppers, worms, etc. I'm glad my parents were open to the creatures I thought were fun because I'm not easily freaked out by certain animals that cause others to become squeamish. Unless, it is a spider... then I freak out! :D

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