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Is anyone still doing Funnix?


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Just wondering who has stuck with it. We're about halfway through and Abby loves it MUCH better than 100 Easy Lessons. She even likes the worksheets, which is funny because she doesn't care for workbooks...


We're not that far into it, but so far we're having the same experience, even up to loving the worksheets. DD5, who would take no direct instruction from me, LOVES Funnix and refers to it as "her teacher." :glare: Whatever, she's learning, and right now that's all that matters!

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We are on Lesson 95. We both like it SO much more than 100 EZ lessons. We were on lesson 80 in 100 EZ, but backed up to 60 in Funnix. I've really seen an improvement in my daughter's confidence. We aren't using the worksheets though.


My 2 1/2 always wants to do a lesson after her sister. We do one exercise from the lesson each day. We are now on lesson 5. I really don't have any desire to teach her to read right now, but she wants to do what big sis is doing and so far it has been easy enough for her. I think we will hit a wall soon enough though, and that is FINE. ::tongue_smilie:

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How do I download it for free?


With my ds, who is now in 6th grade, we used Funnix 2 after 100EL, and he loved it! I have planned to do the same with my dd, who is now on lesson 66 in 100EL. She's still doing fine with 100EL, but she may prefer Funnix if we could switch.

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The website says the free download was extended until 2-13-11, but I don't see a link to download. I emailed Funnix -- we'll see. I paid the high price for Funnix 2 about 6 years ago!! I hated to pay full price, but my ds loved it (as a follow up to 100EL)! He went all the way through it, so it turned out to be worth it. I'm sure my dd would enjoy switching to Funnix early.

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Still plugging away with F2. It has been *fantastic* in improving DD's reading stamina and fluency. After a couple of weeks, we moved her ahead to lesson 57 and she's doing well. It's just the right challenge level for her. She went from crying and whining at the thought of reading 1 short paragraph (before using F2) to reading 1-1/2 pages of text. Go DD!

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The website says the free download was extended until 2-13-11, but I don't see a link to download. I emailed Funnix -- we'll see. I paid the high price for Funnix 2 about 6 years ago!! I hated to pay full price, but my ds loved it (as a follow up to 100EL)! He went all the way through it, so it turned out to be worth it. I'm sure my dd would enjoy switching to Funnix early.


You had to request the dowload by 1/31. If you did that you can complete the download by 2/13. I don't think the offer was extended.

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We are doing it but my son wants it to hurry up and get past learning letters already. He wants to see words..I don't know how to skip so we are just trying to get through them one lesson a day.


We had this issue too. I think we just skipped to lesson 20, but not because we went the accelerated path. I wanted to make sure we didn't miss the introduction of letter combinations. It was still easy for Abby at lesson 20, but manageable. Halfway now and there are A LOT more words. :D Check out the teacher's guide if you need to accelerate.

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I've been letting my 3.5 year old do it around every other day for the last couple weeks. She tested into the accelerated track, but we started from the beginning and have been doing the full lessons to keep things light. I actually hadn't planned on starting it yet, but she saw the letters on the workbook pages and wanted to try it out. I've noticed a huge improvement in her blending when she reads at other times since we started. I am very impressed with the program for that reason alone.


I did have to search through the website to find the more detailed Parent Guide. The guide linked in the email with the downloads didn't have as much information on going through the lessons.

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There have been a couple of these threads, so I know I posted this sentiment previously, but I must say, I thought it was an abysmal program. One of my most basic expectations of a computer program is that it be navigable to all its parts easily. This was not. You had to guess at the lesson numbers and just enter them into this little box in order to see what they were. I had no way of even knowing how many lessons there were without looking it up on the website or in some of the accompanying documents! It had zero interactive features from what I could see. It paid almost no attention to the buttons at the bottom of the screen when I pushed them to get it to pause or skip ahead as I was trying to figure it out. It was like a very dull video that just droned on and on. Plus, I found the phonics sequence confusing - it went from CVC words in one lesson I looked at to much more advanced diphthongs in the next. Clearly, that's a bit on me, because I assume there was some method to the madness, but it didn't match up to any other work we had done with any other phonics program to this point. Basically, I can't say enough negative things about it.


When I slammed it in a previous thread, someone said something like that people it wasn't appropriate for were using it because of the free download. I'm not sure exactly what that meant. Perhaps it's only suitable if you were doing 100 Easy Lessons previously or have read 100 Easy Lessons or something? Anyway, all I know is, I have a kid who is still learning to read with phonics and this was absolutely not for us.

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I did have to search through the website to find the more detailed Parent Guide. The guide linked in the email with the downloads didn't have as much information on going through the lessons.


Do you have a link?


Is this what you were talking about?


Edited by happyhappyjoyjoy
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There have been a couple of these threads, so I know I posted this sentiment previously, but I must say, I thought it was an abysmal program.


Well, like any other program, it works for some families not for others. That doesn't mean it's a bad program. I've found the program very easy to use. We haven't used 100EZ so, it's not that.


I do think that for the best experience parents should read the teacher guide and go through the "Tutorial Guide" (the link is on the opening screen of Funnix 2).


There is a method to it. You're not supposed to skip around between lessons and exercises. Reviewing a lesson or exercise is easy to do, but if you're just randomly clicking around trying to figure things out, it's just going to seem like a confusing mess.


It's not a computer game, so there isn't that element of interactivity. Also, the parent controls the mouse and is present through the entire lesson.


I'm sharing all that in case anyone still wants to make a go of it after a difficult or confusing start. But, like I said, it's not going to be a great fit for every child.

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We're kind of back and forth with it. We did like the first 7 or 8 lessons and decided to stop because he was just too wiggly and would lose interest or get silly and I'd get annoyed and I didn't want it to turn into any sort of negative situation or pressure that would make either of us unhappy.


We stopped for quite a few weeks, then very recently he said he wanted to do it again and that I didn't let him lol. So we started again, did a few lessons (went mostly well but still a bit wiggly at times), but now we're just so busy trying to get ready for vacation that we haven't done one in a few days, and it will probably wait til we get back from vacation (more than three weeks from now) before we pick it up again.


Anyway, we've only done like 10 lessons so far I think. The last one we did was the one where it actually had him read a word ("Me") and he was kind of excited about that.

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We're still using it. We were tracking along pretty well, and then we ran out of printer ink, so we've taken a break for about a week. Which is fine with me, he's still REALLY young for reading (I wouldn't have started him at all, if he didn't have an absolute fit about it...), and he was starting to get distracted easily, not following directions, ect. We'll probably try to start again tomorrow. He's on around L11, I think.

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This is the PDF for the Parent Manual that I found. I think it has a lot of the same information.




Thank you!



for those that have used 100 EZ lessons:


One of my favorite things about EZ lessons is teaching the child to sound out words without stopping in between sounds. I've previewed some lessons on funnix, and she stops in between the sounds. I'm inclined to finish EZ lessons and pick up with funnix after we're done. I had so much success with the book w/ DS1 that he is beyond funnix 2 and doesn't even need to do it. I'd love to hear feedback from people that have used both.

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