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milk~the not so good for you!!

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Hi Everyone,

After reading some of the post, and the array of food intolerance, allergies, adhd, etc. I must share something for everyone who is unaware of it: the truth about milk. Fact: we are the only mammal to continue to drink milk on this planet after infancy. I was really floored when I read that a few years ago. I mean, I never really thought about it, who would? Not only that, but, it's not our own milk we steal it from a totally different source. Amazing when you think about it, and we wonder why we have problems w/congestion, ear aches,joints,etc.


I know some are die-hard milk believers. With commercial being shoved down our throats, and coming from families that have been raised to see that milk is the only way, I totally understand. However, if you or your children suffer from some of things I've mentioned try to drink raw milk. I know this is difficult since a majority of our states will not even allow it, go figure!!!! Next try rice, almond, or hemp milk. This is a leap of taste for the buds, but, I can't tell you enough about the chemical preservatives, sprays, and living conditions that some cows live in. Most of the cows are sick w/inflammations and are fed antibiotics. This is just one part of what you and your family are drinking. Not to mention the preservatives it takes the almighty commercial industries to send it to the store, and shelf it for any length of time. I know it sounds like gloom & doom, well, sadly it is.


O.k., I'm jumping off my soap box. I'm not saying this is the only way to go, I am saying what has worked for me and my family. I totally understand if anyone feels like continuing down the path of milk. This is just something to throw in the equation if you or a loved one is suffering from a problem.


Really interesting, I live in the same state as Andrew Weil, back in the seventies he actually found that milk lead to ear problems. Due to mucus that makes milk. He suggested cranial massage for young children. It was considered way-off, hooky-pokey alternative medicine. Funny how right he was. ~~~Always~~~ Cheers to all the rice drinkers!!

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Just as a curiousity point, you ought to fill in your sig. We have no clue who you are, how many kids you have, or where you're coming from. Indeed, many of us are probably aware of the problems with milk. My dd was very reactive to it as a child, but we were able to improve it by working with a nutritionist to rebuild digestion. I was just reading a book on the gut, and it said there's something about a bizarre chemical that forms when the milk doesn't digest and that the chemical crosses into the brain and gives the reaction. In any case, it fit with the WITCH my dd turned into with milk. We rebuilt her digestion so that she *can* drink milk, but we still don't have her on it prolifically.


My ds I have started on goat milk recently, only because I needed to decrease the nursing for my physical health. I think it's widely known in the nursing community that skipping cow milk decreases problems with ear infections. Neither of my children have ever had them, nor do they run around with the snotty noses you commonly see in kids. Goat milk is said to be more digestible, don't know. It was recommended to me by the nutritionist, so I went with it. Of course she doesn't think a dc at 2 1/2 should even need milk. He has some oral tone issues, so it's an easier way to get nutrition into him than depending on his chewing. He sleeps much better now that he has the milk.


So there you go. I'm anti cow milk and pro goat, because goat gets me sleep. :)


Here's the book I was reading at the SLP's. http://www.gutandpsychologysyndrome.com/ It too suggests goat milk as an alternative when milk is needed. BTW, that's not an endorsement of the book. I merely glanced through it a bit while my ds was getting his speech therapy.

Edited by OhElizabeth
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Elizabeth~just click on forevergrace, I think you'll find I'm a wife to a wonderful man, mom, w/two beautiful girls. One 24-years-old, the other eleven-years-old. Thanks for your input. Really happy about your daughter. I'm the one who's suffered w/a multitude of problems, including the famous ADHD. I was truly blessed to have gone through the situations I did, so that when my children came into the picture, I was not easily swayed by doctors' and their evaluations. Otherwise, I could of been any of the other moms relying on so called wisdom of modern medicine. ~~always~~forevergrace

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Hi Everyone,

the truth about milk. Fact: we are the only mammal to continue to drink milk on this planet after infancy. I was really floored when I read that a few years ago. I mean, I never really thought about it, who would?


What ever legitimate arguments there may be for not drinking milk, this is not one of them. We are the only mammal to cook our food. We are the only mammal to breed and raise or cultivate our own food. We are the only mammal with a written language. We are the only mammal to master flight. etc. etc. etc. The fact that we are the only mammal to continue to drink milk after infancy is completely irrelevent to any argument.


signed: Proud Cheese Head from WI, dairy goat breeder and logical thinker. :D

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Elizabeth~just click on forevergrace, I think you'll find I'm a wife to a wonderful man, mom, w/two beautiful girls. One 24-years-old, the other eleven-years-old. Thanks for your input. Really happy about your daughter. I'm the one who's suffered w/a multitude of problems, including the famous ADHD. I was truly blessed to have gone through the situations I did, so that when my children came into the picture, I was not easily swayed by doctors' and their evaluations. Otherwise, I could of been any of the other moms relying on so called wisdom of modern medicine. ~~always~~forevergrace


As far as I'm concerned, you don't need to have a signature to participate here. It's an option not a requirement. :)

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What ever legitimate arguments there may be for not drinking milk, this is not one of them. We are the only mammal to cook our food. We are the only mammal to breed and raise or cultivate our own food. We are the only mammal with a written language. We are the only mammal to master flight. etc. etc. etc. The fact that we are the only mammal to continue to drink milk after infancy is completely irrelevent to any argument.


signed: Proud Cheese Head from WI, dairy goat breeder and logical thinker. :D

You are being far too logical.:D The op lost me when she recommended raw milk for people who have problems with milk. It didn't fit with her argument that we shouldn't drink milk in the first place.


Many people consume milk without any problems. I enjoy an assortment of milk products, including milk, butter, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream. I was recently thinking about learning to make my own yogurt at home.


Of course, like shellfish, peanuts, wheat and a host of other foods, if a person is allergic to or otherwise intolerant of a food, then avoid it. I avoid pineapple. Whenever I eat pineapple, I have a reaction to it, so I don't eat it. I don't go around telling everyone else they shouldn't eat pineapple.


Are we being too logical?

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Hi Everyone,

After reading some of the post, and the array of food intolerance, allergies, adhd, etc. I must share something for everyone who is unaware of it: the truth about milk. Fact: we are the only mammal to continue to drink milk on this planet after infancy.


BTW, you might want to check on this. Back when I was more into learning about nursing, I went to a convention where an anthropologist gave a talk on weaning for various animals and humans and what you could extrapolate from that. Here, I found a summary of it! http://www.kathydettwyler.org/detwean.html


Her conclusion was that anthropologically, from the data alone, weaning anywhere between ages 2.5 and 7 would be normal for humans. So if I want to give my ds milk from a *goat* to substitute for some breastmilk, I feel like I'm falling within that.

Edited by OhElizabeth
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Oy, the young ones are at it again.


Siggies aren't NEEDED, but they help people responding. That way we can look at your sig, see what you're using, how many kids and how long you've been homeschooling.


If you've been around these boards at all, you'll start to see that posts like these are cyclical. Just go into the search feature and punch in MILK and see what you come up with. You may find you don't want to post.

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Which one are you in video; one or two. At this rate I can only continue to aggravate the irrational thoughts that are already being taken out of context on my thoughts. I post this as an alternative for some who would like to drink milk, or continue. Personally I don't care either way. But for the few individuals that expressed a concern about their children I'm throwing it out there. The rest will continue w/a lynch mob attitude that I've seen when fear of learned behaviours and ways might need a change. Fear, really sad. Continue on, I'm sure this will bring forth an array of enlightened individuals. ~~Cheers~~

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Goodness... I dont know why there always has to be an argument. Anyways, I see what the OP was trying to say.

I agree that milk isnt the best thing to drink. It isnt the worst either.

I am trying to switch form cows milk. It is HARD to do! The other milks taste bad after drinking cows milk for so many years.

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Which one are you in video; one or two. At this rate I can only continue to aggravate the irrational thoughts that are already being taken out of context on my thoughts. I post this as an alternative for some who would like to drink milk, or continue. Personally I don't care either way. But for the few individuals that expressed a concern about their children I'm throwing it out there. The rest will continue w/a lynch mob attitude that I've seen when fear of learned behaviours and ways might need a change. Fear, really sad. Continue on, I'm sure this will bring forth an array of enlightened individuals. ~~Cheers~~


Actually, I think many of us agreed with you on the issue. We just already knew it. When you post information, it's always up for countering or closer inspection. Happens to all of us.


It's a controversial topic and people like to talk. It's ok to let the thread dissolve into that. It's not really anything personal about you. We're glad to see you post and hope you will more. :)

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sleep. :)


Here's the book I was reading at the SLP's. http://www.gutandpsychologysyndrome.com/ It too suggests goat milk as an alternative when milk is needed. BTW, that's not an endorsement of the book. I merely glanced through it a bit while my ds was getting his speech therapy.


We are doing the plan suggested in this book. It has been nothing short of miraculous for us! I'd love to chat about it any time. :)

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Sure Hppygrl, fire away! What basically did you do and how did it work out? I had just a very short time with the book, so I only read parts of one chapter. Can't even remember much of the rest. I was just surprised because it was the first thing I had read that jived with what we saw in dd (who does in fact turn out to have the other issues the book talks about). It prompted me to suggest to dd that she just stay off milk. She had been having it for breakfast and was acting funny (grouchy, etc.). Sometimes it's hard to know what is what, when they're growing so fast and hit this age.

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It was a total turnaround for us! We were formerly vegetarian and used lots of soy and "healthy" processed foods. The wake-up call came when I was diagnosed with a low-level systemic infection that no one could figure out how to get rid of. The resulting stress on my body was causing all sorts of problems (i never knew about the infection; I saw a dr. to complain about the resulting symptoms of fatigue, joint pain, foggy thinking, depression, lots of inflammation, adrenal shut down, etc.). I was talking with a friend who had successfully implemented GAPS with her family. I ordered the books and just stared at them for many many months! Too scary! Finally I knew we had to go for it... my symptoms were getting worse. While reading the books I had also identified issues that each family member had.. food intolerances, aspergers, moodiness, dylexia, eczema... this was going to be good for all of us!


We stared with getting rid of EVERY food in the house that was not meat or vegetable. Then we jumped into the intro diet recommended in the book (also can be seen on gapsdiet.com or gaps.me). The first few weeks were challenging, but in a good way. Like a training-for-a-marathon-challenging. Hard, but right! I could feel it in my git, literally!


We started noticing improvements with in 3 weeks. My husband lost over 17 lbs. with no change of activity. My son (14) suddenly began spellign words correctly and making connections in history. My daughter's hair lost it's limpness and begin to glow. Dandruff and acne disappeared. (and I swear I am not making this up) my dyslexic son (10) began to READ!!! My skin cleared up, people kept telling me that I looked like I did in high school. Joint pain disappeared. I never lost a pound, but people told me I looked thin.


Then we went to Tx for the holidays (3 weeks) and got off the diet. Within those 3 weeks we were sliding back to our old selves! We re-started the diet from the intro last week, and the goodness is all coming back. I can't tell you how good it feels to be feeling positive again! I had no idea how low we had gone.


The diet (after intro) is very much the Weston Price, Paleo, or SCD diet... lots of meat and veggies, lots of calories from healthy fats, all dairy is fermented or raw. We eat nuts, seeds, and honey in small quantities. No store-processed anything (everything fresh or home processed!), very little starch including no potatoes, beans, or rice.


The idea is that you eliminate everything initially, then add back foods in order of digestibility. This allows your body to heal, and also allows you to easily notice when your body is not ready for something. This gentle diet plus supplementation of fish oils, probiotics and fermented foods allows deep healing.


After a year on this diet we hope to be sufficiently healed to add back those starches starting with less-fibrous beans and sourdough breads.


A weird side effect is that I am feeling deeply nurtured in a way I can't explain... I have even stopped my compulsive Amazon book shopping! It's as if my hunter/gatherer primal urge is satisfied. I am at peace. Whew! I also feel deeply connected to women in a way I never have... while I am chopping up veggies or rendering lard or pounding sauerkraut I can almost hear the voices of my grandmothers. It is deeply satisfying!


I am so happy with the results, if you can't tell :D


Sorry to hijack the thread!!!

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That's very interesting, astounding in fact! Definitely ought to read the book at our next appt. :) Thanks for sharing!


I know, I sound like a kooky info-mercial! :D It's quite embarrassing, really, but I cannot help gushing about it. I know there are folks with more severe problems that are not having such quick success (although on the yahoo group I am hearing some pretty amazing recovery stories). I am just happy that it was a good fit for us... the right cure at the right time and all that.


Do read the book!

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I have watched Dr. Natasha McBride's YouTube videos on Gut & Psychology Syndrome and was very impressed. I would love to do the GAPS diet. I think it would give us that final push to ultimate health and recovery that we so desperately need. We have been doing GFCF (and soy free) for over a year now with great results.. But I would love to get the starches out. Not so sure I would reintroduce milk though.


Anyway, thanks for the info.. I am hearing more and more good about the GAPS diet lately.

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I have watched Dr. Natasha McBride's YouTube videos on Gut & Psychology Syndrome and was very impressed. I would love to do the GAPS diet. I think it would give us that final push to ultimate health and recovery that we so desperately need. We have been doing GFCF (and soy free) for over a year now with great results.. But I would love to get the starches out. Not so sure I would reintroduce milk though.


Anyway, thanks for the info.. I am hearing more and more good about the GAPS diet lately.


It is a scary jump, but once you do it it is worth it. Feel free to PM me any time if you have any questions! There is a great yahoo group as well- it is VERY active and the folks extremely kind and helpful. Best wishes! :)

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You are right this is not an argument, sorry, if you take it that way. Everyone has there own opinion. I was just given mine about some relevant topics that I had expressed an interest w/earlier. I was really sure that maybe we might be pass this, but, I see we are not.



An "argument" is not a fight. It is a term in logic that simply means the collection of premises and conclusions you use to state your case or present an idea. It is a benign term, not at all inflamatory. Your "argument" needs to be valid. I was just saying that that particular element of your "argument" was not valid to your conclusion. It is not valid to say, "We are the only species to do a particular thing. Therefore, that particular this is wrong or bad." Sorry, logical "arguments" are very important to me. A discussion can just turn meaningless if the conclusions arrived at are based on invalid arguments. It's best to point them out and eliminate them IMHO! :D

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