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Thank You for the Encouragement & Prayers! (More Inside)

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Even before everything here started happening, I wasn't totally aware that THIS week is Thanksgiving week. So, I am just SO out of it.:001_huh:


TO ALL OF YOU HERE, what I am most thankful for this year is the prayers and kind thoughts and words that you have all shared with me. Our family has been lifted up and has been able to continue putting one foot in front of the other and it is because of the power of prayer and the good wishes sent by you here. THANK YOU! I have not had to stop and wonder for an instant how I am going to do 'the next thing' -- driving to NJ, turning around and driving back to Va., having my kids and I complete for 100+ crafts for a co-op craft party, my dd's interview for private school for 7th grade, and a million other things. THANK YOU!:grouphug: I know THAT is prayer and good wishes - it is NOT me.


My daughter, Stacey, is in the O.R. as I write -- prayers appreciated. My two daughters and my grand-daughter will be going to The Kennedy Center this afternoon to see The Nutcracker. DS10 has gone to spend the day at the office with dh :lol::lol:.


I've been doing school work with my grand-daughter, Allison, and she has enjoyed it.


I am thinking that this afternoon if I close my eyes and go to sleep during the performance of The Nutcracker, no one will really mind.;)


Tomorrow, we will drive back to NJ with Allison, visit for a little while, we are not going to my sister's house for dinner which would be the logical thing for us to do, BUT it's best if we don't go there. If you PM me, I'll fill you in -- it will just take a few days as I will be away from the computer for a day or two. It is, however, the quintessential story as regards having my sister as my sister.;):glare: And, at some level, it IS funny.


We will return to VA tomorrow afternoon hopefully when the rest of the planet is eating dinner so traffic will not be horrendous. Next Saturday, 12/5, we go back to NJ for the funeral service -- Stacey and Mario named their baby Robert Francis after their paternal grandfathers.


I have books for Stacey and Mario to read, books the kids and I have read to Allison about grief and loss, and we are all with the grace of G-d and the kind thoughts and prayers of others, walking this path. My mom, and some of you already know this, has been the DONKEY-BUTT QUEEN of 'YOUR EMOTIONS MAKE ME UNCOMFORTABLE -- PLEASE DON'T HAVE THEM!'


Thank you all from the bottom of my heart -- my prayers continue to go out to those of you who have asked for them -- I would have to tell anyone who maybe sits on the fence as far as asking for prayer or good wishes here -- GO AHEAD AND ASK! We have a mighty group of people here! Bless you!:grouphug: and Thank You.

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Hi Mariann,


I am so glad to hear you are getting that one foot in front of the other going. Just getting to one thing at a time, the next thing, is a good plan. Though it seems you already have quite the roadmap for the next few days. :grouphug:


I have been thinking about Stacey especially, just prayed for her in the OR. I pray that in His sovereign wisdom and timing, God will not only heal her broken heart but also move her to be a comfort and blessing to others in a way only she can be.


I am glad to know you are not going to your sister's. Jumping her hoops would not be a good use of your energy right now. Hope it wasn't too difficult to explain it to her.


Go ahead and plan on a Nutcracker Nap. I'm pretty sure you know how it ends anyway. ;)

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Hi Mariann,


I am so glad to hear you are getting that one foot in front of the other going. Just getting to one thing at a time, the next thing, is a good plan. Though it seems you already have quite the roadmap for the next few days. :grouphug:


I have been thinking about Stacey especially, just prayed for her in the OR. I pray that in His sovereign wisdom and timing, God will not only heal her broken heart but also move her to be a comfort and blessing to others in a way only she can be.


I am glad to know you are not going to your sister's. Jumping her hoops would not be a good use of your energy right now. Hope it wasn't too difficult to explain it to her.


Go ahead and plan on a Nutcracker Nap. I'm pretty sure you know how it ends anyway. ;)



:grouphug::grouphug: You are so sweet! thank you so much.


How are the owls? I do need to know what you have named them!:confused:


As for my sister: this is what I said: 'Oh, thank you for the invite, but we have so much running around to do, if it's okay, we won't stop by for either dinner or dessert.' And between you and me, I will PM you the story when I get a moment......a friend of mine told me it's one of the funniest things he's ever heard.:glare:


And from the bottom of my heart, thank you for your prayers for Stacey!:grouphug:


Wishing you and yours a blessed and festive Thanksgiving Holiday!!!!!!!!:grouphug:

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I thought the procedure was Friday, but for some reason I kept "forgetting" and praying for you all anyway... well I suppose the reason is obvious now ;)


God has blessed us through you. Your testimony, kindness, strength, and (most of all) faith has been such a great reminder. God bless you and yours.



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I thought the procedure was Friday, but for some reason I kept "forgetting" and praying for you all anyway... well I suppose the reason is obvious now ;)


God has blessed us through you. Your testimony, kindness, strength, and (most of all) faith has been such a great reminder. God bless you and yours.




Thank you --:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: -- And blessings to you and yours!

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Continuing to pray for you, Mariann. I am glad that in the storm of emotions, you've kept humor as one of them. It can get kind of dark at times but it is so helpful for getting through the tough times.


Jean: Thank you --:grouphug: -- you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers for healing and, heavens, this weather you all are having. :grouphug: Over the river and through the woods, indeed!:grouphug: Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!:grouphug:

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Mariann, your strength, sense of humor, kindness, generosity - well, YOU - are an inspiration to me. I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers. Your post has brought tears to my eyes. Oh, and definitely get some sleep during the Nutcracker.:)



I am touched, Kathleen. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Peace and blessings to you and yours -- Happy Thanksgiving! HUGS - and thanks for the permission to nap! ;)

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I have to share about napping through the Nutcracker. A couple of years ago, we got tickets for dd8 to go to the Nutcracker for her December birthday. Dh was so tired but he came and fell asleep during the performance. Did you know that there is a point where a cannon goes off?! Dh jumped up so high in his seat! That woke him up!:eek:

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Mariann, I'm so glad to hear you "sound" a little better. And I've decided that I've changed my mind about your mother. I've decided she's selfish. :glare:


This is a very hard time for everyone. I may sound like a broken record but I'm going to say this again: Grief is a very individual thing. Grieve in your own personal way, just like Stacey and everyone else will. Everyone's process is different, their own, and normal. Accept it. And for HEAVEN'S SAKE DO NOT GO TO YOUR MOTHER OR SISTER FOR COMFORT. Actually, I learned to guard my tongue during the process of trying to accept my mother for who she was and for what she could never give me. She could never, EVER give me an encouraging word so I learned what not to share with her. I got an unexpected blessing, though, because after the Boundaries bible study and all the changes I made, our relationship blossomed into something unexpected and beautiful. I can't thank God enough for that happening before dementia came in and robbed my mother of who she was.


When you get a chance, and I know you're very busy, please PM me the very funny thing your friend told you. I'm always in for a good laugh, and maybe it's something I could learn from, too. ;)


I am heartbroken for Stacey. Today is going to be a very difficult day for her, Mariann. I wasn't as far along as her, but the day my baby had to be taken from me, I just felt like I could die from the pain I was feeling in my heart. I pray the surgery go well, and that God comfort her and give her a peace which surpasses all understanding. I'm sorry all of you have to go through this. So sorry. One thing that gave me comfort, and maybe you can think of this with precious Robert, is that although I desperately wanted my baby with us, I was happy for her that she got to to straight to heaven and live a perfectly happy life, never knowing sadness, suffering or pain. This was one thing I had to focus on as I was overcome with my own grief.



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Mariann, your strength, sense of humor, kindness, generosity - well, YOU - are an inspiration to me. I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers. Your post has brought tears to my eyes. Oh, and definitely get some sleep during the Nutcracker.:)





You and yours are still in my heart and prayers.


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only three years older than my oldest grandson so I think that I kind of understand your unique family dynamics. I've had my daughter in law go through dangerous births with my ds at my side. It's hard but it's comforting at the same time to have little ones around, isn't it? It's wonderful that you have Allison there. Have some chocolate or little treats in your purse and some extra to share with the little ones too:)

I pray that all of your plans will go smoothly.

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I'm assuming you've seen the Nutrcracker like, a bazillion times? It doesn't get any better even though people keep performing it. It is one of the most baffling aspects of ballet, imo, & it seems to even baffle the prof dancers I've known. I'm guessing *most* people would prefer to sleep through The Nutcracker. Maybe you can lead a revolution that will make us all be honest w/ ea other: the music may be wonderful, but the choreography is unsalvageable & the story is *old* & *boring.*


Whew. That was nice. Now, I hope you can still sleep, what with all the pressure of leading a revolution you'll have on your hands.


:grouphug: May you at least enjoy all the quiet hours in the car. Dh & I took a long road trip for our honeymoon & still find that one of the best ways to bond. But we're crazy like that.

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Mariann!!! I'm so happy to read this update from you. You really are a special person. I'll continue to pray for your family.


Thank you so much :grouphug: -- and how is Margaret?


I have to share about napping through the Nutcracker. A couple of years ago, we got tickets for dd8 to go to the Nutcracker for her December birthday. Dh was so tired but he came and fell asleep during the performance. Did you know that there is a point where a cannon goes off?! Dh jumped up so high in his seat! That woke him up!


I didn't nap till after the intermission - by the time the cymbals went crazy, I was already awake. A cannon? I would have jumped out of my skin!


Mariann, I'm so glad to hear you "sound" a little better. And I've decided that I've changed my mind about your mother. I've decided she's selfish.



When you get a chance, and I know you're very busy, please PM me the very funny thing your friend told you. I'm always in for a good laugh, and maybe it's something I could learn from, too.




Denise: Thank you so much my wise friend. And, Denise, you already know the story -- it's about my sister's Thanksgiving Dinner Guests (and my children) -- although I can PM you with some other funnies that I've had to say about it. And you are so right -- I will post in my update what Stacey told me earlier - it was a rough day for her physically and emotionally.




I get teary reading your updates, and send lots of love, hugs, prayers and peace your way. You are amazing to be holding up and holding it all together.


You are so nice -- I don't feel amazing - today I felt downright exhausted BUt thrilled to be able to take my daughters and my grand-daughter to The Kennedy Center and all of us had such a nice day.:) Thank you so much for your kind words!



You and yours are still in my heart and prayers.



Thank you, Faithe -- and you and yours are in mine.:grouphug:


only three years older than my oldest grandson so I think that I kind of understand your unique family dynamics. I've had my daughter in law go through dangerous births with my ds at my side. It's hard but it's comforting at the same time to have little ones around, isn't it? It's wonderful that you have Allison there. Have some chocolate or little treats in your purse and some extra to share with the little ones too

I pray that all of your plans will go smoothly.


Merry - Yup - I know that you understand! Thank you for your prayers and prayers to your family for a blessed Thanksgiving.:) I bought Allison and Emily special gifts at the Gift Shop at kennedy center this afternoon.


:grouphug: to you Mariann. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and sleep through the Nutcracker if you need too . I'll let you know how it ends.




:lol: I did really need that nap!


I'm assuming you've seen the Nutrcracker like, a bazillion times? It doesn't get any better even though people keep performing it. It is one of the most baffling aspects of ballet, imo, & it seems to even baffle the prof dancers I've known. I'm guessing *most* people would prefer to sleep through The Nutcracker. Maybe you can lead a revolution that will make us all be honest w/ ea other: the music may be wonderful, but the choreography is unsalvageable & the story is *old* & *boring.*


Whew. That was nice. Now, I hope you can still sleep, what with all the pressure of leading a revolution you'll have on your hands.


May you at least enjoy all the quiet hours in the car. Dh & I took a long road trip for our honeymoon & still find that one of the best ways to bond. But we're crazy like that.


Oh, Aubrey -- I sat there thinking the same thing: I loved the orchestra - LOVED the orchestra! I kept watching the ballet thinking: who made up this dance? WHAT a mess! No joke! As far as the ride - the good thing is that Kennedy Center is 25 minutes from our house and the ride home at rush hour still only took 30 minutes -- I am SO relieved about that!


Our thoughts are with you as you just get through this time. Thank goodness for functioning on auto-pilot.

Your dd and SIL are in our prayers.

Be safe during your travels!


Thank you so much! We are going to get a very early start in the a.m. And, yes, I have the utmost respect for 'auto-pilot' at this point. Prayers to you and yours for a wonderful Thanksgiving!:grouphug:

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Mariann, I have been praying for you all.


I have fond memories of seeing the Washington Ballet perform The Nutcracker at the Mechanic Theater. What a treat to see it at the Kennedy Center. The girls will remember it forever. Thank you for taking them.


That's so nice of you to say! I love The Kennedy Center -- probably mostly because I KNOW how to get there! Other places in DC are a real problem for me, but TKC, for some reason, I can get myself there just fine. This was a production by The Joffrey Ballet -- but like I said, music was wonderful -- dancing -- so-so.:001_huh: I just emailed photos of the three girls (all dressed up) to my daughter.

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