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Etiquette - what sort of thank you comes next?

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I helped out a lady I know and it was a pretty major type of help. I was happy to do it and didn't expect anything more than a verbal thank you. I got that and more. She and her husband took me and my husband to a super nice dinner last night. I thanked her at the restaurant and gave her a hug. Do I need to do anything else to be polite? Or has it played out now? I don't want to appear ungrateful. It was a really nice gesture on their part and we really did have a great evening. Would an email be appropriate?

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Okay, I can do that. I just worried it seemed too formal and like she would feel obligated to thank me for thanking her and it would go on and on. :tongue_smilie:


LOL... well if it was me, being as it was sort of a 'return favor' to thank you for yours, I would think an email would be fine and that you could just write a brief line saying "I just wanted to say how nice a time we had at dinner last night! Hope we can get together again soon!" or some such.


Something that shows that you wanted to show a little extra appreciation but not a "thanks for thanking me, now you'll have to thank me for thanking you for thanking me" more formal kind of thing.

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UPDATE! She sent me an email saying how much she enjoyed our company and hopes to do it again soon. And she also made a similar comment on her Facebook status. She beat me to it! I can't thank her for thanking me again! :lol:


I didn't mention this is my dd18's ex-boyfriend's family, did I? :tongue_smilie: She loves my dd and thinks that she will be her son's teen-love-regret. The kids are actually still friends, but I think it's more due to the fact that dd18 absolutely loves this family.

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