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Good breakfast/protein bar?

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Is there a good breakfast/protein bar that doesn't break the bank? DS12 wants a bar to eat on the 30 minute drive to basketball practice. He doesn't need 20 mg of protein (although he thinks he does because of his older weight lifter friend) or the best bar out there. I'm just looking for something that is at least half-way healthy, maybe healthier than a poptart, but not found in the "specialty" section where the prices on the bars are around $7 for 4 or 5 in a box.

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We like Luna bars here. There are a wide range of flavors and I can always find them for $1 or less. Trader Joes has a large selection and their regular price is $1 so that is my fall back place if I can get them somewhere else.


A couple things I like about them:


9g protein

Many, many flavors so we don't get sick of the same ones all the time.

Durable in a back pack/purse (some bars get mangled)

They don't have that certain flavor that a lot of bars have....that off flavor, that I can't really describe.

There are a couple of dairy free flavors so dd3 can eat them too.

Easy to find in almost any store.

They aren't huge but do fill a person up.

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breakfast cookie


This, IME, are easier to make and freeze well. Pick a flavor you like. There are also vids on YouTube for making meat pemmican. I have no idea what meat runs, so I don't know how much it would cost.


Personally, I'd go with an apple and a wedge of cheese.

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