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STOW cd's vs book?

Shasta Mom

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...should read SOTW not STOW....Next fall, I'm buying the cd's for STOW II. I'm hoping it will be a time saver - something we can use in the car, or while doing other things. Should I still get the book? Should I ask ds to read along with the recording when we're home? Any suggestions?

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We have both. The kids love it(audio), and request it, in the car! I would say to get both, but I am finding I use the cd now almost exclusively. The kids listen to it over and over(and over and over):D.

I would still buy both, but if I really had to choose, I would choose the cd. I also really like the older version with Barbara Johnson (?) narrating instead of Jim Weiss. I like Weiss, but Johnson's voice is just so mellow and easy to listen to!

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I love having it just because I can never pronounce things correctly.




That's the reason I bought the first set of cd's...too many "Ancients" I'd never heard of! The additional benefits: my voice got a break , and I also found out how much I enjoyed being an armchair timetraveler.


We finished SOTW 4 earlier this year. We always listened to the chapters together...my older child read along silently with the book, my younger child colored the coloring page from the activity guide if there was one, and I put my feet up and soaked up history!

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I read aloud the first time, then use the CD after that. History Odyssey mixes up the chapter order, so I rip the CD into iTunes and make my own playlist.

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...should read SOTW not STOW....Next fall, I'm buying the cd's for STOW II. I'm hoping it will be a time saver - something we can use in the car, or while doing other things. Should I still get the book? Should I ask ds to read along with the recording when we're home? Any suggestions?



We have the cds and enjoy them. Even my 16 year old enjoys listening in.... I have the books too, but the cds are used more. I just cant part with my books...:)

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Do the book. I can't imagine having to search back through the audio for details that may need to be seen again in the absence of the book. We enjoyed using the audio as a prelim or follow up. I'd either read the chapter and we'd review it in the car (audio), or the other way around. Either way, it gave us more than one shot at the material, which was very useful.

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We have always used both. Sometimes we want to listen, sometimes we want to read, and sometimes a child will want to read and listen at the same time. It's also nice when you've read something and then have to go somewhere. Often, we will listen to a passage we recently read in the car as we jet off to something else.



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