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So, I have some exciting news...

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Ok, I've mentioned before that I went back to school this sememster. I'm taking a nutrition class, and it ends next week. I can't believe how much I've enjoyed it.


So my professor is a registered dietician, and has her masters in exercise physiology. She really knows her stuff. She asked me if I would be willing to proofread her exams for next semester, because I've done so well in her class. She offered to pay me.


Well. just so happens that I could use the services of a good nutrionist. Seeing as I'm tired of being fat and all.






Seriously, I'm 33, and I just need to get it under control. I realized that four times in the last 15 years I have lost a significant amount of weight (at least 50 pounds each time), then just gained it back. Add to that the weight gain of having two babies that I also never lost, and I'm significantly overweight.


And I'm done with it.


So guess what? My professor said that in exchange for proofreading her exams next sememster, she's going to give me her services for free! She'll help me set up menus, shopping lists, exercise protocols, all of it.


I'm so excited. And nervous. Like I told my professor, I *know how to lose weight, I just don't know how to keep it off. Sounds kinda dumb, but it's true.


So, I'll have someone that will be both encouraging me, and that I'll be acountable to. So I think that'll help. And I'm sure I'll be updating here at the Hive as I progress along. It expect it to take all of 2011. I need to lose 100 pounds. (That was hard to admit, right there). So, yeah, it will take a year. But I'm so excited! And my husband is being so super supportive and great about it all.


Just wanted to share with all my friends here at the Hive. And the more people who keep me accountable, the better I'll do, I"m sure, so feel free to ask me how it's going if you think of me. :)

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Like I told my professor, I *know how to lose weight, I just don't know how to keep it off. Sounds kinda dumb, but it's true.


That's awesome!


And I'm right there with you on the quoted statement. I'm on the gained it right back side of things right now.

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Ok, I've mentioned before that I went back to school this sememster. I'm taking a nutrition class, and it ends next week. I can't believe how much I've enjoyed it.


So my professor is a registered dietician, and has her masters in exercise physiology. She really knows her stuff. She asked me if I would be willing to proofread her exams for next semester, because I've done so well in her class. She offered to pay me.


Well. just so happens that I could use the services of a good nutrionist. Seeing as I'm tired of being fat and all.






Seriously, I'm 33, and I just need to get it under control. I realized that four times in the last 15 years I have lost a significant amount of weight (at least 50 pounds each time), then just gained it back. Add to that the weight gain of having two babies that I also never lost, and I'm significantly overweight.


And I'm done with it.


So guess what? My professor said that in exchange for proofreading her exams next sememster, she's going to give me her services for free! She'll help me set up menus, shopping lists, exercise protocols, all of it.


I'm so excited. And nervous. Like I told my professor, I *know how to lose weight, I just don't know how to keep it off. Sounds kinda dumb, but it's true.


So, I'll have someone that will be both encouraging me, and that I'll be acountable to. So I think that'll help. And I'm sure I'll be updating here at the Hive as I progress along. It expect it to take all of 2011. I need to lose 100 pounds. (That was hard to admit, right there). So, yeah, it will take a year. But I'm so excited! And my husband is being so super supportive and great about it all.


Just wanted to share with all my friends here at the Hive. And the more people who keep me accountable, the better I'll do, I"m sure, so feel free to ask me how it's going if you think of me. :)





I know you will do great. What a fantastic opportunity.


My dd is finishing her RD next year and doing her masters in exercise physiology as well. WOW! I need her in this family@



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:party: :party: :party:


Congratulations, Bethany!!!


What a great opportunity -- and I'm sure you deserve it!


It took a lot of courage to post that you need to lose 100 pounds, but I'll bet it was a bit freeing to come right out and say it, too -- and you know we're all here to support you and help you achieve that goal.


You can do this!!! :hurray:



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Having a trainer or guide in this process can make a huge difference. I knew how to lose weight too, plenty of head knowledge. But working with a personal trainer over the past 4 months has added the encouragement and accountability that I needed to get. it. done. I don't want to waste her time or let her down. I hope you find that this is the key thing to your success too!

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