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I've had enough

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Some day the houses will be empty and quiet and we'll wish for chaos... I wonder... Do you think that's really true?

I dunno, my parents don't seem to miss us much. My youngest sister finally moved out for good (after she finished college, it took 6 months to find a job) and they practically did a happy dance. :D

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More :grouphug: for you.


Are you done with school for the year? Maybe you should be. :) Time to bake cookies, touch up your roots, etc. :grouphug:


PS - My "roots" are out there, too - but I have recently decided that the bleach/dye/etc. is poison and I'm not going to subject myself to that anymore. We'll see how long I last. :)

Edited by OC Mom
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How about all the times you've been told you're loved? ;) Girl, you are blessed. Nobody ever tells me they love me. They tell me I'm nuts, I'm crazy, I'm a spazz, I'm a PITA or I"m sweet (which I am) but nobody tells me I'm loved. sniff. :tongue_smilie:


I am indeed very blessed. They people on this board have been so incredibly supportive of me the last few months. I have shared more here than I have with my own family. I could not ask for better friends.


We baked 105 cookies today, went to church, and went by the grocery store in anticipation of the snow that's coming tonight. I feel better.


Thanks again!

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How 'bout them roots?!?!?! :svengo:




OTOH, my babies sure are pretty!! :D


is that POOP on your dd's knee? :scared:


I'm just kidding!!! I know it's not, I was only trying to make you LOL. Did it work?:lol:


BEAUTIFUL picture! Thanks so much for posting it! Yes, your babies are GORGEOUS. So are you! But that picture shows me one thing: Your roots are showing but they're not GREY. I'm sorry, sweetie, but I just can't sympathize. ;) Like you, I started to dye my hair reddish auburn because I LOVED the color. When I decided to stop I realized I couldn't because I was SO GREY!!!


You all here, but especially YOU, got me onto this Nutella kick. I can sympathize!


I'm sorry - what are the GI issues with your dd? I healed my dd of GERD when the doctors weren't helping. Is it GERD related?


Nakia, you have a LOT going on right now. You need to be gentle with yourself! I had nothing but trials and heartache for about 3.5 years. This is our first year of a more "normal" life. And you know what? My oldest is not really around much anymore, and I feel so sad that his final years of his life with us we really weren't available for him, especially me. I was taking care of my parents and a friend who was dying, and I wasn't there for him. He was in school but your girls are home with you. As much as they drive you crazy (I know you absolutely adore them but they're KIDS, they drive you nuts at times! Totally normal!) it is a wonderful opportunity for them to be with you as you care for your grandparents. It will be HARD. Sometimes school won't get done enough. My poor dd11 FINALLY is getting my full attention this year. I was running around taking care of everyone and school was done to the best of my ability. With a struggling speller (and maybe writer) this wasn't good. But we'll get there. We'll make it all up. If you have to take time off, you will make it all up, too. But the years we were caring for my parents were the most wonderful years I could have given my dd's. Youngest will probably never really understand because of her RAD, but watching my dd11 with her grandparents was such a beautiful thing. When we visited my mom in rehab at the nursing home, dd11 was only 6 or 7 at the time. I still remember how she would cut the resident's meat and help feed the woman with dementia. All those years that were so stressful for me were a wonderful learning opportunity for my dd's, and you're about to enter that time now. It WON'T be easy. But please be gentle on yourself and know that it's a season that will pass. These will be special times for your girls. They need to see and know how families help each other. They need to learn about compassion. These will be wonderful life lessons.


At times I was so overwhelmed with my life that I just wanted all the sick people gone so I could have at least a little rest. And then I'd look at my mom's smiling face and the guilt would KILL me. Now that they're gone, life just isn't the same, holidays are horribly sad, and I don't know if life will ever return to the level of joy it once had. Do what you can to help, and the blessing in knowing that you made their end of life that much better will live with you, and your girls, forever.


My parents are gone now and my dd has told me she wants to volunteer at the local nursing home. I know that the years with my mother were so special to her and now she's saying she wants to be a nurse, and for her first job she wants to work in a nursing home. How precious is that?


The life lessons your dd's will learn will be invaluable. If your schooling suffers some, so be it. You will make it through. If you need to outsource for awhile, do so.


The stress and yelling? Sometimes I think that motherhood is a never ending guilt trip. Ok, so you blew it. We all do. Forgive yourself, apologize to your family, and try harder. When you blow it again, because you will, repeat the above. ;)



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Actually, I think roots showing looks kind of cute. I think it may be the style because I see it all the time. :001_smile:


If you can get to the store and just purchase cookies don't bake, or let your dd's bake for you.


Don't change the litter box - throw it and the cat outside - :lol: jUsT KiddInG - I love cats - but tell the family you are allergic to litter boxes and they have to change it or Santa is not coming. :D


Let the kids wrap presents for each other -and/ or use as many gift bags as possible.


Maybe you have a fun movie to pop in. I like to have something fun playing in the background once in awhile to lighten the mood while I wash dishes and do other things around the house. Elf is good for that.


You sound very NoRmaL to me. This is a tiring time of YeAr. :grouphug:

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My kids are making me nuts. It goes better w/ the nutella.


Anna is disrespectful and thinks she knows way more than I do.

Whew. Then let her take over while you go take a nap! ;)


Emma cries and whines about every blasted thing.

Ok, this isn't funny. I've got one doing that, too, & if it was the 2yo or the 3yo, I could sorta deal w/ it, but nope. It's the 7yo who couldn't thread a needle, whose handwriting didn't come out just so, who was convinced that I was going to leave her home alone. :confused:


Cora leave a path of destruction everywhere she goes.

I told my 3yo to bring me a comb tonight so I could fix her hair--excuse me, did I say tonight? Of course I meant "this morning." *Ahem.* She brought me the hair cutting kit instead & said, "Just cut it off." :001_huh:


I'm sick of baking. I love baking, but I don't want to bake anymore. And I have to bake enough sugar cookies to fill 7 bags in the next few hours.

I usually make everything for Thanksgiving, including cranberry sauce from scratch. Last year, I even made the onions to go on the green bean casserole--it was dh's first year GFCF.


This year? I did NOTHING. And although I usually love cooking at Thanksgiving, this year was...nice. REALLY nice. We sat at home & did nothing but play w/ the kids. We ate sandwiches. And the next day, we had Thanksgiving w/ ils, & they cooked everything, & it was *fine.*


So stop baking. Just this year. Eat cookie dough, lol, but buy it premade.


Our road is icy, and we can't leave in my van.


I am worried sick about Cora's GI issues and will probably have to cancel her appointment tomorrow because our road is icy and more "wintry mix" is coming tonight.

This really confirms my cookie advice above: whoever's expecting the cookies can't get to them anyway, right?


My roots are showing.

I've been thinking of dyeing mine purple & getting some temporary tattoos so people will Stay. Back!


So you know, it could be worse. You could be sitting here freaked out that you just colored your hair purple & now that you've come to your senses, it. won't. wash. out. :D


The presents aren't wrapped.

What are you, some kind of overachiever? It's not Christmas Eve yet, so you CAN'T have wrapped presents you haven't bought!


And the worst thing of all is that I'M OUT OF NUTELLA!!!


Nutella is overrated. I bet you've got something we can work with. Kids' halloween candy? Ice cream? Hot cocoa powder?


If you make real hot chocolate from scratch over the oven, the whisking is surprisingly soothing. ;)

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Nakia, I've been thinking about this thread all day. I've never told you, but I love you. I wish you could come over here. I wouldn't make you bake or homeschool. I'd even be willing to *not* clean my house, just to make you feel better about yours. (I cleaned up the poop running from the living room to the bathroom already, though. Sorry.)

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I am indeed very blessed. They people on this board have been so incredibly supportive of me the last few months. I have shared more here than I have with my own family. I could not ask for better friends.


We baked 105 cookies today, went to church, and went by the grocery store in anticipation of the snow that's coming tonight. I feel better.


Thanks again!


You are amazing girl!! And did anyone ever tell you that you are loved? ;) :tongue_smilie::grouphug:

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Nakia, I've been thinking about this thread all day. I've never told you, but I love you. I wish you could come over here. I wouldn't make you bake or homeschool. I'd even be willing to *not* clean my house, just to make you feel better about yours. (I cleaned up the poop running from the living room to the bathroom already, though. Sorry.)


Thank you Aubrey. I love you too. And I love your posts. About the hair dye...maybe I should go ahead and do the purple. I already have a nose ring and two tattoos. It might be nice to fly my freak flag a little higher!


We got our cookies baked, and Patrick came home and got us, and we all went to church. Then I came home and crashed. What a rotten day. Hoping today is better!!

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I just saw this thread and wanted to send you :grouphug:. I've got the blahs too and I think a lot of it has to do with the weather we've been getting. I have to trudge down over ice and snow to the barn where we've had to park our cars to be able to go anywhere. You know how far it is to my barn. :001_smile: Your girls are wonderful and adorable - they are just acting like, well, kids.


Andrew is our designated litter box person - now you really want him, don't you? Get your girls to take it out. They are capable.


Tyler won't be here for C-mas either and there is much drama going on with him right now. And it is turning my hair gray - at least your roots aren't white. I know how you feel about your brothers. It just isn't the same when someone is missing.


Maybe you and I can escape from our families and meet up in Aville for coffee next week. We can b*tch to our hearts content. Love you - hang in there.

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I just saw this thread and wanted to send you :grouphug:. I've got the blahs too and I think a lot of it has to do with the weather we've been getting. I have to trudge down over ice and snow to the barn where we've had to park our cars to be able to go anywhere. You know how far it is to my barn. :001_smile: Your girls are wonderful and adorable - they are just acting like, well, kids.


Andrew is our designated litter box person - now you really want him, don't you? Get your girls to take it out. They are capable.


Tyler won't be here for C-mas either and there is much drama going on with him right now. And it is turning my hair gray - at least your roots aren't white. I know how you feel about your brothers. It just isn't the same when someone is missing.


Maybe you and I can escape from our families and meet up in Aville for coffee next week. We can b*tch to our hearts content. Love you - hang in there.


I would love to get together with you for coffee!! And please say we will have dessert too! LOL! Call me when you can. Love you much!!

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I've had enough, too. I decided we're skipping our homeschool co-op today because I just don't have the time or energy for it right now! :grouphug:


My oldest is 9, I empathize with the disrespect. I'm so sick of it! Right now she's sulking in her room because it's TEN FREAKING AM and I told her it's time to get started on school. Geeze.

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How 'bout them roots?!?!?! :svengo:




OTOH, my babies sure are pretty!! :D


I think the picture is lovely! The roots don't show as bad as you think... hmmm kinda looks like mine. :) I gave up with my hair, got tired of upkeep. You hair however inspires me to get a hair cut!


Thank you Aubrey. I love you too. And I love your posts. About the hair dye...maybe I should go ahead and do the purple. I already have a nose ring and two tattoos. It might be nice to fly my freak flag a little higher!


We got our cookies baked, and Patrick came home and got us, and we all went to church. Then I came home and crashed. What a rotten day. Hoping today is better!!


Purple? My husband would think I have lost my marbles. I actually would love to try the pink or red streak (maybe blue??) except my husband would go nutsy on me! He is very much against me doing it!




I just saw this thread and wanted to send you :grouphug:. I've got the blahs too and I think a lot of it has to do with the weather we've been getting. I have to trudge down over ice and snow to the barn where we've had to park our cars to be able to go anywhere. You know how far it is to my barn. :001_smile: Your girls are wonderful and adorable - they are just acting like, well, kids.


Andrew is our designated litter box person - now you really want him, don't you? Get your girls to take it out. They are capable.


Tyler won't be here for C-mas either and there is much drama going on with him right now. And it is turning my hair gray - at least your roots aren't white. I know how you feel about your brothers. It just isn't the same when someone is missing.


Maybe you and I can escape from our families and meet up in Aville for coffee next week. We can b*tch to our hearts content. Love you - hang in there.


I was going to say the same thing! I live in WNC too :) A Moms night out is a grand idea! Can I invite myself? :)


ETA: Oh Nakia you sound soooo much like me! Look at a few of my previous posts! I have been going batty myself!

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I think the picture is lovely! The roots don't show as bad as you think... hmmm kinda looks like mine. :) I gave up with my hair, got tired of upkeep. You hair however inspires me to get a hair cut!




Purple? My husband would think I have lost my marbles. I actually would love to try the pink or red streak (maybe blue??) except my husband would go nutsy on me! He is very much against me doing it!




I was going to say the same thing! I live in WNC too :) A Moms night out is a grand idea! Can I invite myself? :)


ETA: Oh Nakia you sound soooo much like me! Look at a few of my previous posts! I have been going batty myself!


YES!! Let's do on a moms' night out!!! Sounds fun!!

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