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S/O Scrabooking thread

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What if you haven't done scrapping in years but you have all the stuff to do it b/c you used to be an addict. :D I'm talking tons and tons and tons of stuff...paper, embellishments, punches, every doo-dad possible. So you don't want to waste all this stuff but looking at it all makes you want to run and scream. Going digital is not really practical when you have ALL this STUFF ready to be put together; it would be a terrible waste.


How do you even start when you have all the stuff but it's TOO MUCH stuff? I see the OP of the original thread is a hands on (not digital) girl as well so am assuming she probably has a lot of stuff already as well. How does someone filter through all that stuff? I don't need a repeat of the other thread, just an idea of how to begin without going mad from the choices already in the house.


Thank you. :lol:

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What if you haven't done scrapping in years but you have all the stuff to do it b/c you used to be an addict. :D I'm talking tons and tons and tons of stuff...paper, embellishments, punches, every doo-dad possible. So you don't want to waste all this stuff but looking at it all makes you want to run and scream. Going digital is not really practical when you have ALL this STUFF ready to be put together; it would be a terrible waste.


How do you even start when you have all the stuff but it's TOO MUCH stuff? I see the OP of the original thread is a hands on (not digital) girl as well so am assuming she probably has a lot of stuff already as well. How does someone filter through all that stuff? I don't need a repeat of the other thread, just an idea of how to begin without going mad from the choices already in the house.


Thank you. :lol:


Well all I can tell you is what I have chosen to do...I am selling all of my paper scrapping stuff and going completely digital. With my lifestyle, moving around, etc. it just makes more sense. I really enjoy digital scrapping, I no longer have the space for paper scrapping or the time. DIgi-scrapping is easy and fast and convenient and the results are fantastic. But to justify it in my own brain I have decided to sell the paper stuff.

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I've hidden all my stuff in the closet. I've been pretty exclusive with digital for the past five year, but, like you, was a paper "addict" before. It's all on the closet. I do have it organized though, so I could start again if I wanted to. I also do hybrid and paper craft projects too so it's not like it isn't getting used. (I'm also a rubber stamper.)


I'd start small. Get some coordinating papers and a few embellishments and do a mini album. perhaps 8x8 or maybe even smaller 6x6 so you can actually complete a "book." Maybe scrap just Christmas or a photo(s) from each month of the year, a 2010 in Review book. Have fun! Don't run and scream.

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In the homeschool world I've found lots of young ladies who would like to papercraft (scrap or card making, etc.) who can't afford the goods. I've handed a LOT down and kept the stuff I really love. I do it once a year or so. It's been a great way to glean out older stuff and tighten up the stash.

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Although I love the look of digi scrapping, I'm a tactile person and the actually cutting and making of the page of what I like. Now, I don't have a lot because years ago I saw the writing on the wall (this is expensive, addictive and these stamps will date themselves like bellbottom jeans and huge lapels). I streamlined what I had--timless things, background stamps and stuff I can cross with my mixed media art. Then I started organizing my photos into subjects and pages. Now, I haven't done anything (no time, no room) but now I have both and will be taking it all out over the winter.

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I used to be on two manufacturers' design teams, I was the class coordinator and assistant manager at a local scrapbook store and I used to travel and teach at conventions. I seriously have enough stuff to stock a store!! :tongue_smilie:And I haven't scrapped in forever!


When I do actually have time to scrap, I tend to give myself some parameters before I start to narrow down my choices. Once I did a layout with the self-imposed rule to use as many different orange patterned papers as I could,. Another time, I limited myself to only using matching paper and embellishments from a particular line. Sometimes I pick a certain set of embellishments like a bottle of Prima flowers, brads and tags or a certain technique, and go from there. Having a limited starting point helps me wade through all the stuff.


Another thing I have done just to get me motivated again is scrap lift. When I have a sample layout or sketch to start from, it helps get me moving.

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What if you haven't done scrapping in years but you have all the stuff to do it b/c you used to be an addict. :D I'm talking tons and tons and tons of stuff...paper, embellishments, punches, every doo-dad possible. So you don't want to waste all this stuff but looking at it all makes you want to run and scream. Going digital is not really practical when you have ALL this STUFF ready to be put together; it would be a terrible waste.




This is me as well. I haven't scrapped since my youngest was a baby. Prior to that, I was a DOTS/Close to My Heart consultant, plus I bought scads of Creative Memories products to boot. I have a lot of scrapping stuff.


Digital seems like an interesting (and clutter-free!) way to scrap, but, like someone else mentioned, I tend to enjoy the mechanics of paper scrapping (I just can't seem to find the time to do it :glare:).


I do want to pull everything out again and get back into it, but the thought is a bit overwhelming, as none of my stuff is organized now.


Meanwhile, I've been reading more about digital scrapping...;)

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I used to be on two manufacturers' design teams, I was the class coordinator and assistant manager at a local scrapbook store and I used to travel and teach at conventions. I seriously have enough stuff to stock a store!! :tongue_smilie:And I haven't scrapped in forever!


When I do actually have time to scrap, I tend to give myself some parameters before I start to narrow down my choices. Once I did a layout with the self-imposed rule to use as many different orange patterned papers as I could,. Another time, I limited myself to only using matching paper and embellishments from a particular line. Sometimes I pick a certain set of embellishments like a bottle of Prima flowers, brads and tags or a certain technique, and go from there. Having a limited starting point helps me wade through all the stuff.


Another thing I have done just to get me motivated again is scrap lift. When I have a sample layout or sketch to start from, it helps get me moving.


I've been on design teams as well, but seem to have no time to scrap anymore. :( I'm trying to talk myself into going digital so I can have a whole 'nother room in my house to put other things rather than having a scrap room that doesn't get used anymore. :001_huh:


If I were you, I'd start with trying to get some inspiration from others. There are so many challenge blogs and galleries out there, it is mind boggling. Pick a few challenges or sketches and I'm sure your mojo will come around. ;)

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Hmmm selling some of it might work... it's old enough it might be vintage by now. :D I will look into that. Maybe I can at least whittle some of it down anyway. Donating to budding home schoolers is also a very good idea!


Thank you all for your input. Not only is it good to know I'm not the only one in this situation, I like the ideas. I think focusing on one design would be helpful. I do have to make my husband's Air Force book in the next few months so it can be done by his retirement party. That's a pretty easy design. I have a bunch of design books to look through so I think I will just copy the designs in there until my pile is less daunting. I actually forgot how much stuff I have. It's completely insane but now I think I will not go crazy thanks to your suggestions. :D


My life-style has changed over the last few years. I used to enjoy cluttery, busy looks (in all aspects of life not just scrapping) but now I'm into simpler more streamlined things (again in all aspects of life so I imagine this will transfer over to scrapping). I wonder if I can catch up the last 5 years without actually buying anything else? I might have enough stuff to do it. :lol:

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I have lots of "stuff" for scrapbooking but a few years ago I realized that I didn't do well with using my creative side with pictures.


The pictures meant SO MUCH to me that I didn't want to scrap them "wrong." I know that sounds strange but I really struggled with every layout b/c I didn't want to mess them up.


So I stopped scrapooking creatively and turned my creative urge to other crafts. I made a couple digital books on Snapfish that I enjoyed and I think that is how I am going to handle my "scrapping" from now on.


I am working on putting on actual photos into albums with pockets. I leave one pocket open and plan on putting a piece of cardstock w/journalling into the open pocket.

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The pictures meant SO MUCH to me that I didn't want to scrap them "wrong." I know that sounds strange but I really struggled with every layout b/c I didn't want to mess them up.


This is how I feel about some of the stuff I already did. :glare: I like your pocket idea though! Simple yet with a splash of creative that can be changed if you feel like it. :)

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I used to own a store... a 4,500 square foot STORE that did $1 million in annual sales. All of my stuff fits neatly onto one 4-shelf unit. How the heck did I escape a store with so little?


I don't have everything "hyper" organized. Those types of systems are too difficult for me to maintain (no scrap-racks, etc.) I have some "general" themes (holidays, travel, school, girl, boy, flowers, ribbon), for my embellishments. Some general themes for what printed paper I own in accordion-type files.


Cardstock is my downfall, and I don't have nearly enough. I prefer cardstock, because it is fairly timeless... but I do miss my textured Bazzil and my Prism. I will be re-stocking cardstock after we move. I store my cardstock, by color family (Bazzil monochromatics, trios, special collections, from dark to light, Doodlebug --aka Criss-Cross -- in color families from dark to light, Prism colors in rainbow from dark to light in color families).


But, I'm someone who has no intentions of going digital. It's just "work" that way to me -- because I work so much on the computer. It is not fun. I like the tactile feel, I like the sense of accomplishment... all I get from digi-scrapping is a headache. However, I really only have two hobbies: scrapping and cooking. I don't sew, at least not creatively. I don't knit, I hate to cross-stitch... paper crafting is my hobby. I may go back to some decorative painting, but not until we move.


If you want to keep your stuff, I suggest sorting it into basic categories first, and then shopping your stash. I have about 20 Pages-in-Progress Envelopes (photos, layout notes from SKETCHES-type books, blueprints, etc.), I then choose my papers, embellishments, etc. and put them into those PIP envelopes. Anytime I scrap, I can grab a PIP and GO. I also have a couple of "Album in Progress" Accordion Files (for the baby albums I've been working on) Those files contain all of my baby boy papers, embellies, etc. I then have an index print (pages & pages) of all the baby photos for that album. I choose the photos, choose a sketch, scrap it, put the photo numbers on the mats... DH does the photos, prints them according to my sizing, and then I paste.


I can scrap 20 pages a day this way... so it doesn't take long for me to "get caught up" or finish an album in a weekend (assuming I have a weekend!)


Otherwise, you could look for a local store's "yard sale" and either sell it for cash/store credit, to purchase something you'd rather have, or donate it to others.


If you have children, you could have them create their own memory books as an on-going art project. My kids love punches... but they don't get anywhere near my Cricut! (or my Pazzle Inspriation).

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I'm in the same boat. I have a ton of empty scrapbooks and supplies -- to much for me to go digital. My twins are now 5 years old and I've scrapped their sonogram pics so far :tongue_smilie:. I have the Creative Memories Digital Software that I use to make pages for my sister, but I don't like it as much as the paper scrapping. I like feeling all the paper and stuff in my hands. I also like having my own handwriting on the pages. Hopefully it will mean something to my boys one day. I lost my mom very unexpectedly 10 years ago and I would so love to have an album of my childhood with her writing in it.


I am moving in Jan and am getting a whole craft room to myself. I will get organized and work a little bit at a time. Since I can leave it out, I'm hoping I'll get caught up. I have done a yearly video montage using my digital photos so the boys have something to look at. They love watching them.

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Do you have friends or family who enjoy scrapbooking? You can either invite them to come and raid your stash, or hold a scrapbooking party where you just put out a bunch of your stuff and let anyone use it for their pages.


I recently let my niece go through my stuff, and I'm hoping to have a crop night after the first of the year. Other than donating it, those are probably the 2 easiest ways to reduce your scrapbook clutter.

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Do you have friends or family who enjoy scrapbooking? You can either invite them to come and raid your stash, or hold a scrapbooking party where you just put out a bunch of your stuff and let anyone use it for their pages.


I recently let my niece go through my stuff, and I'm hoping to have a crop night after the first of the year. Other than donating it, those are probably the 2 easiest ways to reduce your scrapbook clutter.


I wish I knew someone local who scraps! The CM consultant I was using is really more about the $$ than about practicality and I figured that out REALLY quickly so I didn't get to mingle with her other scrapping customers before I stopped going to her. Before we moved here, I was part of a bunch of scrappin' moms but here it doesn't seem to be as big. Or maybe I just don't travel in the right circles. :tongue_smilie: I will advertise it on my local homeschooling group though. Perhaps there are some young people on there who would enjoy it. And of course my own kids would love it but I'm afraid that if I give them some, they will lose their marbles and think all my CM stuff is there... I'm afraid to go there. :D I have one excessively crafty kidlet.

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I had mine for years in boxes but found a group of friends who did it when we moved, so I did it for years and now.....well now, no one I know does it, so I put it all away. but I was caught up! I pulled it out this weekend but haven't started back yet. I want to so I can stay caught up :-)


I considered digital but it's not me. I tried it. I prefer cutting paper and chatting with friends. computers took more of my focus.


of course now, being alone when I do it perhaps digital is more my speed.....


if you want to do it, do it. I did give my kids most of my old papers/stickers and bought new when I got back into it. they love the paper/stickers and they use them. not wasted !

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I take photos and make my own scrapbook kits. I make about 20 at one time. I choose my cardstock, patterned papers and a couple of things to go on the layout. I store them in a cellophane "bag" I bought from http://www.clearbags.com.


Again, I don't scrapbook every photo, so that takes off some of the pressure.


I also use my supplies for making cards, and I look forward to being older and having more time someday. If I don't get a lot done now, that's okay. I figure there will be a day in the future when the kids are grown, and I will already have all of this great stuff to use without buying anything. LOL


I too have mounds of stuff. ;) I love to be organized, though. I don't have an actual room, so my patterned paper and Silhouette SD are stored in my bedroom, my stamps, general tools and punches are stored in my kitchen, and the rest is stored in my office. I've uploaded photos to show how I store things.


Cardstock, small pads of paper, Stampin up inks and ribbons and cardstock are stored on the bookshelf on the left in the office. Embellishments are stored in the boxes on the unit near the dogwood branches.









Edited by nestof3
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I used to own a store... a 4,500 square foot STORE that did $1 million in annual sales. All of my stuff fits neatly onto one 4-shelf unit. How the heck did I escape a store with so little?



Wow. I can't imagine leaving all of that behind, but I can in another way-when you've had enough, you've had enough.


I also can't imagine only having four shelves after having the whole store! LOL!

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Wow Dawn, thank you for the pictures. I want to come shopping at your house. :D I love your organization!


I am discovering one of my bigger problems is that I have a very open downstairs. There is no where to hide stuff and I like neat and clean. Well the kids stuff doesn't count but MY stuff needs to be neat and pretty. Having scrapping stuff laying all messy around the house bothers me. I know b/c I put it down here last night and am having trouble dealing with the table of stuff over there that I'm studiously NOT looking at.


I will come to grips with this. I will! But see instead of scrapping this last hour while the kids are otherwise entertained, I have been here. I have issues. :lol:

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Wow. I can't imagine leaving all of that behind, but I can in another way-when you've had enough, you've had enough.


I also can't imagine only having four shelves after having the whole store! LOL!


I miss two things about my store the most. One is my cardstock "room" -- over 500 colors. The second is a scrapbook workroom filled with 30 of my "closest friends."


Much of the other stuff... well, I pretty much feel like there will be something else out in a year or so I'll like just as much, so I'll wait until I need it. It is the rare scrapbook line I just *have* to purchase. I think the last one I stocked up was K&Co... Blue Anthology I believe it was called. It was stunning, and I have found lots of different uses for it.


It was pretty sad that I went to do a Christmas LO, and I had not one Christmas paper in my stash... not even CARDSTOCK. Oh, the shame :lol:

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I am discovering one of my bigger problems is that I have a very open downstairs. There is no where to hide stuff and I like neat and clean. Well the kids stuff doesn't count but MY stuff needs to be neat and pretty. Having scrapping stuff laying all messy around the house bothers me. I know b/c I put it down here last night and am having trouble dealing with the table of stuff over there that I'm studiously NOT looking at.



Look at The Scrap Box. Seriously. http://theoriginalscrapbox.com/


It comes with all of the storage inside.... or you can adapt it. Closes up neatly & easilly, so no clutter to view. Even has a child-lock at the top. It is about $1500, so not cheap. If you have a handy DH, he might be able to make one like it... maybe not with the folding desk, but just thought I'd throw this out there (most scrappers have never seen it). I think the owner is from South Africa, I'm pretty sure he's not from AUS. But, I haven't spoken to him in a few years.

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Look at The Scrap Box. Seriously. http://theoriginalscrapbox.com/


It comes with all of the storage inside.... or you can adapt it. Closes up neatly & easilly, so no clutter to view. Even has a child-lock at the top. It is about $1500, so not cheap. If you have a handy DH, he might be able to make one like it... maybe not with the folding desk, but just thought I'd throw this out there (most scrappers have never seen it). I think the owner is from South Africa, I'm pretty sure he's not from AUS. But, I haven't spoken to him in a few years.


Oh my heart, I think I'm in love!!! I have a handy Dad... He's got quite a list of things to build for me but he might be willing to add on one more. :D Thank you for the link.

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Go through and if you REALLY love it then keep it. If you think it has value (old CM stuff usually does) then sell it on eBay. You can make good money. Let your kids pick through and keep some stuff they would like to use on projects -- put those in a box for them and hold them to it within a time period. Donate the rest. It will feel so freeing. Then you can start scrapping or go digital.

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Not sure anyone has mentioned it, but have you tried hybrid projects? You can use the scrap supplies for all sorts of cool things. Here is a gallery that has tons of ideas....




I love hybrid scrapbooking. I linked some on the last thread:



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