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Enough for a K day or not?


Enough for a K day or not?  

  1. 1. Enough for a K day or not?

    • Yes, that's plenty.
    • No, you should have added this.
    • Other.

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I'm trying to take a more relaxed approach to the second semester of kindergarten, not because dd couldn't handle the work, but because I couldn't juggle a more formal approach very well with my little ones. But I'm a little nervous about it.


So here's what she did today:


played with her little sister -- Legos, pretend, putting on a show, etc.

played Contig Jr. with me for math facts practice

wrote a thank-you note to her great-aunt

had a piano lesson with me

went on errands with her grandmother

went to the library and played an educational game on the computer

walked for nearly a mile outside, stopping to look at interesting nature objects along the way

buried herself in her room with a mountain of books (carefully chosen by me from various homeschool reading lists)


Would you call that enough for reporting purposes?

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I think the 3R's (or 4 if you are a religious family) are the only thing really necessary in K. You have plenty of time ahead of you for the other subjects :)


I suggest reading Dr. Raymond Moore's Better Early than Late if you can. I don't totally agree with delaying academics quite as long as Dr. Moore advocates, but I think it's very reassuring to hear that perspective. Especially when you have folks on your case about why your child isn't spending 3 hours per day on formal schoolwork in K and 6 hours per day in 1st.

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I'm trying to take a more relaxed approach to the second semester of kindergarten, not because dd couldn't handle the work, but because I couldn't juggle a more formal approach very well with my little ones. But I'm a little nervous about it.


So here's what she did today:


played with her little sister -- Legos, pretend, putting on a show, etc.

played Contig Jr. with me for math facts practice

wrote a thank-you note to her great-aunt

had a piano lesson with me

went on errands with her grandmother

went to the library and played an educational game on the computer

walked for nearly a mile outside, stopping to look at interesting nature objects along the way

buried herself in her room with a mountain of books (carefully chosen by me from various homeschool reading lists)


Would you call that enough for reporting purposes?


I don't know anything about "reporting purposes," since I live in New Jersey (homeschool heaven), but yes, this is enough for a Kindergartner's day.


FWIW, we finished K this month with my oldest, and we'll be starting First Grade in January. :thumbup: I agree, I had about enough steam for half a year of "doing school," then adjusted to fit our homeschooling to a more relaxed approach. I think that's fairly normal. As I gained confidence that I could teach and she could learn, we began to incorporate more of that learning and teaching into life itself. We completed, somehow, the same amount of seat work, but it felt like less. Maybe she did it faster? Maybe I moved it along better? Was more efficient? I don't know how we still accomplished the school work when the focus was more balanced, but somehow we did.


What happened to me halfway through the year was not solely about running out of steam to teach. Part of it was that summer rolled in, LOL. But seriously, I began to see the value of other aspects of my five year old being home -- actually, all the things you listed above, which sounds very much like a typical day for us this past year.


Look at the bolded parts of your list -- see a theme? Your daughter's life gets to be relational and whole.


With a sister, mother, or grandmother. How blessed is that?


To a great-aunt, a library, a park, a nature trail. How blessed is that?


Herself. This was something that surprised me as a blessing -- the private, imaginative, personal space that my oldest daughter has had to simply BE. She enjoys being in a pile of books, that is like "peak of perfection" to her. :lol:


I know it's tempting to look for the academics in your list, but there is much more there. FWIW, my little girl taught me so much this year. We were walking past rubies and diamonds and sapphires... to study clods of mud and rocks and stones. I never thought when we started to "homeschool" that I'd see a child's playtime as a treasure to keep for her, but now I do. My husband says the emphasis shifted "from the school part to the home part." And yet, the school part was still well done. HTH.

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I'll be honest, and say I think it depends on the K'er. Reading between the lines, it sounds like your dd already reads and writes fluently and does some basic math. If this is the case, then yes, I'd say that is enough because you have already achieved the goals of K.


However, for my ds, this schedule would not be enough for K because he isn't ahead, and can't read on his own or write a thank-you note fluently. He needs explicit instruction in how to write a "q" because he can't do it yet. If we don't sit down and do seatwork everyday, even for just a few minutes, then he will forget how to read and write since it is not in his long term memory yet. I can already see the backsliding from the holidays in that words he read easily 2 weeks ago, have been a struggle yesterday and today.


Long and short answer is, that it depends on the child. In your case, I would say yes. :)

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I voted other. :). It is enough for a day of kindy. I would consider that an awesome day. But, *I* do formal phonics with my k-er. We don't do it every day, but several times a week. Same with math and handwriting.


ETA-- Someone else mentioned your kindy was likely already reading, which would change the need for phonics.

Edited by snickelfritz
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ETA-- Someone else mentioned your kindy was likely already reading, which would change the need for phonics.


Not necessarily... A lot of "early readers" don't have a strong phonics foundation. I would still do phonics with a K'er that reads (my first grader reads very well, but is still learning phonics, since he taught himself to read before he started K). Now if the kid has already completed a phonics program (like some finish OPGTR by 5, etc.), I'd probably just throw in some phonics review now and then.


Other than the phonics, I don't see anything missing from the OP's list. Some of that may even be more first grade level (like the math facts practice). Not sure what needs to be reported, but I imagine you could reword what you did into particular subjects very easily (reading, math, handwriting, etc.). :)

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Thanks for all the quick replies!


Dd finished 100 Easy Lessons awhile back, and we went through the first 2 levels of AAS before I decided to be more relaxed. So we're taking a break from formal phonics instruction. :)


Sounds great then! :) You've got it covered!

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I think the 3R's (or 4 if you are a religious family) are the only thing really necessary in K. You have plenty of time ahead of you for the other subjects


:iagree: My first thought on reading that was that you hit the 3R's, and that's really all you need. Especially if dc is already reading on her own. If you need some reassurance, take a look at the worldbook.com grade-level expectations - you're probably hitting most of them without much effort.

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