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S/O Taking winter easy and schooling more in the summer

Amy Jo

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PS: as a previous poster mentioned, tis the season for feeling burned out. In fact, it's why we used to school spring through autumn and take the winter off. Winter was a horrible time for schooling for us. I'm considering going back to that schedule this next year.


It seems Garfield is right - February is the "Monday" of months. Is February bad everywhere or just in the North where its dark, cloudy and cold? (Yeah, it's been a bad month.)


Because I'm really tempted to drop down to the basics (math, reading, Latin, composition) and just read lots of books without a schedule. Basically do what I'd planned to do this summer, then do more school when it's hot outside anyway in July and August.


I just don't want more expectations piled on me right now. I need to figure out a way to bring in income and to get my house clean. But my problems aren't bigger - my ability to deal with them has shrunk. (As in I'm out of energy, patience, creativity and barely holding onto hope.) Yikes! I'll stop ranting now!


Does that work, or do I just need to buckle down and do things?


If you take the winter lighter, do you make up for it in the summer (or somewhere else)?


We are moving further South next year (probably Nevada or northern Arizona) - is it better there?

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We take it lighter in the winter months and school some in the summer. We started doing it when we lived in Okinawa and the middle of summer was too humid to spend all day outside playing so we'd do school and then spend winter months enjoying the temperate weather. Now that we live where it's fairly mild but can still be quite hot for a few weeks in August and it's cold and dreary in the winter, we still keep the same schedule but we use the time off the clean house and do fun projects. Rather than spring clean when the weather is lovely outside, we spring clean the house when it's too cold to go outside so we can enjoy spring when it gets here. ;) We even do school outside in the nice weather sometimes. Also I don't have to worry about school in addition to other holiday commitments. We can take December off and enjoy the season or just do holiday projects.


We have been starting our school years in February for a few years now and it really works very well for us. We school 6 weeks on 1 week off and take 2 weeks off at the end of the summer when my MIL comes from the UK to visit us every year then we continue 6 weeks on, 1 week off until Thanksgiving when our "school year" ends. I'm originally from AZ. I think this schedule would work very well in N AZ or NV. You could school (inside where the AC is) while it's 105 in the shade in the summer and schedule your time off during the spring, fall and winter when the weather is generally pleasant and enjoyable.

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It seems Garfield is right - February is the "Monday" of months. Is February bad everywhere or just in the North where its dark, cloudy and cold? (Yeah, it's been a bad month.)


Because I'm really tempted to drop down to the basics (math, reading, Latin, composition) and just read lots of books without a schedule. Basically do what I'd planned to do this summer, then do more school when it's hot outside anyway in July and August.


I just don't want more expectations piled on me right now. I need to figure out a way to bring in income and to get my house clean. But my problems aren't bigger - my ability to deal with them has shrunk. (As in I'm out of energy, patience, creativity and barely holding onto hope.) Yikes! I'll stop ranting now!


Does that work, or do I just need to buckle down and do things?


If you take the winter lighter, do you make up for it in the summer (or somewhere else)?


We are moving further South next year (probably Nevada or northern Arizona) - is it better there?

I'm with you - the winter depresses me and I have a hard time getting things done... it's just so darn DARK! all the time!


We never end up taking the whole summer off. The last 3 summers the kids have done swim team and have been up at the crack of dawn and at the pool - by 9am they were done with practice, showers, breakfast, etc. How could I possibly put them in front of the tv after that?? LOL. So, we started doing a little school until noon and it's been a great fit.


I say do what feels best to you. Isn't that the best thing about homeschooling?

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We're up North and we end up schooling throughout the year so we'll have the summer off. When its warmer out, we're usually out and about outside and in winter there already isn't much to do so we trudge through with school. We usually school for 3 or 6 weeks (depending on what I have planned determines when we take a break) and then take a week off. Maybe that would help to break up some monotony?

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Because the spring and fall weather here in TX is so beautiful, we normally take it easy during those seasons and school harder during the summer. It's getting a bit more difficult now that my boys are older and most of their friends are public schooled. I'm considering going to a PS calendar next year just so the boys can be off when their friends are.


I also know myself and without a whole lot of discipline, going with the school system's calendar is going to burn me out. :(

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For June and July, we just do math and grammar. Then, we work very hard from August until the beginning of December. We do every subject every day. Then we go back to just math and grammar for December.


By the time January comes around, we are usually so far ahead in math, grammar and sometimes spelling, that we are able to cut back on those subjects and only do them a few times a week, so our days are lighter. Right now, we are doing a 4 day week and then just doing science experiments and art projects on Fridays. I plan things this way because I have learned from experience that I get burned out after Christmas.



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We live in the South where snowfalls have been rare and there have been plenty of sunny days, but we are also in a funk. Just today I asked my HS moms group for permission to ditch the 3Rs for a week or two, do readalouds, independent reading, and projects, and call it good. I now have their permission:tongue_smilie:

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I actually push through more work when it's yucky outside. There is really nothing else to do! When it's nice out, the last thing I want to do is school. I want to be out! But I think it is really important to prevent against a "going down in flames" level of burnout. I think it's natural to feel a little stretched when you are 60% of the way through the school year. You've been at it for awhile, but you're also not very close to being done, it's darker, you have less energy, ect. But if you push when you really need a break, you're not doing yourself any favors. It's better to do what you need to finish the year well. Take the break if you need it!

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For June and July, we just do math and grammar. Then, we work very hard from August until the beginning of December. We do every subject every day. Then we go back to just math and grammar for December.


By the time January comes around, we are usually so far ahead in math, grammar and sometimes spelling, that we are able to cut back on those subjects and only do them a few times a week, so our days are lighter. Right now, we are doing a 4 day week and then just doing science experiments and art projects on Fridays. I plan things this way because I have learned from experience that I get burned out after Christmas.




I really like this. Something for us to consider....

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I live in N. AZ, and we are having pretty good weather now. It goes up and down, some days are really cold, but then it warms up. It is supposed to get up to 67 on Monday and I am looking forward to a trip to the playground!


I am not in a funk at all. We were so busy in Nov/Dec with doc appts, getting ready for Christmas, and so on, that I feel like I am just now starting to get back into a real routine. I am new to homeschooling, but my plan is to try to start school earlier in the summer so that we can take lots of spring days off when the weather is so nice.

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I think a lot does depend on where you live. We are about to begin a week or more of park days and picnic lunches. February here can mean beautiful, sunny days in the 60's. However, come July/August the heat and humidity make it almost impossible to walk out to your car. And even things like going to a pool can be hindered by sunburn or the almost daily storms that pop up suddenly with severe lightning. More indoor activities then make more sense to me. I know this doesn't apply to your current location, but thought I'd share my perspective. I'm sure your current weather/season means you should do more work indoors so you can take advantage of nicer weather when it comes, but take a break if you need it. Even a week or two off may help you regain some energy and inspiration.

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Thanks everyone - it's not just the weather here, it has not been a great year for stability. Anyway, I've decided to take it easy for the rest of the month. (I feel like I have permission now, thanks!) We'll do basics and get some of these library books finished up. Overall, I'm very happy with our school year layout, I think it's getting close to our ideal. I'm going to make a tiny change and split my planning apart, I'll do some in the summer (DS8 & DS4, science & nature study) and the rest (DS6, history, geography) in January. Planning is pretty energizing for me, as is getting shiny new books. Why not have fun twice a year!? New books can cure February, right?


As to the rest of the year, I've pared down some more and tweaked the parts that weren't working. We hope to move this summer, so I think it will be a good year to work on the 3Rs, habits and reading good books. I've printed off CM's Attainments for a Child of Six for the rest of the year. We can do those no matter how crazy it gets.


Thanks to those from AZ/NV - we will be in Southern NV in late March! I can't wait to head South. My DH has chronic pain and is affected by the cold weather here.

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Thank you for reminding me that it is that time of year. Of course! That's why we are so sluggish with schoolwork. It's our first year, but I had read about this happening during February. Plus we've all been sick and totally off schedule.


Yesterday I just revamped my lesson planner with more fun stuff. We'll stick to the basics of math and reading for my 1st grader but add more fun science experiments and follow a few rabbit trails. Yesterday, my 4 year old's desire to draw a rocket ship led us down a trail all about space, planets, astronauts, NASA and more. Much better than arguing with my 1st grader over his handwriting workbook.


I'm thinking of doing a very focused unit study with our history curriculum in the summer when we were going to take a break.

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I live in N. AZ, and we are having pretty good weather now. It goes up and down, some days are really cold, but then it warms up. It is supposed to get up to 67 on Monday and I am looking forward to a trip to the playground!


I am not in a funk at all. We were so busy in Nov/Dec with doc appts, getting ready for Christmas, and so on, that I feel like I am just now starting to get back into a real routine. I am new to homeschooling, but my plan is to try to start school earlier in the summer so that we can take lots of spring days off when the weather is so nice.


This is key. I could have homeschooled 7 days a week, year round for the first 5 years we homeschooled (and pretty much did) because I was so passionate about it. Now, I have to pace myself a little because who can keep that level of excitement up forever? Not that I'm not happy we're homeschooling. I am and there are lots of moments I enjoy. But there are also times now where I have to pull myself through it.:001_smile:



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