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Serious panic attack today involving medical procedure. Why didn't someone warn me?

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I went for my HIDA scan today. No fun at all! I went in expecting a quick 15 minute procedure like an U/S. No, they strap you to a table and squish you with a machine like a CAT scan only bigger and then you have to stay like that for an hour and a half.


I once watched a movie where a guy was in a mental home and the dr. kept locking him in one of those drawers like they have at the morgue. That is my biggest paranoia and I got to experience something very close to it for an hour and a half.


Then every time he administered more of the med to make my gall baldder contract I would have a major wave of nausea. Still nauseous now 12 hours later. I haven't been able to eat all day and the pain has been a worse today. I don't know if that is because of my gall bladder or the stress from the test.


He did say that the dye did not go through my system at first like it was supposed to and he thought that it was my gall bladder. I don't know about after the med that made it contract. I could see that some was getting through but I don't know if it was as much as was supposed to. I should hear something tomorrow. What ever happens, it should be better than the test!

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I had a HIDA scan last year and I did have a panic attack .....it WAS scary. I didn't expect it at all. My husband fortunately was with me and he helped me though it by praying with me. It was awful.

And yes, my gall bladder did have to go "bye bye". The gall bladder surgery was easier than the HIDA scan.

Sending you :grouphug:.

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I've had a HIDA scan, and it was AWFUL. I think that is just the nature of the prodedure. I am so sorry for you. I understand.


I've said since then that if they ever suspect my gallbladder again, they can just go ahead and remove it rather than going through that scan again!!:glare:

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I haven't had that done before but I think it would freak me out too! I'm having an "esophogeal motility" test done Monday and apparently it involves a tube and your nose. No sedation b/c they need you to do things like swallow on cue. A valium would be great. . .but I"m sure that'll never happen!


I always try to research these things on the net so I'm a bit prepared. My doc. didn't tell me that this test was the one with the tube, so imagine my surprise when I looked it up online.


The things we go through to get healthy. . .sheesh!

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When they did mine, nothing was showing up so they had to give me morphine to see if that would relax the duct enough for it to allow some to go through. That didn't work, so they never had to give me the meds to make it contract (since my gall bladder had stopped functioning and nothing was going through), but I cried when they told me about the morphine. I absolutely hate having narcotics, and even though they gave me the smallest amount possible I felt so yucky I cried, ok it was more like teary wimpering. I hate that feeling! :crying:

I had mine out 4 days later. Much better now!

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