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Got that 'you have four heads' look yesterday LOL

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So, I'm at my foster son's public elementary school with my two homeschooled daughters, 6 and 8. We were there to check out the book fair.


As I'm checking in at the office, the secretary said, "The book fair had- :::very excited voice::: Hannah Montana books!"


:::big smile:::


:::waiting for response from my girls:::


::::sounds of crickets chirping:::: (lol)


::::puzzled look on her face::::


I said, "We don't have cable, they don't know who she is.".


:::*you have four heads* look:::




They must think we are really odd. I mean, what little girl doesn't worship Hannah Montana?!


Such cruel parents we are for shielding our children from cable tv! Sheesh! :tongue_smilie:



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I'd loved to have been there to see the expression on the teacher's face! (and, we have cable, but dd doesn't watch Hannah Montana. I've banned it. I can't tolerate that girl's voice and the fact she's so pushy and always YELLING makes me want to hurl things at the TV.) Bah.

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Mine knows who she is. She doesn't "get it" though. "Why is Hannah Montana everywhere?", "Why is she so COOL?"



Ditto. Let me get this straight, though. The secretary at the school was EXCITED because they have Hannah Montanah books? Hmmmmmm.


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"So, who do you think will get kicked off on American Idol/Survivor/The Amazing Race/[insert title of competitive "reality" show here]?"


"Um, we don't watch that."




"So, did you see [insert title of latest action-themed or superhero Hollywood blockbuster here] yet?"


"Um, no. We'll probably skip that one."


I can't quite decide whether I am more amused or appalled by the look of stunned silence.

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Mine knows who she is. She doesn't "get it" though. "Why is Hannah Montana everywhere?", "Why is she so COOL?"


That would be the same for my kids. They know the name, a few of their friends are interested, and I think they even saw a few minutes of the show once on vacation, but they don't "get" it.


In the OP's scenario, I think they would have blinked back at the secretary and dd would have said, "Oh. But do they have Ramona books?" ;)

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My girls really like her, but that's only because the neighbors do. I was so disappointed to have them come home from playing one day and ask me to buy her music. But it is leading to some mature conversation about fame and music and how unrealistic that world is and it's influence over us. Usually after a day or two of playing over there, they forget about it.

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So, I'm at my foster son's public elementary school with my two homeschooled daughters, 6 and 8. We were there to check out the book fair.


As I'm checking in at the office, the secretary said, "The book fair had- :::very excited voice::: Hannah Montana books!"


:::big smile:::


:::waiting for response from my girls:::


::::sounds of crickets chirping:::: (lol)


::::puzzled look on her face::::


I said, "We don't have cable, they don't know who she is.".


:::*you have four heads* look:::




They must think we are really odd. I mean, what little girl doesn't worship Hannah Montana?!


Such cruel parents we are for shielding our children from cable tv! Sheesh! :tongue_smilie:




That really gets me on two levels....

1) My girls don't watch TV and have no clue who she is. So, we must have 4 heads to.


2) Book fairs are no place for TV/movie based stuff. What about selling these kids real books?! (This would bother me even if I did not represent Usborne, by the way.) Librarians are getting sick of all that stuff, too. The focus has shifted from literacy to entertainment It is really sad.

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