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Items that should never be borrowed...

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Over the course of our marriage and moves around the world, I have had neighbors ask to borrow things that just gross me out! And, I usually end up giving them the item because the thought of taking it back and using it after they have used it is too much. My list includes (but is not limited to) the following:



a plunger - yuck!!!!!!!


my mop - after their toliet overflowed


my vacuum - didn't let them borrow my good one; loaned them the $10 yardsale one that we used for the cars


my hairbrush




That is all I can think of right now, but I am sure there are more. What is on your list?

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There are only two times that I was irked by people borrowing things.


Once, a neighbor asked to borrow butter about 5 weeks in a row to make cookies. Considering it was almost a dollar a stick at the time, I finally said I was out.



Another neighbor who only speaks Spanish, sent her daughter to borrow an onion. I gave them a basic yellow onion. Then the daughter brought it back to ask if I had a "white onion". Okay, sorry but that is seriously picky for someone who was asking for one.

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When Dh and I started our business, the guy next door did car electrical stuff (like stereos and fancy dvd setups) He would always "borrow" our electrical connectors (we had the "kit" from the hardware store with a small sample of every type). Really? This was his business and he was taking all our stuff. Sort of like a bakery asking the coffee shop next door for sugar.



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I've got a gross one.


My college biology professor was a certifiable nut case. When he got to the reproductive system during his brief unit on A & P, he decided that he wanted to discuss birth control and have some visual aids. So he went around asking the females in the room if any of them used diaphrams and if so, could someone please lend him one so that the guys in the class would know what they were! Seriously, in front of 80 people, he began asking women one by one, "Do you use a diaphram and if so, may I borrow one?" That's how it was worded.


We all knew he had a noodle in place of his brain, but honestly, this one...well, let's just say that it contributed to a very, very poor student review of him at the end of the year. I don't think most people would have believed us, thinking that it was too bizarre and had to be made up, but one of the students was recording the lecture for his sick roomate so we had it on tape! I wonder if they made a copy for the dean???



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When Dh and I started our business, the guy next door did car electrical stuff (like stereos and fancy dvd setups) He would always "borrow" our electrical connectors (we had the "kit" from the hardware store with a small sample of every type). Really? This was his business and he was taking all our stuff. Sort of like a bakery asking the coffee shop next door for sugar.




Along the same lines, there is a hot dog place nearby that does not stock ketchup. When customers ask for ketchup, they are directed to go raid the McDonald's right next door. :confused:

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A tampon. It's one of those, "wrong use for the word 'borrow'" situations. No --please -- you can keep it. I don't want it back :D


A friend of mine in high school had a boyfriend who liked to borrow her underwear. He confessed to her that he liked to wear it :confused::confused::confused:

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our neighbor asked to borrow our carpet steamer/cleaner.


i just couldn't do it. i've seen how she lets her kids wander through her house with food and i did not want THAT all up in my bristles. she's already gone through 2 carpet steamers, does she really think i'm going to let her near mine?!!?:001_huh:

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