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I have cheating classmates. Grrr.

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There are two girls in my Anatomy & Physiology course that are cheating on tests and lab practicals. I witnessed it myself today, there is no chance that I am mistaken, and when I mentioned to my lab partner that I saw two students cheating she knew immediately who it was without my saying who.


So...would you tattle to the instructor or just wait for what goes around to come around?


I'm kind of thinking that if one needs to cheat to get by then that person must not have a very good grade anyway; on the other hand, it is a competitive course and we are all vying for entry into a specific program. Our final grade in this class is *really* important. Students who earn anything less than an 'A' will wind up repeating the course next semester.

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There are two girls in my Anatomy & Physiology course that are cheating on tests and lab practicals. I witnessed it myself today, there is no chance that I am mistaken, and when I mentioned to my lab partner that I saw two students cheating she knew immediately who it was without my saying who.


So...would you tattle to the instructor or just wait for what goes around to come around?


I'm kind of thinking that if one needs to cheat to get by then that person must not have a very good grade anyway; on the other hand, it is a competitive course and we are all vying for entry into a specific program. Our final grade in this class is *really* important. Students who earn anything less than an 'A' will wind up repeating the course next semester.


I am feeling grouchy so I say tattle.

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Talk to your instructor. Voice your concern, tell him your suspicions.

As a college instructor, I am very concerned about fairness. I want the students to feel that the course is run fairly and that everybody ahs the same chance of success.

So, I would want to know if students are cheating. I would not confront a student and accuse him of dishonesty based on another student's word, but I would certainly make sure to keep an eye on them. (I once stood almost a whole exam next to a student who I knew was having a cheat sheet- but I could not prove it. I could, however, prevent him from having an opportunity to use it).

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Yes, our school has strict rules about cheating and an 'Academic Honestly' policy that is clearly outlined and reviewed by every instructor at the beginning of every semester in every class.


If you have an honor code, it is your duty to report them. With an honor code, not reporting them would make your basically as wrong as the cheaters.


You have to do your part to make the honor code work.


Unfortunatly, there is little honor among many people. I'm sure most students don't realize the school has an honor code, understand what it means or how imnportant it really is. But their lack of knowledge doesn't make your responiblity any less.


Okay that all came out sort of "Mom Lecture-ish". It wasn't meant to be a mom lecture, but, well it's been one of those days and I'm apparently in mom lecture mode! LOL!


But yes, turn them in. You'll be doing yourself, them and the rest of the class a favor. It's a hard lesson to learn, but it's one that needs to be learned. And we need more honor among us now a days!

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As someone who taught University courses I would want to be notified. I would not confront a student based solely on another students word, but like others have said, I would make it impossible for them to cheat...like standing between them. It tacitly lets them know you (the instructor) are aware of the fact.

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If you have an honor code, it is your duty to report them. With an honor code, not reporting them would make your basically as wrong as the cheaters.


You have to do your part to make the honor code work.


But yes, turn them in. You'll be doing yourself, them and the rest of the class a favor. It's a hard lesson to learn, but it's one that needs to be learned. And we need more honor among us now a days!



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Yes, tell the instructor. You're not tattling - tattling would be 'Professor, Sally was texting when you were talking.'


Although if that's a distraction to you, you should let your instructor know about it if there's a no phone policy.


Since your school has an honor code, you absolutely should follow the listed procedure. I'm sure it's not easy to do, but it's the right thing to do.

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If your school provides a formal way to anonymously report cheating, then I would do it with no qualms. If not, I might try to do so anonymously but only if I was ready to back up the report in person and to have the perpetrators know that I had done it. IME, it is hard to remain anonymous in these situations and I would only do it if I was ready and able to handle the worst case scenario of being discovered as the whistle blower.

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