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Stocking up on consumables(workbooks)?


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I've been thinking - Lots of the publishers of consumable materials change the materials every few years. TMs are expensive and lots of time you need to buy a new one to line-up with revised editions. So, I'm thinking of buying the consumable stuff (workbooks) for the all my kids at once, even though they won't all be at that level yet. Obviously, I'll only do this for the stuff I know I really like. Another benefit could be that prices usually go up, so I'd be getting things cheaper.



What are your thoughts?

Edited by mamalbh
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A few years ago, I would have said that it was a great idea! Go for it! Fast forward a few years, and now I'd be much more cautious about doing so. I really thought that I'd continue with what I have for all 3 kids and bought consumables to cover my 2 younger children in a number of different books. However, now that my 2nd child is 5, I'm re-evaluating everything that we've been doing and realizing that I really want to go in another direction. Has my 1st child been receiving a decent education? Definitely. The reality is though that I think there are better ways to achieve some of the things we've been doing that I didn't know about as a new homeschooler.


Can it work for some people? Sure. I'd just be absolutely sure that I loved the material and really believe that its the best available thing out there. Good luck deciding what to do!

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Another thought: what if the publisher makes some really terrific improvements to their product? Will you be okay with having the older, version?


I enjoy having the newest editions of the books we use (TM, student pages, etc.) I've found that buying used materials, often times in like-new condition, saves money.


Buying what you need each school year also gives you the flexibility to make changes to your school plans without feeling that you must use a particular book because you've already spent money on it & its sitting on your shelf.

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Well you might not lose all the money, you could try and sell them. I've done that already, on Amazon.

I've sold stuff too. So believe me when I sat that I doubt you'd make up the money. You may "lose" $1 or something on increased workbook costs, but you won't be able to sell old workbooks (esp if they are updated) for more than about 1/2 of what you paid. That doesn't include shipping, which isn't that cheap either.


So if you don't mind potentially losing the money, in order to "lock in" a lower priced workbook, then go ahead. But I do see a fair number of threads on here with things like "Moving! Must sell everything!" or "Financial crisis! Please buy my books for super cheap!" which lead me to believe most who stockpile lose money if they don't use the books themselves.

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I've had this backfire more than work. Some of the reasons:


1, 2nd child needs different approach than first child

2, I thought I loved it partway through, bought another, didn't love it so much by the end

3, Something better came along

4, Problems with book purchased years ago that I didn't notice when I received it, now it's too late to address

5, my needs changed

6, wanted the upgrades & now the old version sells for peanuts on the used boards


I don't like to buy ahead more than a year.


Merry :-)

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I have done this and it has been ok. Course, I only have two kids and they are very similar...so far.


I do it with stapes like HWT. It worked out for me because they did change the program and create a new teachers guide etc. Now, it may be 'better' or whatever. I will never know, lol. I was fine with it before and I am fine with it now.


I wish I had done it with SIngapore Earlybird. I almost bought them ahead of time a few times. But I thought, even though I had the money I should wait until I needed it. Well, they changed the format etc. It is pretty much the same only it costs more. That irked me.


If it were a couple things that I know I like and it wasn't running into huge amounts of money, I would do it.

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Another thought: what if the publisher makes some really terrific improvements to their product? Will you be okay with having the older, version?


I enjoy having the newest editions of the books we use (TM, student pages, etc.) I've found that buying used materials, often times in like-new condition, saves money.


Buying what you need each school year also gives you the flexibility to make changes to your school plans without feeling that you must use a particular book because you've already spent money on it & its sitting on your shelf.



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Think of it as an issue of risk. What's the greater risk? That the publishers will change a book so much that it will be difficult for you to use a new edition or that your kids will change or need new programs than what you anticipate? I know that very occasionally publishers do change the books significantly, but I feel like the latter is much more likely. I mean, who hasn't needed to change at least one program over the course of homeschooling?

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I did that with Saxon math several years ago. With our income tax I bought every level. I have 12 kids so I new they would all get used. I have no regrets of it either. When I have extra $$ I stock up on memoria press' composition and sketch book because we use them for all our work. We do commonplace books in all subjects so we go through a ton of these. I love them for the middle ages on down. But anything else I don't stock up on. We don't use workbooks much so I don't really need to.

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A few years ago, I would have said that it was a great idea! Go for it! Fast forward a few years, and now I'd be much more cautious about doing so. I really thought that I'd continue with what I have for all 3 kids and bought consumables to cover my 2 younger children in a number of different books. However, now that my 2nd child is 5, I'm re-evaluating everything that we've been doing and realizing that I really want to go in another direction. Has my 1st child been receiving a decent education? Definitely. The reality is though that I think there are better ways to achieve some of the things we've been doing that I didn't know about as a new homeschooler.


Can it work for some people? Sure. I'd just be absolutely sure that I loved the material and really believe that its the best available thing out there. Good luck deciding what to do!



This is what stops me from stocking up. My little ones are so young, I LOVE what we have,but I have no idea if it will work for my little ones. I have a big stack of stuff for my 4yo that I used with my first, and I'm pretty sure he's never going to need any of it. He move so much faster than my first did. The repetition is unnecessary and it doesn't hold his attention.

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