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What food products have you or do you plan to plant this year

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So far I have the following in

salad green

tomatoes (4 different types)



Aspargus (first year so no harvest for at least a year)


Apple Gourds (just for fall decorating but I could not resist)



hot pepper

sweet peppers

sweet chard (first time planting this)

sugar snap peas

All of these are from seeds(all heirlooms from Baker Creek Seeds), the peppers and tomoatoes where started in March indoors and I transplanted them outside last week, so far so good. This is the first time I have started seeds inside. I told dh that I would like to dig up a bit more of the yard and plant a few more things. He suggested that I fit a few tomato plant into the perennial garden. I have extra plants so I need to do somethings with them. I considered giving them to neighbors, but no one else around us is into gardening, usually they are just happy to take tomotoes I give away. I think the perennial garden is a great idea so I plan to work in there this afternoon. The butterfly bush that never bloom may be history.

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Here is what we planted and is up:











(It is still too early to put tomato plants out, but I have 3 healthy ones in pots. We had a couple nights of freezing, so I just dragged them inside. They are looking very healthy.)


I have staggered the planting of the lettuce, kale, spinach, peas, and onions, That way, the supply will hopefully keep coming in. I am going to try growing lettuce in my basement, in front of a south window. I'd love to be able to grow greens all year long.


Dh has been tilling the garden where we intend to plant:



sweet potatoes

green beans


summer squash

winter squash


peppers (hot and sweet)




beets (sweet for us; mangle for the livestock)




We also plan to plant some field corn for the livestock. We'll see how it turns out.


Most of our seed is heirloom (besides the really early things we planted); we would like to try our hand at seed-saving.


We also hope to start 2 grape vines this year.

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Just raspberries (we inherited a bush when we moved here - get a bumper crop each year!) and basil - hubby will plant about a dozen plants of different varieties, and harvest throughout the summer, making batch after batch of pesto for the deep freeze.


Don't have room for much else - the Labrador needs the yard to run in.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I have lettuce and herbs right now. I plan to get in summer squash, green beans, lima beans, tomatoes, green peppers, jalapenos, and cucumbers. Late season I will put in garlic and kale.

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This is our first year of serious gardening. So far we have:





salad greens



green beans

sugar snap peas


hmmm, I'm sure I'm leaving some stuff out. I should also note that we aren't growing these all at the same time - we have a rotation schedule that DH came up with using Square Foot Gardening.


I'm also growing my herbs, but I've been doing that for 3 years now - in the winter I use the Aerogarden and in the summer I grow them outdoros in pots.

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hey Karen

you know what I did that looks really cute? I put strawberry plants in my front flower beds.. right by my front door! they are growing next to all my flowering annuals and perennials, and they look adorable, and are super easy to harvest. I rarely get to eat one tho.. I have a little 10 year old daughter who hunts for them every morning.


I also put a couple of tomato plants and pepper plants hidden among the flowers.. they are actually behind my rose bushes. any vegies that can be seen from the street look just fine! I also have herbs tucked everywhere in my flower garden.


I have container gardens this year, and am going to be putting in a long skinny in ground garden next week.

here's what I have in containers right now:


a salsa pot -- has roma tomatoes, cilantro and jalepinos

corn (yes, I said corn!) it also has a tree seedling in there I got on earth day...

a pot with 3 different varieties of red/yellow/orange peppers

a pot with zucchini

a pot with tomatoes


I have an aerogarden in the house.. right now it has cherry tomatoes. this winter it had an herb garden. I LOVE IT. just google aerogarden.


I haven't decided what to put in my new in-ground garden, so I'm so glad you asked what others are doing!


I am planning on growing organic salads starting this week.. I'm spending $8 a week on lettuce/spinach, so I need to find an alternative to that.



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Just raspberries (we inherited a bush when we moved here - get a bumper crop each year!) and basil - hubby will plant about a dozen plants of different varieties, and harvest throughout the summer, making batch after batch of pesto for the deep freeze.


Don't have room for much else - the Labrador needs the yard to run in.


Oh boy!! Just want I've been wanting!


May I please, please, please, please PLEASE have your pesto recipe?? I've been desperately wanting freezer recipes for pesto!!


Can you tell me how you make it, how you freeze it, and what you do with it when you eat it??


I'm so excited!! :party:

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I've planted some spinach, I just dug up today from our former house, raspberries, so we won't get any this year, but will in the future. I have a few tomato plants started. I will also plant, peppers, just a few, zucchini, cucumbers and green beans. We will just have a small area. But I uncovered some dead stuff the other day that was in chicken wire and fence posts, underneath was a huge mound of compost. I can't wait to till up a garden and put in on there.



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I have planted:


peas, onions, potatoes, lettuce, broccoli, beets, carrots


In about 2 weeks, I will add:


Tomatoes -3 kinds, peppers, watermelon, musmelon, corn, more lettuce, green beans, zucchini, sweet potatoes


I'm thinking about trying: popcorn, garlic


I think that's it! I love to garden and be outside!

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Here's what we plant. We use organic seeds and some plants (tomato and pepper). Our old garden, before we oved was much larger and also included corn, pumpkins, potatoes, and peas:



Swiss Chard

Bush Beans


Sweet Peppers

Hot Peppers




Yellow Crookneck Squash

Spaghetti Squash

Sunflowers (for the birds)

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Ok, here we go:


Strawberries--new plants so won't have berries until next year






Green peppers

hot peppers





chinese cabbage



green beans

swiss chard--for the bunnies


asparagus--it's in now so we are eating it up

Spaghetti squash


maybe sweet pototoes

and possibly some corn.



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Oh boy!! Just want I've been wanting!


May I please, please, please, please PLEASE have your pesto recipe?? I've been desperately wanting freezer recipes for pesto!!


Can you tell me how you make it, how you freeze it, and what you do with it when you eat it??


I'm so excited!! :party:



Hey Tracy ~


Not trying to intercept your request here, but I wanted to just let you know that I, too, store basil after the growing season is over. But, I do so in olive oil, not as pesto, because (1) it's more versatile that way and (2) the other ingredients in pesto are readily available in winter and making the pesto fresh lends itself to a fresher taste, imo. However...you may not be interested in the least, which is fine and dandy if that's the case. I'm just sayin'....:D

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This is my first attempt at a real garden instead of a little container garden on a balcony. I have raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries growing already. I will also be growing:


4 or 5 kinds of sweet peppers


cherry tomatoes


snow peas

green beans




yellow squash





lots of herbs


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Our English peas are almost at an end. We still have a few onions left to harvest. We have the beginnings of the largest grape tomatoes I have ever seen, some crookneck squash, and zucchini. Our cucumbers aren't looking too good for some reason. They didn't do well last year either. Dh plans on planting butterbeans later. He asked me just today if I wanted him to plant anything else. Maybe I'll get some ideas from all of you. :001_smile:

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