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So here's a unique 'what should I take when I visit at the hospital' question...

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The mother of my stepchildren is in the hospital. She has lesions on her lungs, and they are trying to figure out why. She is having a bronchoscopy tomorrow (which means they are puttting a tube down her throat with a camera and a grabber thing to take a look at and get a sample of her lungs). I know all this because she called me and told me. She even cried. I feel so bad for her. She's kinda scared right now.


So, all that to say, I'm going to go see her tomorrow before her procedure, and I was wondering what I should bring. I'd like to have something to give her when I arrive. It will be me and my two small boys, and we won't stay but a few mintues, but I want to do *something.


Any ideas? I'm worried that flowers and food would both be bad because they might irritate her lungs. She doesn't have any idea how long she'll be there. I was thinking maybe a nice thick pair of warm socks and a box of nice kleenex, because those are the things that I always wished I had when I was in the hospital. But that kind of makes a strange gift, you know? Socks and kleenex? Oh help.

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Actually, those are very thoughtful gifts. I think it shows how much you put thought into it. It's a very sweet sentiment! However, if you want something else, or in addition to, bring her something fun! When my sis (when she was 40-something) was in the hospital for kidney issues, so many people brought her deeply spiritual or rather traditional gifts. I brought her MadLibs! :D She loved it! Something light-hearted and fun is always appreciated.


Is she a Grammar Guru? Eats, Shoots and Leaves might be a fun book.


Does she like poetry? Maybe you could think up a Dr. Seuss-like poem regarding being in the hospital.


Just some ideas. HTH!

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The mother of my stepchildren is in the hospital. She has lesions on her lungs, and they are trying to figure out why. She is having a bronchoscopy tomorrow (which means they are puttting a tube down her throat with a camera and a grabber thing to take a look at and get a sample of her lungs). I know all this because she called me and told me. She even cried. I feel so bad for her. She's kinda scared right now.


So, all that to say, I'm going to go see her tomorrow before her procedure, and I was wondering what I should bring. I'd like to have something to give her when I arrive. It will be me and my two small boys, and we won't stay but a few mintues, but I want to do *something.


Any ideas? I'm worried that flowers and food would both be bad because they might irritate her lungs. She doesn't have any idea how long she'll be there. I was thinking maybe a nice thick pair of warm socks and a box of nice kleenex, because those are the things that I always wished I had when I was in the hospital. But that kind of makes a strange gift, you know? Socks and kleenex? Oh help.


My son had this procedure done a couple of weeks ago. He's had it done before. You're normally only in the hospital for a few hours, it's usually an outpatient procedure. What happened the last time with my son is that his lung collapsed. It's a possible but not common complication. He was in the hospital for a few days as a result. The first time he had it done we were home by noon. If you want to do *something*, I would bring a little basket with some lotion, socks, tissues, a book of some kind, something like that.

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Give her a hug and let her know you will be more than happy to help with things that my be needed at home - like mailing bills or picking up the paper if no one is doing those. Maybe some nice smelling body gel or small soaps that she can use in the shower that don't smell so institutionalized. When my grandpa was hospitalized long term we took him a 'fake flower' arrangement. He hated seeing the cut flowers die. So that they fake flowers would smell, we sprayed them with his favorite cologne that my grandma wore. He loved it!


I also agree with humor. Funny books and silly games are always a nice diversion. We kept a deck of cards in grandpa's room as well for impromptu rummy games.


Does she need any clothes from home - her favorite robe or nightgown perhaps?

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When I was in the hospital all I asked for was a crossword puzzle book and Sudoku. Not sure if she is interested in those but maybe bring one of those along with the tissues and socks. If not those, there are always fun little things to keep you entertained at the gift shop.


Socks are a great idea. The socks at the hospital get loose at the ankle and then fall down. Very annoying.

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I second the vending machine change and the magazine ideas. I love magazines when I'm away from home.


Here's another "different" suggestion, but I guess it could be along the same lines as lotion. Lip balm. A woman I knew suggested this before for people who have been crying. She said the lips get really dried out when you're crying so lip balm could help. At first I thought it strange, but it does make sense.



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