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I think someone's following me at night...!

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This has really been creeping me out, I think someone is following me when I go for walks with my dog at night. I am not sure, but it's really wierd and I don't like it at all. There are a couple criminals in our area that are registered, but idk why they are out of jail! Once a criminal pretty much always a criminal!


My dad does NOT want me to go out at night alone anymore. He said the next time I do, I'm grounded and I couldn't agree more. My mom almost had a heart attack, and I thought I had one!


Tonight was the last straw, I heard footsteps again and my dog did too, he is generally a sweet loving dog, he doesn't harm anyone or anything, but at night if he hears something strange he warns me by growling or lunging forward, breaking the heel command I have him in. I ran home so fast that I almost broke my leg!


From now on, I am not walking at night! My dad is going to buy me pepper spray and is considering buying me a pocket knife at cabella's, and I have my cellphone and flashlight on at all times. During the day I am fine, I know everyone in my neighborhood, good and bad people. My dad is really nervous about my safety though, my mom is trying not to show it, and I just want to crawl under a rock...:chillpill:


I am so scared!

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Oh dear! Well, definitely don't walk your dog at night! I used to live in a bad part of a big city and had to take the bus all the time. I know what it is to be creeped out! Be brave, but be sensible too!


Learning to be safe is a lesson well learned! I'm sorry you are going through such a scary time but so glad you are taking it seriously.


I have never been so scared in my life!:confused: That was a terrible experience, I hope this never happens again...

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It would be better to do without the knife. Unless you're stronger than your attacker, he would end up with it.


It makes sense not to walk alone and definitely not to walk at predictable times. If your walking is unpredictable, it would have to be a crime of opportunity for you to get attacked. If you walk at approx. the same times following the same route, an attacker can plan the attack. He's had time to think about it at that point and you haven't. Don't depend on a dog to protect you when it is off its property.

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Oh, no!:grouphug:


I had a close call in a parking lot one time. I know exactly what that feels like!:crying:


I have since taught my kids, "Bad guys are #1 afraid of getting caught!" If you sense danger, draw public attention to yourself. Walk up to a door and ring the bell...I don't care if you don't know the house!...just get other's attention, and maybe ask them to call 911 for a safe ride home. If you don't have time to get to a door, be LOUD! You want people looking out their windows to see what in the world you are doing.


There is a guy somewhere telling a story about some crazy lady shouting across a parking lot to ask him to come and just stand there while she loaded her van...weird. There was also an abduction from a parking lot in that area a couple weeks later, sadly. The only thing that saved me that night was an impulse to draw attention to myself and make the potential crime a public event. The criminal decided to not get caught. Pepper spray, a knife or even a gun would not have helped me b/c I didn't sense the danger until it was *there* - those things only help if you have the time to plan to use them.


tbh - I just wouldn't walk the dog by myself anymore...unless it was a time of day and in an area with lots of people around and about. Ask a neighbor or anybody to go with you. Carry a very big and pointy stick!


Lock all your doors and all that jazz...a call to the police station to mention that you have heard someone following you on more than one occasion would not hurt.


Stay safe!

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I hope you will be able to settle in and get some sleep tonight.


You may want to reconsider the knife...unless you get some training. If you aren't trained to carry one, throw one, know where to attack with one, you probably won't be able to adequately defend youself before the perp manages to wrestle it away from you. As a general rule, men have much stronger upper bodies and grips, so in that situation, without combat knowledge that would give you the advantage, you might be quite likely to have the knife turned on you.


Pepper spray is a wonderful idea (bear spray for hunters in particular because it is even stronger).


I am glad you are staying in....your dad is wise to keep you close and especially at night.


One thing that has helped women a lot is a good self-defense course. Many times, retired law enforcement or military personnel offer these and they really know how the enemy thinks and moves. They also know how to help a woman use the most of her lower body strength. Us gals have ultra strong thighs, hips, and knees....we can kick with amazing force and quite often much harder than a man. They can teach you how to break a knee cap, throw a perp over your shoulder, break ribs with a kick, etc. It's usually based on some basic martial arts moves but does not require any previous karate experience nor anything advanced. Just good old fashioned, disable, run, and scream.


Be safe! That is the all important thing!!!!! You might want your dad to report this to the police. They may already be following someone, aware of disreputable behavior in your area, etc. and might run some extra police patrols in your neighborhood.



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I hope you will be able to settle in and get some sleep tonight.


You may want to reconsider the knife...unless you get some training. If you aren't trained to carry one, throw one, know where to attack with one, you probably won't be able to adequately defend youself before the perp manages to wrestle it away from you. As a general rule, men have much stronger upper bodies and grips, so in that situation, without combat knowledge that would give you the advantage, you might be quite likely to have the knife turned on you.


Pepper spray is a wonderful idea (bear spray for hunters in particular because it is even stronger).


I am glad you are staying in....your dad is wise to keep you close and especially at night.


One thing that has helped women a lot is a good self-defense course. Many times, retired law enforcement or military personnel offer these and they really know how the enemy thinks and moves. They also know how to help a woman use the most of her lower body strength. Us gals have ultra strong thighs, hips, and knees....we can kick with amazing force and quite often much harder than a man. They can teach you how to break a knee cap, throw a perp over your shoulder, break ribs with a kick, etc. It's usually based on some basic martial arts moves but does not require any previous karate experience nor anything advanced. Just good old fashioned, disable, run, and scream.


Be safe! That is the all important thing!!!!! You might want your dad to report this to the police. They may already be following someone, aware of disreputable behavior in your area, etc. and might run some extra police patrols in your neighborhood.





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considering buying me a pocket knife at cabella's, and !


I never carried a knife for such things, because I felt it could easily be taken from me and used on me. What I'm glad I did do, because I spent years walking alone, was take a class where we practiced loud shouts, stomps to the instep, the rabbit punch, how to break a grip around the neck, etc. More than one victim has been dropped when the grabber is surprised by an immediate, pain-inflicting response.

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IMO, the main problem with a knife is that you have to be quite close to your attacker to use it. And it is only useful if you sense the danger and have the time to get it out and open it up. My preference for your situation would be a spray with a looong distance reach.


The following may be bad advice, so check it out with your local law enforcement before you consider doing it. I am not one who is willing to run scared. The fact that anyone would have the audacity to try to victimize me really ticks me off. So...I would call LE and arrange for someone to follow me at a slight distance on my next walk to see if there was anyone else tagging along. I refuse to have my life curtailed just so some jerk can indulge in their sickness. I would also consider borrowing a friend's very large dog for the walk.

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Well, I'm on the other end of the spectrum from HillFarm.


Rather than count on my pepper spray (I really don't want to ever have to use it), I don't go out at night alone (even with my dog), don't go down to the lake alone etc. etc.


I basically don't park in isolated situations etc.


I have a friend who wanted to go to the lake just the two of us and I said, "no." And she made a comment like, "you can't live like that."


I thought, "actually I don't want to end up dead because a bad guy knows I'm in an isolated area and can't call for help."


Too, my dad was violent so I know what's it's like to be attacked and don't want that happening again.


I would not go out at night. Period.


Hang in there,



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Oh dear! Well, definitely don't walk your dog at night!


Bolded by me.




Pepper spray or mace can be useless. First, you have to have the presence of mind to spray it, hoping all the while that the attacker doesn't take it away from you. Second, you have to hope the wind is in your favor and it doesn't spray back into your face. That situation is quite helpful to attackers.


Knives ... well, let's just say that unless you have been trained to fight using a knife, it can be taken away from you, too. Then there's that old saying: Don't bring a knife to a gunfight. If your attacker is stronger, faster, bigger, and/or carries a gun (or a knife), your knife will not do you any good at all.


There are plenty of criminals who have the ability to attack and abduct you whether or not you are carrying pepper spray or a knife. They can overpower you, no matter how strong you are. This is simply because the element of surprise is in their favor. Unless you have been attacked by a stranger, you have no idea how you will respond. People usually respond in one of three ways: Fight, Flight, or Freeze.


Also, you do not know how a potential attacker has armed himself. If he has a gun, then your goose is cooked if you bring out the pepper spray or a knife. In fact, if someone does have a gun, your best chance is to run away in a zig-zag pattern. Lots of criminals use guns to intimidate and won't shoot unless they get scared, and even then, most haven't had any target practice.


Whatever you do, never, ever, get into a car with an abductor/attacker. They don't politely invite you into their vehicle -- they have a weapon or some way to intimidate you into obeying them. Stop walking your dog at night. Your life and safety are worth a whole lot more than your dog's walk. Believe me, when someone is attacked by a criminal, it hurts a whole lot physically, it is terrifying, and oftentimes they do not survive the experience. When they do survive, they are often badly injured and they never fully get over the experience mentally.


I was kidnapped when I was a teenager, by a man who had a gun. I was lucky I escaped, unscathed physically, after 24 hours. The police, who guarded me for several weeks while they looked for the guy, were surprised about that. It almost never happens that a victim can outwit her abductor. So don't count on that. My kidnapper's plan was to take me to a secluded cabin, and eventually kill me.

Edited by RoughCollie
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Tazer? I carry bear spray in the mountains and feel reasonably confident I could stave off a bear so I would feel confident enough to use it on a person as long as I was in a situation where I could see his approach and remain in some control of the situation. Which of course is up for grabs when you're dealing with an attacker.


I would say it's imperative that you stop walking the dog and do everything you can to not be on a predictable schedule.

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I was kidnapped when I was a teenager, by a man who had a gun. I was lucky I escaped, unscathed physically, after 24 hours. The police, who guarded me for several weeks while they looked for the guy, were surprised about that. It almost never happens that a victim can outwit her abductor. So don't count on that. My kidnapper's plan was to take me to a secluded cabin, and eventually kill me.


:crying: Oh my word. What a terrible thing that happened but so glad you were able to escape.

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Yes I am a teen, and I agree with buying pepper spray. I know it may not work at the moment of the attack but you never know! And to Rough Collie, I am so glad that you made it out of that situation ok!! I feel so blessed to have never have had that happen to me, and I am glad that you gave me advice.


I have stopped walking my dog at night, I walk him when the sun just begins to set (6-6:30 pm) and my walk is like 15 minutes. This is a good time because everyone is just coming home from work or eating supper, or outside. I don't know why I haven't thought of it before! The experience of being followed has left me a little shooken up still, and I am glad that you all shared your stories with me. It has helped me through this wierd time.


Our niegborhood is nice, but we live right close to a bike path and my nieghborhood has a lot of teenage guys that apparently all like me!!!:svengo: That is just plan creepy! Funny thing is, I don't like most of them! They are just wierd, some are nice, but the rest need a reality check or need to learn some manners! Then there were a few parties some of the guys were having and I avoided all of them. But it those pounding footsteps, I just can't get the sound out of my head!


The whole knife situation was my dad over reacting a little to the situation, even my mom was like what? I think taking a course in self defense is a good idea, and I walk on streets that have the most street lights possible, no secluded areas.


Thank you everyone for all of your advice, and if you have anymore please don't be afraid to share!:bigear:

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You need to listen to your parents. No more walking at night. Stay within feet of lights and homes with people. I also think that in addition to mace or pepper spray, you need a 'screamer' device. That is a hand held personal security device that when activated will emit a piercing screech. Screaming or loud noise is one of your best defenses. Also, be cautious of the friendly stranger. Sometimes predators will try to gain your trust by becoming a familiar face. Always be cautious and trust your gut.

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