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Today is one of those days

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that I wish I had a head full of comebacks.....I am the type of gal that can think of the great comeback AFTER...but never at *the moment* that I need it!! Today I brought youngest ds to the barber--barber asked ds why he was not in school. He responded that he was home educated. The barber asked him if he earned good grades. Ds proudly answered that he received mostly A's. There was a guy sitting next to me that was waiting to get his hair cut...he turned to me and asked me---"does your son have to bribe the teacher to get his A's???" The way he said it just made me want to gag...my brain was doing somersaults in my head attempting to respond with something witty--all I could come up with was--"he works hard for his grades"--I am such a dork! Now I am wishing I could have thought of something a little stronger to let that guy know I did not appreciate his question!! This is going to drive me nuts all day long!


Anyone out there offering a class -teaching snappy comebacks for people like me??:confused:

Edited by mammaruss
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that I wish I had a head full of comebacks.....I am the type of gal that can think of the great comeback AFTER...but never at *the moment* that I need it!! Today I brought youngest ds to the barber--barber asked ds why he was not in school. He responded that he was home educated. The barber asked him if he earned good grades. Ds proudly answered that he received mostly A's. There was a guy sitting next to me that was waiting to get his hair cut...he turned to me and asked me---"does your son have to bribe the teacher to get his A's???" The way he said it just made me want to gag...my brain was doing somersaults in my head attempting to respond with something witty--all I could come up with was--"he works hard for his grades"--I am such a dork! Now I am wishing I could have thought of something a little stronger to let that guy know I did not appreciate his question!! This is going to drive me nuts all day long!





Yes the question is irksome and ignorant, but could it be possible that he was mildly curious and was just trying to break into a conversation? I think a lot of people are intrigued by homeschooling and simply don't know how to ask about it so they make a joke or a dumb comment. Don't take it personally. A witty comeback assumes the man's motivation was to give offense. Rather than taking offense, if you answer the question "straight", as if it is the most logical and perceptive question in the world, you potentially advance the cause of homeshooling by one more person.


Many interesting people can be met through the topic of homeschooling. Once a connection is made, they are often willing to share their life experiences, business, resources. It becomes one more learning experience and teaches our children to engage with the world around them rather than fighting against it.

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Yes the question is irksome and ignorant, but could it be possible that he was mildly curious and was just trying to break into a conversation? I think a lot of people are intrigued by homeschooling and simply don't know how to ask about it so they make a joke or a dumb comment. Don't take it personally. A witty comeback assumes the man's motivation was to give offense. Rather than taking offense, if you answer the question "straight", as if it is the most logical and perceptive question in the world, you potentially advance the cause of homeshooling by one more person.


Many interesting people can be met through the topic of homeschooling. Once a connection is made, they are often willing to share their life experiences, business, resources. It becomes one more learning experience and teaches our children to engage with the world around them rather than fighting against it.


This guy just rubbed me the wrong way...he didn't care about homeschooling--he was--IMO--being a jerk..it was in his tone..which REALLY made me want to gag...If he was saying at all in a friendly way--I would have gladly shared with him about hsing...The barber was being very friendly and interested about hsing when he was talking with ds....until the guy next to me opened his mouth--then we all just quit talking....which is why I wish I would have said something more witty...

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See, I would have thought his comment was innocuous and slightly funny. I would have stage-whispered to my son "Son, I'll pay you later" indicating that I was bribing him to say nice things about me.


It's small talk - silly light things we say to connect to people when we don't know them at all but circumstances put us together.


I was at the store the other day and a couple came in to look at the bottled water system. I happened to be filling up our bottles so they asked me my experience. After I told them what I knew, they mentioned that the husband had high arsenic levels in his blood and the filtered water was primarily for his health. I made one of those small talk jokes - "So, you finally figured out your wife was poisoning you, huh!" He laughed and so did she - real laughs not polite ones that showed that they were steaming inside. Obviously I don't think she poisoned him.

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This guy just rubbed me the wrong way...he didn't care about homeschooling--he was--IMO--being a jerk..it was in his tone..which REALLY made me want to gag...If he was saying at all in a friendly way--I would have gladly shared with him about hsing...The barber was being very friendly and interested about hsing when he was talking with ds....until the guy next to me opened his mouth--then we all just quit talking....which is why I wish I would have said something more witty...




Well of course there are always the jerks.... Silence is my choice of response to them. Why cast pearls before swine?

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Oh goodness-I just checked out your blog and saw the pictures of your tree damage--I hope no one was hurt!! That is some scary stuff!! :grouphug:


No Thank Heavens no one was hurt. Just my house that is LOL. The damage is actually almost repaired think the workmen said it would be done tomorrow so let us pray~~ Life has been not well organized since then.

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See, I would have thought his comment was innocuous and slightly funny. I would have stage-whispered to my son "Son, I'll pay you later" indicating that I was bribing him to say nice things about me.


It's small talk - silly light things we say to connect to people when we don't know them at all but circumstances put us together.


:iagree: I would have gone with it and just agreed, "Heck yeah he bribes me...why else would I give him allowance?"

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See, I would have thought his comment was innocuous and slightly funny. I would have stage-whispered to my son "Son, I'll pay you later" indicating that I was bribing him to say nice things about me.


It's small talk - silly light things we say to connect to people when we don't know them at all but circumstances put us together.




I think the guy was just trying to be funny too. I'd have probably come back with how easy chocolate leads to A's. Now I'm wondering if I offend people with my (I thought) cute questions?:confused:

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Anyone out there offering a class -teaching snappy comebacks for people like me??:confused:


LOL. I'm cursed with an ability to quickly come up with the most obnoxious, cutting come-backs...as a result I don't make too many new friends. :tongue_smilie:


Careful what you wish for! A laugh & a smile are probably better!

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His comments could have been worse. Yesterday was the first day of our garage sale at our house. I have two empty violin cases for sale, as I replace the hard cases with zipper ones. So, there are no violins in the cases. Anyway, a man in his late 50s came up to me during the sale to ask where the violins are. I explained it to him, then he looked at ds and asked,"So, is your mommy making you a sissy by making you play the violin?"




I was so shocked I couldn't think of anything to say.

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His comments could have been worse. Yesterday was the first day of our garage sale at our house. I have two empty violin cases for sale, as I replace the hard cases with zipper ones. So, there are no violins in the cases. Anyway, a man in his late 50s came up to me during the sale to ask where the violins are. I explained it to him, then he looked at ds and asked,"So, is your mommy making you a sissy by making you play the violin?"




I was so shocked I couldn't think of anything to say.


That's when you laugh and say, "I see you're interested in the violins. Are you a sissy?"

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His comments could have been worse. Yesterday was the first day of our garage sale at our house. I have two empty violin cases for sale, as I replace the hard cases with zipper ones. So, there are no violins in the cases. Anyway, a man in his late 50s came up to me during the sale to ask where the violins are. I explained it to him, then he looked at ds and asked,"So, is your mommy making you a sissy by making you play the violin?"




I was so shocked I couldn't think of anything to say.


:confused::confused: oh no!! I would have been speechless also!!! That is just plain mean!

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I looked at your blog but the link says it does not exsist anymore??


I was supposed to renew it or something....I don't know. I should see if I can do that tonight or if they deleted it forever...that would be awful! That was awhile back that even I could not get on it and then summer came and I was too busy to figure it out.............:confused:

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My husband's standard comeback for stupid questions is "Did you even think about that before you said it". And then he walks away leaving them to mull over their stupidity.


As someone who has been on the sidelines I can tell you probably 75% of the people look stunned and then confused and then embarassed. The other 25% have no clue, lol, and just walk away.


My mother had this "evil eye" thing that just scared the bejezzes out of people who "spoke out of turn" as she called it. I've tried to develop it but my children just laugh at my funny face. :001_huh:

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