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Health credit

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For Health:


We do the full Red Cross training and certification- this is not a one shot deal they do this continually through their years in high school so that they always stay current.


Nutrition and cooking: read Fast Food Nation and watch Super Size Me, sometimes Sugar Blues. My kids all know how to cook but we generally do a bunch of recipes from How to Cook Without A Book. Because we have a child with a genetic disorder that won't allow him to metabolize fat we also go into the chemistry of energy production and food issues that affect little brother.


We do a unit on illegal drugs using mostly internet sources and recent news. We've lucked out and had a policeman who works vice come to give our youth group a presentation every few years. One of the things that most impresses the kids is the pictures he brings of people on their first drug bust and then a year later on subsequent busts. The kids are always blown away by how ravaged the suspects always look in just a years time.


For my girls I teach sections out of (it sounds strange but this book is sooo informative about how a woman's body works) Take Charge of Your Fertility. We also discuss sexual politics and beliefs. And go in depth about discussing abstinence and birth control and dating issues and how to integrate our faith with our physical lives.


As part of health we do weight-training and really try to learn about what keeps them fit, what works and what doesn't. What an eating disorder is... I'm trying to fit in a workshop on self-defense too.


I don't try to do health in one semester- this is something that I integrate all through high school, though I only give half a credit for it.

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Any idea what to use for a health class for high school credit. Thanks


We used for a text: Lifetime Health, Friedman et al., Holt, 2004, ISBN 0030646146.


Also my son does Red Cross First Aid and CPR through Civil Air Patrol. Also plan to enroll Dd in the course this summer.


I haven't decided on the credit I will give them. The text book was very thorough for a health course and we covered the whole book and it took them all of their 9th grade to cover it. Also, we are doing additional studies that are continuous through their high school years. I am leaning towards a full credit. But it really doesn't matter since 1/2 credit is minimum that seems to be required for diploma program in PA.

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How do you like it? Are you using the plans from Oak Meadow?


I have the Oak Meadow syllabus, and it looks wonderful, but I decided not to use it. I decided that we need to have health be done in a semester and the OM course is designed for a year. Of course, I could adjust things, but I decided it was more trouble than I was willing to go to.

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"Health" is something that we just consider part of our day to day living - what I mean is that we don't use a specific text book called "grade X Health" or anything like that... we just 'cover' various health-related topics as they come up. Some examples: healthy eating (and along with that has come discussion of eating disorders and such, but that also ties into puberty/teen pressures/etc), caring for your body (inside and out!), changes during the teen years, first aid, STDs, healthy attitudes toward yourself, dealing with wild emotions/hormones/etc, addictions (drugs, alcohol, smoking, gambling, etc), and a lot of other things.... :)

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