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It was 8th grade all over again (spelling bee heartache)

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[big sigh]


In 8th grade I made it to the all-district spelling bee finals. It was down to me and Vicki V. (a 7th grader -- a mere child!) and I spelled "ally" incorrectly. Don't ask me how, I was thinking allies and just left off the final "s" I guess. Anyway, she spelled it right and then chapeau for the win.


Fast forward to tonight (30 years or so later, by the way) -- spelling bee at church with about 17-18 in the adult group. I was in for the win, baby. And again made it to the last two. The other gal and I went back and forth a couple of times and then she got xanadu. She had never heard the word before, whereas I grew up when Olivia Newton John was famousest. She asked for a sentence and they didn't have one. I couldn't think of one, but said something like "it's a frame of mind or state of being." She misspelled it so it came to me. And what did I do? With "xanadu" pictured in my mind my mouth said "z-a-n-a-d-u." I didn't even know I said it wrong. When they said "incorrect" I was confused. Another gal from the audience spelled it, then I realized I must've said "z" instead of "x." Ugh. So then back and forth a bit more (during which I got xenophobe -- and for which I started, "z-e-n-" but then started over with the right spelling). Anyway, in the end I got labyrinth and blanked. I knew there was a "y" in there but forgot the 2nd syllable (I spelled it labrynth). She got it and won. (Didn't we used to have to spell an additional word to win? The one that the 2nd place person got wrong, and then another one? That's how I remember it). Bummer!!


Fun night, though -- I'll get over the heartbreak.


:001_huh: :grouphug: :lol:


(Had fun watching my 10yo son win his age group -- I had no idea he could spell that well, LOL).

Edited by milovaný
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It was just a spelling bee with all the fourth grade classes.

It was down to just me and Juliet R.

And the word was "Indian".

Which I spelled "i-n-d-i-a-n"

And the teacher said, "No that is not correct".

I could not believe what I was hearing! Then it is Juliet's turn and she says "CAPITAL I, n-d-i-a-n" with that smirky grin. And of course she then won first place!

How do you know I didn't mean capital I? I didn't say "lower case i"!!!!!

But I'm not bitter.....:glare:

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My only spelling bee was in 9th grade. I'm not sure why we did one then. I think it was just for our school and just 9th graders, though. First we got the whole thing off to a bad start. The first word was "gaily." But the list had it as "gayly." After half a dozen kids got out because they all spelled it the first way, we started over. (I think it's worth noting we had a sub that day. Our regular teacher was a stickler on spelling.) I, and about another half dozen kids got out on "solder." I had no idea. I had never even heard that word before then. I gave an "s" but they let the time go on and on even after I said I had no idea.


But the worst was in 2nd grade--yes, I still remember--and I was in competition for the most perfect scores on spelling tests. I was leading by one, and it was the final test of the year. But I blew it. I misspelled "remember" as "rember." I will always rember that one. :lol:



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5th grade. Lavatory. Had never heard the word before.

Not that the trauma stayed with me (ha!) but my youngest daughter did make to to the National Spelling Bee, and I coached two other kids to the nationals. Pushy parent much???

Not that public school traumatized me or anything...

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We never forget The Spelling Bee Word, do we?


Mine was "majesty." I thought it was like magic, so I spelled it with a "g."


That's so nifty about your daughter going to Nats, Annie. Spelling Bee night is like Superbowl Sunday in our house; we block out the evening, make popcorn, and settle in front of the television. It's been several years since this word came up, and still all we have to do to make each other laugh is say, "Numnah."

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I was just discussing this with my kids yesterday. My wife (Chelle in MO) and I both were second place in our respective 8th grade spelling bees.


I miss farfetched. I totally blanked on it. It was like I had never heard the word. I went on to be an engineer. My classmate who won ended up in prison. I guess the 8th grade spelling bee isn't an accurate predictor of future success.

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I was just discussing this with my kids yesterday. My wife (Chelle in MO) and I both were second place in our respective 8th grade spelling bees.


I miss farfetched. I totally blanked on it. It was like I had never heard the word. I went on to be an engineer. My classmate who won ended up in prison. I guess the 8th grade spelling bee isn't an accurate predictor of future success.


Now I'm picturing the prison spelling bee...

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This thread is hilarious!!! I had the same experience in 8th grade, believe it or not, though I'm embarrassed to say I can't recall the word anymore. I thought I'd never forget it! I remember being horrified too--I was positive I spelled it correctly. I was never even sure how I misspelled it, because I was so sure I did it right. It was word I knew, and knew how to spell. I must have just misspoken. And yes, an upstart 7th grader beat me too. So annoying!

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