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Does your spouse or s/o realize how much work it is to hs?

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My dh does a great job of understanding what I do. And he has done school with the kids. He has even been known to tell me (when we are having major attitude days) to leave it, and he will do the school that is left when he gets home.


We have decided that in many ways he is the better teacher, but I am the better planner. If we were independently wealthy it would be the perfect situation :lol:.

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it helps to read all of your thoughts on this issue. too often i will feel alone in being frustrated.


dh was hsed all the way up. it is different on the other side of things though.

a while ago the kids were bugging dh and he said why dont you do a little hs?


he does not question the benefits of it though...being hsed...


i agree with the pp who said it is hard to really understand another persons hard work...what they go through. it goes both ways.

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My DH knows how much work it is, he is often home during the week with his sliding schedule and is helping teach Physics this year. He is very understanding about the house and often throws in a load of laundry when he comes home in the morning from a night shift. DH understands when he is working the day shift to the point that if I have "that look" when he walks in the door he will hand me the keys to the Jeep and tell me take a ride, and complain if I come back to early. :auto:


I have to say my DH gets it, and I am very grateful that he does.

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I honestly don't know. He does teach a day here or there sometimes, and he's the Art teacher. He's also a den leader, so he's used to planning the activities there for the kids now. Whenever he teaches, though, ds tends to be much easier, as he's the "fun" parent :001_huh::glare:

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It's been amazing to me just how much falls on my shoulders now. All the homeschooling, planning, research, organizing, errands, cooking, shopping, appointments, housekeeping, dog care, child care, elder care, etc. I guess that's just the way of things, eh?


I think my dh does understand. He's just not prepared after his many long hours to take on more himself, so he just hopes I am able to squeeze it in. After all, these things have to get done and he can't habitually take off work all the time. It makes sense that it would fall to us.


Sometimes we do need to hear the words : you work hard for our family and I appreciate it!


:iagree:This describes my situation very well, though dh is generally great about helping with the baby and my elderly mom.

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My DH doesn't have a clue either, but he is an easy-going guy who is happy to come home to a hot meal and a happy family. He doesn't care about the housekeeping, will step around the current science project in the kitchen, drive DD to nutcracker practice and sit there for hours with a smile. Right now the cat ripped apart an art project that involved a billion pipe cleaners and has scattered them all over the living room and DH is teasing the cat with one of the pipe cleaners. He will wash dishes and do laundry if he wanders by those areas and sees something that needs to get done, but he never says a word to me about the house. He thinks that the kids are smart and that they are getting a good education and accepts whatever I decide on for curriculum. He sometimes jokes around about how we have so much time during the day, but he likes it that my day centers around the kids.

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We're only doing preK here and dh doesn't get it! He seems to believe that thinking about the end result is enough to guarantee success and that doing as everyone else does will somehow result in something different to how everyone else turns out. He's all for things just happening. I'm ok with that as long as he doesn't stop me making those things "just happen."




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