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Question for those of you who text

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do you type in text speak when you text? I know teens/tweens do, and probably college students. I'm just wondering if most adults use text speak.


No. I abhor text speak and refuse to use it. I think it makes people look stupid.


I don't equate text speak with abbreviations, though. Like here, we abbreviate curriculum publishers (BJU, MFW, etc) but texting things like, "C U L8R" drives me INSANE.

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No. I refuse. I will only use standard spelling and grammar. The only exception I make is using wknd for weekend.



Me too. Except I don't capitalize names when I'm talking to my kids. It would take twice as long and they know it's only acceptable while texting.

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Some abbreviations due to limited character space, but no real text speak.


No, no, no, no, no. I cannot stand text speak! I capitalize, use punctuation, and spell out words. Occasionally I will use (common) abbreviations such as Mon. for Monday, but I do not consider that text speak.


And for some reason, teenagers have begun adding letterssss to theirrr wordss like thisss. It drivess meeee bonkers!


That drives me nuts too, especially because I *think* the intention is to stretch out the word for emphasis. But they don't seem to get it that it would be, "I LOOOOOOOVE Facebook," and that in "I LOVEEEEEEEEEEE facebook," "LOVEEEEEE" would actually read, "Lovey."

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Honestly, I do it if I'm in a hurry and know DH is too and we just need to communicate something quickly.



"R U OK?" "OK"

"Home 4 Dinner?" "No"

"Evde" (Turkish for "At home")


Yes, it's annoying, but there are times when I know he needs info (or I need it) quickly and he doesn't have time to read/type a lot.

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I don't, nor do most of the adults I know who text. I also use proper capitalization and punctuation. I do use a few internet abbreviations such as lol or iirc, but I use them sparingly. My 13yos will use some text speak, more with his friends than with dh or me. I don't mind that he does, because I know he understands when it's appropriate and when it isn't.

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I have a "friend" on Facebook from high school who types numbers for words in her status updates. Ahhhhhh!:willy_nilly:


My ex-sil is a facebook friend of mine and she does this. I cringe when she comments on any of my status updates. She's almost 50, and it just doesn't look right coming from someone her age.:banghead:

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okay. what IS text speak??? isn't it just short and and simple abbreviations that are still recognizable???? i *thought* i used text talk all of the time, but in reading your replies, maybe i'm not??? can i have an example??

It's more like some crazy style of shorthand that is hard to decipher- I could probably figure out abbreviations, as long as they were proper abbreviations. I'd need a cheat sheet if they were using acronyms that I am unfamiliar with.


http://www.netlingo.com/acronyms.php has examples

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I don't, nor do most of the adults I know who text. I also use proper capitalization and punctuation. I do use a few internet abbreviations such as lol or iirc, but I use them sparingly. My 13yos will use some text speak, more with his friends than with dh or me. I don't mind that he does, because I know he understands when it's appropriate and when it isn't.

I don't consider regular message board and e-mail acronyms to be text speak. I hate trying to text with my phone, it's a plain old cell and it has no keyboard so I have to try to negotiate the hunt and peck. It also keeps defaulting to auto-fill, and if I type A it puts up three letters automatically instead of just an A, but it's never any of the other letters that I need. I can't figure out my auto-fill, LOL.

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Guest Cindie2dds
I tend to use proper spelling and punctuation even in my texts. :tongue_smilie: So does dh. We have iPhones, so it's easy to type/read real words.


This is me! :)

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I do a fair amount of texting and I've only seen a very few of those. Of course, those aren't phrases that I would use anyway, even if spelled out.

That's the sort of thing I've seen my teen SIL and BIL text when they were visiting. Some of it is deliberately coded so that parents won't understand what their kids are saying when they read over the kids shoulder.

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I do that too LOL. It's usually because my iPhone has inserted the auto word thing in there. That feature is more trouble than it's worth LOL.


Dh and I both have iPhones.


Last night, 5 pm:

Dh: "Hey honey, I'm leaving work now."


Me: "I'm leaving in ten minutes. Stopping at Whole Foods for stir-fry vegggies. Want anything else while I"m there?"


Dh: "Sure! Can you pick me up some virgins?"


Me: (knowing that he meant VIRGIL'S, a really yummy root beer he loves; we usually buy it there) "Sure, but they come in a four-pack. You're curling tonight; do you think you'll have the energy?! :lol:"


Dh: "Da*n autofill!"


We had a good laugh about it! I agree; it's more trouble than it's worth!

And no, I can't bring myself to use text-speak.



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It's more like some crazy style of shorthand that is hard to decipher- I could probably figure out abbreviations, as long as they were proper abbreviations. I'd need a cheat sheet if they were using acronyms that I am unfamiliar with.


http://www.netlingo.com/acronyms.php has examples


okay, thank you. i do type short-hand, and some of it's made up by me. it's just my husband or 2 best friends mostly that i text with though (occasionally my sister or nieces). for example, my husband just sent a text with something funny that he did...my reply was "ur crazy". i've also replied to him with, "k. c u tonight". it's just easier & he knows me quite well obviously ...i can't imagine that he's judging my intelligence based on my text replies. my best friends are lazy texting fools too, lol...so i know they don't mind. we don't actually have a dialogue with texting though...just quick questions and answers. our replies are rather lazy, but discernible for sure.

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