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Long time, no see!

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It has been about one hundred years since I've been here to visit! I'm not thrilled about this format, but I do miss all my friends that frequent here.


We are all doing well. My 14 year old twins will be attending public school in the fall. Gulp. I am worried more about their performance and how it reflects on me than anything...(it's all about me, isn't it??? LOL). No, really, it will be interesting. Otherwise, it will be a good opportunity for them to have more to do outside the home, as well as having access to athletics (which they love!). It appears that they need 4 core classes to participate in sports.


I am also struggling with keeping up with the home duties and childrearing over such a wide age spectrum. It just about tires me out! Now that I'm 40, I can really feel the stretch of all this. By God's grace we shall perservere.


I just wanted to pop in and peak at everyone.




Camy (6 boybarians, 1 little lady)


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We are all doing well. My 14 year old twins will be attending public school in the fall. Gulp. I am worried more about their performance and how it reflects on me than anything...(it's all about me, isn't it??? LOL). No, really, it will be interesting. Otherwise, it will be a good opportunity for them to have more to do outside the home, as well as having access to athletics (which they love!). It appears that they need 4 core classes to participate in sports.




Just a little encouragement...my 14yos started ps this past Fall, for the reasons you mentioned. I was more than apprehensive about how *I* would look if it didn't go well for him. Ps has opened a world of opportunity that I could not have provided him at home. It's gone really well. I'm sure your twins will do fine.


Glad to see you here.

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I owe you an email ~ and haven't given up hope of returning your handwritten letter in-kind, either. It always seems there's so much to say I can't figure out where to begin. I've been wondering if you'd take the public school plunge this fall. I take it in Michigan, enrollment is a prerequiste for participating in activities/sports?

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