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I feel an "I told you so" coming on

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Dh decided to take us all to see a movie. In 3D.:glare: It would be all well and good, but ds is only 3yo. He already wears glasses. I really don't think he will be happy wearing the 3D glasses over them. And of course you can't watch a 3D movie without them. Ugh. I really hope I am wrong, but I've heard too many stories of littles being miserable and sharing that miserableness in 3D movies. Tell me there are preschoolers out there who happily watch these movies. I need a small ray of hope. :001_unsure:

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Sorry, but I have a 3 year old who wears glasses. We avoid 3D movies. I wear glasses and it's a pain to keep 3D glasses on myself....they keep slipping off my nose since I have regular glasses on too. With my 3 year old, it's even worse. We went to a short 10 minute 3D show at Disney World this past week. I spent the entire 10 minutes holding the glasses on DD3's face so they wouldn't slip off. If it were any longer, both she and I would have been tired of it.


Sorry....that's our story LOL. I hope that yours will be better!

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Well. Mine enjoyed SHORT 3D films like at a theme park or some such, where it's only for 15 or 20 minutes. But I can't IMAGINE him (even at just about 5) sitting through an entire, full-length 3D movie.


Actually, I think it would be annoying for ME to sit through an entire full-length 3D movie.


LOL sorry.

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I wear glasses and it's a pain to keep 3D glasses on myself....they keep slipping off my nose since I have regular glasses on too.



This was my experience. It was quite a pain--and we only saw an Imax film, so only about 40 mins. Dd was 3yo at the time and refused to wear the 3d glasses at all! But she doesn't normally wear glasses so it was a bit foreign to her.


Hope your movie adventure works out for you.


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I've tried 3D movies in the past and instead of putting them on the outside I slipped them on the inside of the glasses. It worked pretty well but still don't care for the feel. If it's a movie I really want to see I'll put up with it but for the most part I avoid 3D movies. Perhaps you can try putting them on the inside. I do remember having to tear the sides on some of the styles.

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Well, I have good news. Ds did much, much better than I thought.:hurray: He had to keep his regular glasses on because he's very far-sighted, but he wore the 3D glasses over them without much problem. He only messed with them a bit twords the end because he was sleepy and sitting in my lap where he wasn't looking straight at the screen.

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