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Great Wolf Lodge--good news & bad news (bedbugs)

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Well, the title almost says it all. Great Wolf Lodge is having their Homeschool Experience Week at the end of February. These are GREAT rates, so if you've every thought of going, now is the time to do it. Here's the info from the flyer they sent me:








February 27 (arrive) – March 4 (depart), 2011


Booking Code: 0211HOME







(Limited number of each room type available)




*$139.00, plus tax, per night


Call 1-800-551-WOLF (9653) ask for



Book Online at www.greatwolf.com using the above codes



Now, the bad news....with all the bed bug talk I did some research. They've found them at GWL. Grrrr..... I know they're not in every room and the chances are pretty slim but I'm still a little paranoid. (Ok, A LOT paranoid!) The kids had a great time last year and we've already booked our room for this year so I'm trying to think of "coping strategies" of how to get get through it with my sanity intact! I know what the critters look like and what to look for, and I have some ideas of how to keep them from coming home with us. For example, I thought instead of suitcases (which have a lot of little crevices and hiding places) we could pack everything in some medium sized rubbermaid totes. And, I'll go in before anyone else and thoroughly inspect the room. Also, we'll wash everything in hot once we get back.


My husband thinks I'm crazy....so I need you guys to talk me down. Any tips, suggestions, ideas? Are we taking a big chance doing this?

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I don't know about bed bugs :001_huh:


but DH won't go back because he scraped his foot while he was there and it turned into a staph infection. :glare:


(HOWEVER, the appt. for the staph infection turned into checking into more stuff which in turn resulted in the discovery that he had prostate cancer ... for which he had surgery and is now cancer-free :D ... so I personally have a great amount of love for GWL. We may not have known until it had progressed farther were it not for that scrape on his foot....)

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First, how did you find out about the discount? I don't see anything on their site.



As for the bedbugs.....it sounds like a good plan. I like the rubbermaid tote idea.



I called and asked about it. They sent me an email with the information. Williamsburg Plantation is also hosting their Homeschool Days the same week, so we'll probably go there to add a little educational value to our vacation!

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I think that a place that has had them and is reputable will have taken steps to get rid of them and you are no more likely to get them there than anywhere else. You could get them at a place that's never had a report of them because the people right before you had them. I would go and exercise the same diligence that I exercise whenever I go to a hotel room now: I check for them. If I don't find evidence of them, I sleep worry-free.

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The staph infection scares me more than the bedbugs. A friend of mine just told me of an acquintance of hers who is in the ICU with septicemia after a cut was infected after vacationing at Great Wolf. I wonder how common this is?


We are going next month. We go every year. I will be checking us constantly for open cuts. And no hottub.



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The staph infection scares me more than the bedbugs. A friend of mine just told me of an acquintance of hers who is in the ICU with septicemia after a cut was infected after vacationing at Great Wolf. I wonder how common this is?


We are going next month. We go every year. I will be checking us constantly for open cuts. And no hottub.




That is scary. You'd think with chlorine all around there wouldn't be a problem. What do you do if you get a cut or scrape?


What's wrong with hot tubs? I don't like them anyway.

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That is scary. You'd think with chlorine all around there wouldn't be a problem. What do you do if you get a cut or scrape?


What's wrong with hot tubs? I don't like them anyway.



The hotter the water, the more likely for bacteria to brew, even if chlorinated. Certain bacteria thrive in hot tubs; pseudomonas comes to mind.


Nothing is specific to Great Wolf, of course. There is risk with any public hot tub. I'm sure Great Wolf's are better maintained than most.


I would always keep any cuts well sealed, either with a liquid bandaid type gel or barrier creams, plus waterproof bandaids. Dab the cut/scrape first with antibiotic ointment. Seek medical attention at the FIRST sign of infection.


The chances of any serious infection are still very, very small. It doesn't hurt to be cautious, though:001_smile:




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AAaackkk! :eek: I was already freaked out about the bed bugs, now I have the hot tubs and cuts to worry about. (Dh does NOT thank you! ;)



I think that a place that has had them and is reputable will have taken steps to get rid of them and you are no more likely to get them there than anywhere else. You could get them at a place that's never had a report of them because the people right before you had them. I would go and exercise the same diligence that I exercise whenever I go to a hotel room now: I check for them. If I don't find evidence of them, I sleep worry-free.


This is what I need to hear. Common sense thinking!

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I called and asked about it. They sent me an email with the information. Williamsburg Plantation is also hosting their Homeschool Days the same week, so we'll probably go there to add a little educational value to our vacation!


So you're going to the one in Williamsburg? We were just there Dec. 12-14 (same incredible deal too!). We stayed in one of those huge suites (Grizzly? The one that sleeps 8--I could NOT believe it was really $139!), and we had no problems whatsoever with bedbugs. A ton of people from our homeschool group were also there those 3 days, and to my knowledge none of them had any problems either. I did hear that someone who went last year (2009) did have a problem with bedbugs, but I think GWL dealt with the problem. I was mildly concerned, but to be honest, once I got there, I just got distracted and didn't think about it anymore because I was trying to deal with all the kids. We had a fantastic time!!

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  • 1 month later...

Any new news on the possible bed bugs at the GWL Williamsburg?


We're planning a trip. We went last year without any issues, but just want to be extra careful.


Ds4 had a deep gash that is healing on his head and all this talk of staph is scary the cr@p at of me! It's been two weeks, it was sealed with glue and has scabbed over.. maybe I should get him one of those silicone swimming caps?


Mrs.Frankweiler, I like your idea with the rubbermaid tubs. We'll probably do the same.

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We went to the Williamsburg GWL in Feb 2010. We just did one night and no bed bug problems. It would have been an awesome little vacation, but, dd couldn't breathe after being in the waterpark. It turns out that she is very sensitive to the chemical reaction that takes place between the chlorine and sweat. Because the park is enclosed we just can't do it. She is not asthmatic just very sensitive. Otherwise, I think GWL is awesome and I would not worry too much. Just take standard bed bug precaution and I personally would not do the hot tub for infectious reasons.

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We've been to the GWL in Williamsburg, VA many times and even visited the one in Concord, NC once.


We've never had a problem. However, I would check for bed bugs to be sure. I'm a little paranoid too.


We're going during the homeschool week and booked one of those really big suites. :D


I can't wait.

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I don't know about bed bugs :001_huh:


but DH won't go back because he scraped his foot while he was there and it turned into a staph infection. :glare:


(HOWEVER, the appt. for the staph infection turned into checking into more stuff which in turn resulted in the discovery that he had prostate cancer ... for which he had surgery and is now cancer-free :D ... so I personally have a great amount of love for GWL. We may not have known until it had progressed farther were it not for that scrape on his foot....)

:grouphug: So glad he is cancer free! :D

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Unfortunately, we have personal experience with bedbugs. My oldest dd brought them back from Mexico while there on a mission trip last summer. She slept with them for five months before we discovered. Can you say "High threshold?" By the time she reported them to me, there were literally thousands of bugs in her bed. Thankfully they LOVE their original host and since she was so accommodating, they did not migrate all over the house! However we did end up paying for a professional exterminator and replaced her mattress/box springs.


Here's the hotel search link: http://bedbugregistry.com/search/


Regarding avoiding them, when you go to a hotel, check the corners of the bed under the mattress cover and look for little black spots. If you see them, those are the marks of bedbugs. Also, do not unpack your clothes into the dressers. Just keep them in the suitcase and put the suitcase on one of those little stands. Our exterminator said that when he goes to a hotel, he takes the headboard OFF of the bed to see if there are any in the headboard. Seems a little extreme to me, but he's seen plenty and wants to avoid them at all cost. Also, he packs his clothes in plastic and basically lives out of his car. I would just stay home if I felt compelled to go to all that trouble. One tip he gave us that I think is key is this. When you return home, do not bring the suitcases into the house. Take the clothes from the car straight to the laundry room and wash in hot water. Either spray the suitcases with Murphy's Oil Soap, or if possible, run them through a hot dryer.


I wouldn't NOT got to GWL because of this, but I would take steps to avoid them!

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Anyone know if this works for the GW near Cincinnati? This is before my surgery so I might be able to actually go. And no bedbug reports there, but looking at that registry, it explains the odd bumps we got at the last really nice hotel we went to. I was pg and thought it was something horrible. They're on the list. :glare:

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