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What would you expect in this situation?

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I hire a woman to come every two weeks and do the 'deep cleaning' in my home--bathrooms, floors, dusting, baseboards, cobwebs, etc. Usually she does a pretty good job and I'm happy with her work.


She came yesterday and brought her college age daughter with her, and they were here for only about half the time that she normally is. And late last night, I started noticing that they'd done a terrible job. The tub in my master bath (which gets used nearly every day) is filthy--there is buildup all over the tub walls and the jets are scummy. One of the two sinks is still dirty. The shower looks like it wasn't even touched. And my hardwood floor (which is the majority of the house) isn't clean either--there are still several dirty, sticky spots and the remainder of it just doesn't look as clean as usual, it looks dull and dirty.


So I'm going to call and complain this morning (it's only 8 a.m. so still a little early). Is it reasonable to expect this lady to come back and re-do the parts I'm unhappy with? DH and I are going out of town this weekend and my MIL is going to be staying in our master suite while she watches the kids, and one way or another the bathroom has to be done before she comes.

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I've never hired a cleaner before but if there are agreed upon items/places she is supposed to clean and she hasn't than you have every right to call her and ask kindly(I'm sure you will:D) for her to come back and complete the tasks.


You might also want to ask her to come alone in the future, as it sounds like maybe she was distracted or trying to hurry because her daughter was with her.

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I wouldn't call to complain, but I would call and mention to her that you're having company and you noticed that some things weren't done with her usual excellence, and would she please come back and finish up.


This. If she said no, I would absolutely complain.


Not to mention, I'm not a fan of them bringing whoever with them. I expect to get who I hired and no one else in my home. That would annoy me.

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I have had cleaning ladies routinely for many years.


I would NOT be happy with a cleaning lady bringing anyone else without specifically clearing it with me ahead of time.


I would start first with the cleaning lady if you have her number and do as Julie suggested.


If she refuses to come clean, make a formal complaint.


If you do not have a way to contact her directly, you have no choice but to complain to the agency.

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I agree with everyone else -- call her and tell her nicely that the house isn't as clean as usual, and you really need it done properly because you're having guests.


Chances are pretty good that her dd did the sloppy work, and the mom needs to know that. Also, if the woman cleans other homes, those families are probably calling her with the same complaint if her dd "helped" her clean their houses, too.


Realistically, the mom should have checked on her dd's work before they left your house. The person who is getting paid for the job is responsible for the performance of her helpers.



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Well, just to clarify, she isn't with an agency. She's the owner/operator of her own little housecleaning business. I hired her because she came highly recommended by some posters on my local HS email group.


I called and left her a message but haven't heard back yet. I'm really hoping she'll do something to make it right, because I've been otherwise pretty happy with her and I feel comfortable having her in my home. I hate to have to start all over and find someone else (but I will if I have to).


I hadn't really thought about the fact that she brought someone else into the house. Truthfully it didn't bother me from that angle, but I don't know how I'd feel if I had been out while she came in to clean and found out later she'd brought someone else along, you know?

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I would call and mention to her that you're having company and you noticed that some things weren't done with her usual excellence, and would she please come back and finish up.


This is what I would do too. I'm sure she will do it to keep a good client.


If she's simply not available because of committments to other clients (holidays can be busy because of out-of-town guests), I'd clean it myself, and politely ask her to do a no-charge cleaning the next visit because you had to take your time to re-clean. Or half-price, depending on what you think is fair.



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Chances are pretty good that her dd did the sloppy work, and the mom needs to know that. Also, if the woman cleans other homes, those families are probably calling her with the same complaint if her dd "helped" her clean their houses, too.




I'd bet Cat is correct about this, and she will probably be embarrassed about it.

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