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So sad....

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Thank God the vet talked us out of putting our other dog down last weekend, because we lost our other Aussie today :crying: We found out last Friday that the reason he wasn't recovering so well from his stroke 2 days before Christmas is because he had a spleen tumor. It was literally sucking the life out of him....he was so anemic and had 0 platelets---the vet was even surprised he was still alive. We put him on medication to build his blood up because he was not a good surgical candidate, but that tumor just was growing. His breathing was really labored this morning and he had a horrible look in his eyes and dh and I knew he wasn't going to make it. He couldn't walk and by the time dh got him to the vet early this morning, his gums and tongue were sheet white and he was going into a coma.....So sad---he was an incredible dog and such a vibrant member of our family.


In the end, I am a huge softie and our vet is AWESOME as she was working with us to fix our pets and undercharging like I have never seen a vet do.

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