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Weird family coincidences...

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Here are some weird things that may be in a little different vein than people have been discussing so far:


My whole family lives in Oklahoma (except for my 1 sister who lives in Kansas). But, being military we've lived all over. Despite that we've had weird things happen:


My eldest was born in California. When she was about 14 months old my mom and aunt both sent her a Valentine's gift. My mom's arrived first. It was a cute stuffed lion. The next day my aunt's arrived (my aunt lived in Texas at the time). They had sent the SAME gift! When I opened the box my daughter looked at me like "do you think I'm stupid? You clearly wrapped up the present you gave me yesterday." I had to show them both to her to prove there were 2 lions.


When my middle daughter turned 2 and we were living in Germany my mom sent a huge box of presents. I didn't open it until we were ready to open presents at her party. My mom and I had used the SAME wrapping paper!


My son just had a birthday and my mom and MIL sent him the exact same birthday card!

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My oldest two were due on the 20th of their months and were both born the 23rd(both natural births)! My youngest was due I think the 30th, but was born via c-section, the 20th! I tried REALLY hard to have the doc do her birth on the 23rd, but it was a Sunday and he was not gonna do it!:glare: My dh and ds are both in Nov. Dd #1 and I are in Sept. So I keep thinking sometime we really should give dd#2 a birthday mate, but I just can't bring myself there yet!


Also, I broke my right pinkie toe when I was pg with my oldest and broke my right little finger with #2! When I went in with my finger, the doctor joked that they would put me on bedrest if I ever got pregnant again, but luckily I didn't break a thing last time!

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Also, I broke my right pinkie toe when I was pg with my oldest and broke my right little finger with #2! When I went in with my finger, the doctor joked that they would put me on bedrest if I ever got pregnant again, but luckily I didn't break a thing last time!



Ooh! My neighbour has a freaky story like that! I'm unclear on the details, but on her first pregnancy - she was supposed to be sterile, and didn't know she was pregnant yet - she was diagnosed with cancer. She underwent treatment, including removal of a body organ (I don't recall which, sorry)... The boy was born fine, nevertheless, and cancer was beaten


Three years later, cancer comes back. Undergoes another round of treatment, loses some more organs (I know the liver was partially amputated at one point or another). Yup, she was indeed pregnant again! Second boy is also fine.


She keeps saying she doesn't have any organs left for a third pregnancy!

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The oldest's birthday is four days apart from another niece-her new cousin- and they both look so much alike you have to look twice to see which girl is which.


The second one shares the same birthday as my brother-his new dad.


The youngest one's middle name is the same as my dd's first name.


And I love them each to pieces!!

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Our strange family coincidence is:


My moms parents are named Henry & Henrietta

My dads parents are named Paul & Pauline

My husbands parents are Michael & Diane (my DH name and my name)

and my sister's husbands mothers (did you catch that :D) name is the same name as my sister (Kathleen)

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Well, my older son's birthday is two days after my husband's brother's birthday and two days before my husband's father's birthday. My grandfather's birthday was two days after that. (May 14, 16, 18, 20)


My younger son's birthday is ten days after my husband's birthday. (Aug. 20 & 30)


We used to be good friends with a family where my birthday was one day after the husband's, my husband's birthday was one week after the wife's, and my oldest son's birthday was one month after their oldest son's birthday.


Also, my right-handed grandparents had four left-handed children and four right-handed children. My dh and I are both right-handed, but our two children are both left-handed.

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We have a lot of connecting birthdays and anniversary's. a lot of birthdays and anniversarys on the 12th,and 13th of months. Everyone in my family was born on an off year except mother her b-day is 2/3/44 my dad was so lucky that was easy to remember. Also my 2 older sisters are 18months apartment minus 1 day and myself and younger sister are 18 months apart plus 1 day.

My sister was born on Nana's b-day. Both grandmothers have one blue and one green eye my sister was the only one in my family of dark hair brown eye parents to have blue eyes.

BIL died 1 day before his 20th b-day My Oma died the same date.


My dd is 13th grandchild born on 10/13 in room 513 but if could have put off pushing for 5 more minute she would have been born at 10:13. 13 is the no long considered unlucky for us:D

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My mother, father, myself, two grandparents, and two (5 siblings-so including me: 3 of 5 children) sisters are all born on the 27th of the month.


Each of my siblings and myself share a birthday with at least 1 cousin, and sometimes 3-4 cousins all have the same birthday.


Even with my extended family, the majority of people are born on the 27th of the month. It would be close to 80 or 90% if it were calculated I am sure.


My children missed the chance, they were cesarean births-ds on the 25th, and dd purposely taken over a week early on the 16th to avoid me going into labor. They both had a very likely chance of being born on the 27th also.

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In our immediate family we have the following birthdates: a 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st, 1st, 3rd, 5th and 6th. And then we have one lonely child born way out in the middle of the month on the 15th. She was two weeks late. If she had been anywhere near due date she could have filled in the 2nd or 4th. Can you tell that my cycle was regular?

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My father is Jacob Charles. His father was also Jacob Charles.


My husband's brother is Mark Jacob.


My husband's mother's maiden name is Jacob (actually Yacoub in Arabic).


Her brother's name is Jacob Jacob (not kidding).


My sister's son is Mark Edward. Her husband is Edward.


My husband's father's middle name is Hannah (it's Arabic for John).


My daughter's name is Hannah.


So..... we have 2 Marks, 2 Hannahs, 2 Edwards, and 4-5 Jacobs, depending on how you look at it.

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We have a few...


My Mom and Dads bdays are both in August....my sister and bil's bdays are both in December...and my dh and I were both born in May.


There are 4 girls in my family....there are 4 boys in my dh's family....and we have 2 girls and 2 boys...LOL


Dh and I both have a great grandmother named Lillian....we decided to name our youngest Lillian...then decided on Olivia for her middle name. After she was born we announced her name and my Grandma (it is her mother that was Lillian) was so pleased! It wasn't until AFTER we announced her name that we found out that my great grandma Lillians middle name was Olive! Wild, huh!?!


My dh and I met in Vancouver, WA when I was a senior and he was 2 years graduated....we had many of the same friends but had never met when we were both in HS (my sophmore his senior year)....also, we were both born in Southern California...weird!


OK....that's all I can think of right now....

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My father's side of the family has had an adoption every generation or two since 1840ish. In each case, the child's birth date was changed to make the child younger.


My great-great grandfather was born to an unwed mom who placed him for adoption. *HE* chose to fake his birthday (making him younger) when he emigrated to the US. Great-great-grandfather's son, my great-grandfather, divorced soon after my grandmother was born. Her father placed her for adoption with his brother and sister-in-law, who had no other kids. Her adoptive parents moved up her birth date to make it look as if she was born to them.


We adopted two children, then ages 4 and 8, from India in 2003. When they came home, they had only first names. In my son's case, we added the name Daniel to his Indian name. He was named for my father-in-law.


The orphanage had "estimated" my children's birth dates, b/c most kids who came to the orphanage didn't have birth records. Two years after the adoption, when we pressed the orphanage for some family-of-origin information they had alluded to, we learned that Daniel's birth mother had provided his real birth date when he was placed at the orphanage. (The orphanage apparently never looked at the file, they just estimated a birth date b/c they assumed that no information was available.) DS's true birth date showed than he was actually six months YOUNGER than we were told, and ironically, his birthday is the same month/day as my father-in-law, for whom he was named.


So, two of my kids, my grandmother, and my grandmother's grandfather were all adopted. Each one had a new first name after adoption, and each had his birth date changed to make him younger. ;-)



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My family is full of double birthdays, but what's so funny is that, for the most part, they are on different sides of the family. Two cousins on opposite sides of my family share a birthday. Two cousins on my mom's side shared birthdays with my grandparent's on my dad's side. My MIL and my aunt share a birthday, I share a birthday with my dh's grandfather, and my SIL and a cousin share a birthday.


I and several of my cousins were all born in December--on the 2nd, 4th, 8th (catch the pattern?) and then one cousin had to go and mess up our neat little math trick by having a birthday on the 15th. Oh so close...


My mom and her grandmother both had kids on December 4th and Sept 29th. And September 29th is my brother, grandfather and great-grandmother's birthday. They were able to celebrate all together several years before my great-grandmother died.


I reconnected on facebook with an old friend from high school and noticed that she and my dh were born on the exact same day. Turns out their moms were roommates at the hospital! Noele and my dh have never met though.


Oh, and my niece was born last year on 07/07/07. (and she wasn't even an induction or c-section--apparently a lot of people scheduled births for that day so their kids would have that birthday!)


That's all I can think of right now. :001_smile:


ETA: A friend has a brother, husband and BIL all named Michael and a sister and SIL named Jennifer. This same friend was born on Good Friday the 13th. ;)

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