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Found a dog...WWYD?

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As dh and I were driving home from our coffee date last night, we saw a loose dog running around the neighborhood. We stopped to see if he had a collar so we could return him. He has a collar but no tag.


We knocked on a couple of doors on the street where we found him to see if he belonged to anyone or if anyone knew where he lived. No luck.


So, we brought him home (half mile at most from where we found him within the same neighborhood). We didn't want him risking getting hit by a car.


Dh took a photo of him and made up some signs and went back out to post the signs as well as canvas more of the neighborhood to see if anyone knew him. No luck again so he stayed with us last night.


We left him outside overnight. He is a barker! It's driving me crazy and I'm sure it drove my next door neighbors nuts last night!


So, WWYD? How long would you attempt to keep this dog without response to the signs? I don't want to make the neighbors suffer with the barking.:confused: Would you call animal control?

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As dh and I were driving home from our coffee date last night, we saw a loose dog running around the neighborhood. We stopped to see if he had a collar so we could return him. He has a collar but no tag.



Call animal control. Sadly, someone probably dropped him off.

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I'd see if a shelter or a vet would be willing to scan him for a microchip. If you want to keep him until the owner is found you can let animal control/the shelter know. Definitely leave a flier with them so they can have it on-hand in case the owners go looking for him there.

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Thank you for the input.


Very good news! "Brownie's" mom called just a couple of minutes ago from our sign and came to pick him up. She was very thankful that he had someplace to spend the night last night.:)


:thumbup: I'm glad his mom saw the fliers. You get good doggy karma for looking out for him :D I know I'd be extremely thankful if one of my furry babies got loose and someone took the time and effort to care for them and find us.

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I would call animal control. They can scan him and see if he has a microchip, and contact his owners if he does.



This is what we did a few years ago when we found a dog loose on the bike path. He did have a microchip and his owners were able to get him back. I still see him from time to time when his owner is walking him.

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I would call animal control. They can scan him and see if he has a microchip, and contact his owners if he does.


Agree with this, although I see your signs already worked out. We had a neighbor whose dog ran off. He was found 2 counties over! Fortunately he had a microchip and animal control was able to contact them.



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Funny, my dog's name is Brownie, too. Haven't ever met another :) BUT, luckily when he gets out.... he knows who holds his food... and runs from the backyard... to the front yard and barks to get in... He knows he has it too good to get lost :)


Funny, we had a cat that did this. We didn't let the cats out after we'd moved to a new house. But this cat had been a stray and was always trying to get out. On the few occasions that she did (it was always through the garage), she headed straight for the front door and meowed until we let her back in. She never was very bright!



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