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Mammogram call-back update

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Just to share.. I had my call-back mammogram and ultrasound done today. They took about 8 pictures and then came back and took 2 more and then I was sent to ultrasound. The doctor gave me the 'it's probably all fine but better safe than sorry' speech and wants me to have a biopsy of the calcifications that have grown since my last mammogram. However, I did have a reduction surgery in 2007 so the calcifications could just be from that though he wasn't able to tell me how long after surgery calcifications could start forming.


So I'm not freaked out but I'm not happy either. Just going today took alot out of me and to find out they want to do the biopsy was quite surreal. I've felt dazed since I left their office. They will call me on Monday or Tuesday to schedule my next appointment. So.. more waiting. Ugh.

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I'm sorry you have to deal with this, but I will say that I am encouraged by the doctor's "better safe than sorry" comment. If they think it's something bad, they don't usually offer encouraging remarks like that. I honestly think he believes there's nothing to worry about, but is just being extra-careful (which is a good thing.)


I hope you can get it done soon so you can stop worrying.



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:grouphug: hugs to you.


I had a call back for calcifications too. They were class 5 out of 6 which is "certain to be cancer unless proven otherwise." I had the biopsy and all was fine. They followed me with mammograms every 6 months for 2 yrs and several yrs later I haven't had a call back.


I had a surgical oncologist who was in charge of my care at the time. He did tell me that calcifications were often caused by trauma: surgery or a car accident etc.


I write all this to say, that I know that it is scary, but most cases do end up fine.

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