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Tuesday . . . . improving yet?

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We're still working (of course). Kids are doing Art...so they're on their 50th painting...:glare: It'll be awhile. We also listened to "Carnival of the Animals", which was pretty cool. :)


We also have cheerleading tonight and girl scout meeting. :auto:


I also dreaded getting back into the routine yesterday...but it's going fine.

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Well we woke up before 10 today, so that's a step in the right direction. And ds is almost done with his math for the day, so that's much better than yesterday when he finished at 6.:glare: And I actually have his "to do" sheet printed up and all of his boxes filled, so yes, I have to say today is going better than yesterday. But, it's still early...

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We had three weeks off. Yesterday was horrible. One child seemed to have completely forgotten how to multiply and divide. Today is better, but I have two that aren't feeling well (we seem to have caught every stinking thing that has gone around this year! Ugh!). They are laying down and doing their worksheets. I was still dealing with a sore throat yesterday. Today, I'm about to get up and get some things done.

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Nope. I'm at work on the third floor of a building which houses the multi-handicapped classes on the first floor, the at-risk, alternative high school on the second floor and adult education on the third floor. Just had an announcement that we are in official lockdown until further notice. I have no idea WHY we are in lockdown, but there are four police cruisers outside. :glare:


I've got a frantic mom here who MUST leave to pick up her kindergartener who is getting out of school right now at an elementary school across town.


Molly is home with vomiting and diarrhea, but my mom is with her, and dh just texted me to say he's not feeling great either. I'd love to leave and go home to my sick kid, but oh yeah. I'm in lockdown.





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Yesterday was great. Today is terrible. Dd10 has been screaming/crying for the past 40 min. What did I do wrong, you ask? I told her that I was ready to work with her (she had already finished her individual work). She had chosen to start a little project that she didn't want to leave. I said that she could continue working on that, but it would mean that she and I would probably have to work after lunch. She said (again) that she didn't want to leave the project because her younger sisters would destroy it (she was making a restaurant with the play food on the floor in the family room). I told her she was right, they would, so she could play with it now while I work with one of her sisters. Begin a complete and total meltdown. She hates doing school after lunch. I finished with one of her sisters and again offered to work with her (we could have still finished before lunch), but she is hysterical. Nothing works to calm her down. :banghead:

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Definitely an improvement. Still not great. Older ds finished school in 2.5 hours (which is unheard-of...but I checked over all the work and he did it all and did it correctly). Yesterday, older ds was the problem and he worked till 6pm.


Today, younger ds is just now finishing up because of all of his dawdling and acting silly.


Need.chocolate. (Maybe chocolate liquor!)

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Sorry, astrid, that's no fun. Hope you all remain safe and that it turns out to be nothing serious.


My Tuesday is stinking. Showed up at the wrong office this morning for a Dr appointment, have to reschedule, a domino-iffic mess. :glare:


I am working on our new semester schedule and have to seriously face the fact that there are not enough hours in a day. Unless anybody knows where I can find a real version of Calvin's duplicator...


I am VERY VERY serious about major changes to our Christmas activities next year. I truly love Jesus, but I loathe the annual derailment.

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I loathe the annual derailment.


Here, here!


Two kids were done before lunch, but the oldest, who is determined to make everything a slog and paint it in the worst light possible...is. I'm finding it really exhausting, but I've got him stationed in the kitchen so the rest of us can use the rest of the house, and I'm going out to shovel the driveway in a minute, since the snow seems to actually mean it this time.

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Today was back to normal. Low grumbling throughout the day from DD. DS2 was back to his get it over and done with attitude. DS1 was back to his normal whining about writing (I knew yesterday was a fluke). DD has determined I am absolutely the most evil thing in the world because I have assigned her some reading for science since we finished the textbook she had. Gosh forbid she learns a little bit about the new gerbils we just got. :glare:

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