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This is really much more painful than I ever imagined.

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I had my arthroscopy yestgerday and all went well. However, at about 10:00PM I started feeling pain in spite of the meds. It has gotten worse and worse. We spoke with the doc and he precribed something stronger which I took about 20 minutes ago, but I am in so much pain I want to scream. My face is so contorted the family keeps asking me what's wrong. I know I will be fine but I am just floored by how painful this is. Please pray that these meds help!!!

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I mis-stepped a year ago on a garden stone and sprained, fractured (3 places), tore tendons and ligaments and have been in pain all of that time. The surgery was necessary but my, oh, my it feels like my leg has been sawed off. I have a pretty high tolerance for pain and am just surprised at this.

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I'm sorry for your pain, Dorothy. Do you keep it elevated? Also, sometimes doctors don't tell this but you can take ibuprofen with many of the narcotic pain relievers (just ask your pharmacist). It works wonders to alternate them both because ibuprofen relieves the swelling and imflammation. Hope you are feeling "tolerable" soon.

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One word of advice: once you manage to get the pain under control, PLEASE take the pain meds as directed. If it says every 4 hours, take it every 4 hours. Don't wait until the pain is awful again....it'll just take longer to get it back under control.


I'm praying for you now.

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One word of advice: once you manage to get the pain under control, PLEASE take the pain meds as directed. If it says every 4 hours, take it every 4 hours. Don't wait until the pain is awful again....it'll just take longer to get it back under control.


I'm praying for you now.


Listen to DB about taking the pain meds. You really will heal faster. I hope the new pills are working by now and you're getting some relief. Feel better!!!

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I had my arthroscopy yestgerday and all went well. However, at about 10:00PM I started feeling pain in spite of the meds. It has gotten worse and worse. We spoke with the doc and he precribed something stronger which I took about 20 minutes ago, but I am in so much pain I want to scream. My face is so contorted the family keeps asking me what's wrong. I know I will be fine but I am just floored by how painful this is. Please pray that these meds help!!!


I will pray for relief or your pain soon! (or stronger meds!)

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I agree with Jo, it sounds like maybe something is going on. My dh had arthroscopic hip surgery and I really don't remember his pain being that bad. He was going without pain meds even the day after and he doesn't have an exceptionally high pain threshhold.


If in doubt, call the doctor again. Hope you heal well and quickly!



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Thank you to all who posted yesterday. I thought I was going to lose it. The original meds did nothing to assuage the pain and were making me sick. The new meds have solved that and I am being diligent in taking them.


I appreciate all of your prayers, advice and encouragement.


Now, I just need help with sitting still for six weeks (cast time)!!! I want to run but have to sit. And sit. And sit.

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