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How do you get school done when YOU'RE sick?


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I've been battling a cold/flu since mid August. Yes, it's a LONG time. But being mildly asthmatic, the cough sticks around for a long time. The last few days, I just want to sleep. headachy, sore ribs from coughing, just general unwellness. I haven't taken time off, we've gotten work done. The big girls are doing fine independently but my Miss K(dd6), won't sit long on her own she disappears to do 'something'. Who knows what!


So today, I had catch up on paper work, so I let her play the morning, my head was pounding, and I just didn't want to fuss. I got all the paper work sent out. And after lunch I sat her down, and we were done in 1.5 hours, but would rather have gotten that done in the MORNING, so I could relax the afternoon. As after it's time to get supper going, kids up from naps, tidy duties, etc.


But she isn't cooperating that way. I'm not sure. If we all work in the morning, I do feel I'm neglecting the older girls as dd6 takes most of my time, along with the toddlers. If they get their stuff done, they are free for the afternoon and I would be free to do work with dd6 with no distractions from the toddlers, but I get the, "but they aren't working" spiel. And it really backfires when we have afternoon activities.


How do you balance? The older girls are 11 and 13. The 13 yo rarely requires assistance. DD11 more needy, but working more and more independently each week. Then the little one.


How do you balance it? I know it's worse right now, I feel horrible,

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If I was not feeling well and my kids were not as independent as they are, I would call it a literature/documentary/crafts day: free reading, audio books, documentaries. Have the older one do a craft with the younger one, or bring out the water colors and have them do art. Or have them listen to a specific piece of music.

Learning will happen, even if worksheets don't get filled in and lesson plans don't get followed.

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I'm not sick......but I am old and tired and haven't slept through the night in about a yr (somewhere in my 2nd trimester).....does that count?:tongue_smilie:


You say that your 6 yo is taking most of your time. That is probably where I would start. My youngest kids get the least amt of my time academically.


(my non-sleeping baby is helping me type, so who knows what is going to happen!. She just caused this to post somehow??)


I would reduce academics to strictly math, phonics, handwriting for the 6 yr old. I would not spend more than 1 hr on everything with her. I would do it first thing in the morning. If it means that one of the older kids feeds the toddlers breakfast or reads them a story or plays with them while you finish with her, I think the mental accomplishment of knowing it is done will ultimately make the rest of your day more productive.


Hope you feel better soon.

Edited by 8FillTheHeart
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I have Netflix and always have a few different edutainment type movies in our rotation, or available on instant viewing. That way I can put on a movie pertaining to a subject we are learning about and then they can either narrate, or write a paper about it.


If I has a chronic condtion I would probably use the computer a lot more, and look for independent learning situations.

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When I'm sick, which has been the case for the last 2 days, we stick to the basics.


The kids do music, handwriting, typing (for the older 2) and reading first, because they can do those independently.


The older two can also do Math and Grammar by themselves, with me available to troubleshoot issues that arise. In the meantime, I lay out seatwork for my son in Math & Grammar to review lessons he's already completed. When they're done early (today they were finished by 1:30), they can go outside and play (e.g., P.E.). And then there was a nap for me....:001_smile:


I do have the advantage of having my husband work from home, so he can help it somewhat when I'm down for the count.


If I'm REALLY sick, e.g., can't even get out of bed, then I just give them a couple of days off from the hard stuff. They can still practice music, read, get exercise and do their electives.

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I've been battling a cold/flu since mid August.....

How do you balance it? I know it's worse right now, I feel horrible,


Didn't you get the Mommy's Manual? I was told it's been out of print since Eve was a rib, but that it says right there on page whatever:



As a mother, you are not allowed to get sick, even when you are sick. Nope, don't even think about it.

Sorry you're feeling poorly. If it's any consolation, I think I've had bronchitis for two or three weeks. :glare:

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When I was going through a hard pregnancy, I could barely get out of bed in the morrning before 10AM.


My older 2 children 11 and 9 took over making breakfast, morning chores and dressing, teaching their younger brother aged 4 at the time.


Now that baby is 2, I still have the older 2 do phonics, math, and handwriting with the K-er when things come up. It works out quite well. I'm impressed how kids can step up when circumstances are not ideal....



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I'm not sick, but I get a lot of debilitating migraines. I have fewer kids than you, so it is easier for me. When I am down, we do "bed school". The kids will bring their work and snuggle on my king size bed. When I fall asleep, they work quietly read or wander away if they are out of things to do. We cancel subjects that require more work from me (science labs for example), but manage to get most things done, quietly and with much less help from me than usual.


I would enlist your 13yo to help a lot with the young ones. Let 11 & 13 curl up with you for some quality school time at some point in your day. Whenever you have enough energy - take care of 6 and littles and rest and get better instead of worrying about it.


Feel better soon!:grouphug:

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For a 6 yo, I really wouldn't worry about it. I'd give her a silent reading time & some phonics activities, handwriting, and math, and just let her do whatever she can get done. I also used educational videos during times like this, and sometimes just skipped school.


Older kids its easier to give them independent work, and more important that they keep going.


I feel for you--I also have asthma & am on the tail end of whatever is going around, with the lingering cough. I'm finally starting to get some energy back though. We missed a week of school (and I have to be really out of it to miss school now!) and then the next week school was about all I could do, so now I'm really playing catch up.


Hang in there! Merry :-)

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The first rule I would implement is that 11- and 13-yr olds are NOT allowed to complain about the amount of work 6-yr-olds and toddlers are doing. Seriously, that's just silly! I would tell them they can have the workload of a 6-yr-old (which includes days off when mom is sick), if they are willing to be 6 full-time. Do they rilly, rilly want to have ONLY the priviliges of a 6-yr-old? I know that, in my house, 11 and 13 have a lot more priviliges and independence than a 6-yr-old does.


So, older kids need to suck it up and get their work done. I'd have a set time for them to work alone each day, and a set time for you to help them. I'd also consider having them just do what they can on their own during the day, leaving questions and problems for the evening when dad is home to help. I bet they get more done on their own when it might turn into 'homework,' ;). Also, they can always work ahead in certain subjects and then catch up on the ones they need help in.


The 6-yr-old, I'd say, "Mom can either work with you for an hour now, or you will not be doing schoolwork today." Put it on your schedule. If she decides to take off for the week . . . she's 6, she'll survive. When my youngest showed some resistance to school at that age, I made it her choice: you may do skip, or you may do schoolwork with a good attititude. If you skip, you must stay in a different room and amuse yourself quietly. She couldn't stand to be left out, and very rarely chose the 'skip' option. Also, either of the older girls should be able to work with her, no? Or dad in the evenings?


If the kids resist or fuss, I would tell them, "I am sick. I do not have the strength to argue with you or stand over you to make sure you get the work done. I am taking the week to rest and get well. If you choose to not do your work, no worries; it will be waiting for you, and it will get done. We might have to give up some Saturdays or holidays, but it will get done." Don't say it in an angry way, just very matter of fact: the work is there, and it will get done now or later, your choice.

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I've essentially done that. The older girls are doing their thing. If they get stuck they simply move on to the next thing.


The little one, we picked up reading books from the library, for her. She is to read these when I am laying down afternoons.


We made a fun 'unit' out of a movie. She watched Igor, read about Igor, wrote a sentence about Igor and a coloring page. Nothing heavy.


Yesterday we did math orally, had her write a letter to Santa(she's my type A planner, she had her Halloween Costume decided in Feb). And she read me a book.


Ends up I had strep, dr. called back, so the antibiotics are starting to work, so we will be increasing the workload a smidge, but I'm still wiped out by 2 o'clock.


Thanks everyone!

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